this is the node configuration of ESLint is used in the Projects made by BrainyLab Development.
# npm
npm i --save-dev eslint prettier @brainylab/eslint-config-node
yarn add -D eslint prettier @brainylab/eslint-config-node
pnpm add -D eslint prettier @brainylab/eslint-config-node
Require Node.js >= 18.18, and ESLint >= 8.56.0. create file eslint.config.js or EMS eslint.config.mjs in main project folder, add the lines below in the file.
import { nodeConfig } from '@brainylab/eslint-config-node';
export default nodeConfig
This library focuses on linter and prettier was separated for better performance, to use prettier together with ESlint, following this documentation BrainyLab Prettier Config
Install ESlint Plugin on VSCode:
create ou alter .vscode/settings.json
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": "explicit"
// eslint >= 8.56.0 and < 9 add line on VSCode
"eslint.experimental.useFlatConfig": true