
4.0.0 • Public • Published


A base model for all bookshelf-based models on our database layer.

What it does

  • Adds 'createdDate' and 'lastUpdatedDate' timestamps to the Model (this can be changed by setting hasTimestamps to false);
  • Adds an 'isDeleted' column for setting the entry as removed, instead of hard-deleting it (this can be changed by setting delAttribute);
  • Provides CRUD methods (findAll, findById, insert, removeById, updateById);
    • Returns plain javascript objects and exceptions, which creates a clear separation between bookshelf and your business logic code;
    • remove does not hard-delete, instead it sets the is_deleted column to true (this behaviour can be changed by overriding the function or by setting delAttribute to false);

NOTE: BaseMode assumes you're using the awesome bookshelf-camelcase plugin. If you're not, just set hasTimestamps: ['created_date', 'last_updated_date'] and delAttribute: 'is_deleted'


npm install @c8/base-model


BaseModel requires you to pass in an initialized instance of bookshelf, like in the example below:

const bookshelf = require('bookshelf')(db)
const BaseModel = require('../lib/index')(bookshelf)

const MyModel = BaseModel.extend({
  tableName: 'my_table' // needs to have created_date, last_updated_date and is_deleted columns

module.exports = bookshelf.model('MyModel', MyModel)



  • Gets all entries from the database.
  • @param {object} [opts] An optional options object
  • @param {boolean} [opts.includeRemoved] Find removed items as well
  • @returns {Promise.<Array>} A Promise resolving to the fetched entries array.

findById(id, opts)

  • Gets an entry object by it's ID.
  • @param {number} id - The ID of the entry to get.
  • @param {object} [opts] An optional options object
  • @param {boolean} [opts.includeRemoved] Find removed items as well
  • @returns {Promise.<Object>} A promise resolving to the fetched entry.
  • @throws {NotFoundError} An entry with the given id must exist.

findWhere(where, opts)

  • Gets all entries that match the given criteria
  • @param {number} where - The criteria to be met.
  • @param {object} [opts] - An optional options object.
  • @param {boolean} [opts.includeRemoved] - Find removed items as well.
  • @returns {Promise.<Array>} - A promise resolving to the fetched entries array.


  • Creates a new entry.
  • @param {object} obj - The object to be created.
  • @returns {Promise.<Object>} A Promise resolving to the newly created entry.


  • Removes the given entry from the database.
  • @param {number} id - The entry ID.
  • @returns {Promise.<Object>} A Promise resolving to the destroyed entry.
  • @throws {NotFoundError} A Campaign with the given id must exist.

updateById(id, entry, opts)

  • Updates an existing entry in the database.
  • @param {number} id - The ID of the Campaign to update.
  • @param {object} entry - The Campaign object to update.
  • @param {object} [opts] An optional options object
  • @param {boolean} [opts.includeRemoved] Find removed items as well
  • @returns {Promise.<Object>} A Promise resolving to the updated entry fields.
  • @throws {TypeError} entry.id must exist and be integer.
  • @throws {NotFoundError} An entry with the given entry.id must exist.



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