
0.0.18 • Public • Published

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BotsFactory JSON-Tool

JSON-Tool is a simple JavaScript tool for JS Objects and JSON processing.
You can read, update, replace, delte and write JSON data.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the JSON-Tool to use in your code.


The commands available are:

  • goToPositon(path, obj)

This method go to the path and return the contained object.

  • getJsonFile(path, file)

This method read a json file and return it as JS Object. Use '/' in the path to specify the rute.

  • getJsonFileSync(path, file)

This method read a json file and return it as JS Object (synchronously).

  • getArrayObjectFilered(json, path, obj)

This method return an array of objects filtered by json in array/object. You can search in the array directly if path is null.

  • addObjectToArray(path, obj, newObj)

This method add a new object to an array in a JS object. You can add new the object to the array directly if path is null.

  • updateValueInArray(filter, path, value, obj)

This method return the object updated with the new value.

  • updateObjectInArray(filter, path, newObj, jsonObj)

This method replace the object filtered for the new object.

  • replaceObject(path, newObj, obj)

This method replace an object for newObj in the specified path.

  • deleteObjectFromArray(filter, path, obj)

This method delete an object from an array in a JS object. 'obj' can be an JS object or directly an array.

  • saveArrayObject(path, file, arrayObject)

This method update the specified file with the information in the array object. The file is created if not exist.

  • addObjectToFile(obj, keyPath, file, filePath)

This method add an object to an array in a JSON file.

  • updateObjectInFile(filter, newObj, keyPath, file, filePath)

This method update specific object for an id in a JSON file.

  • updateValueInFile(filter, value, keyPath, file, filePath)

This method update specific value for a key in a JSON file.

  • deleteObjectFromFile(filter, keyPath, file, filePath)

This method delete specific object in a JSON file.

  • getObjectFromFile(filter, keyPath, file, filePath)

This method get specific object filtered from a JSON file.

  • replaceObjectInFile(newObj, keyPath, file, filePath)

This method replace an object in the specified path in a JSON file.

  • getFolderContent(path)

This method get all JSONs files in the folder and return each file in an JSONs array with the file name and content.


  1. Use dot notation to specify the path in the JSON.
  2. 'filter' parameter must be a valid json. It's used to filter the desired object.




This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.



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