File synchronizer with a simplistic dashboard for Facebook's watchman file watching service
Watchman-Processor can monitor a folder and synchronize file changes to another folder. The other folder could be local or remote. Watchman-Processor is simply the glue between watchman and rsync.
Install Facebook Watchman
brew update
brew install watchman
Install watchman-processor
npm install -g @camporter/watchman-processor
Create configuration file
watchman-processor --init
Setup configuration file
open ~/.watchman-processor.config.js
The following is an example .watchman-processor.config.js
file with comments about the different settings available
var path = require('path');
var HOME_FOLDER = process.env[(process.platform === 'win32') ? 'USERPROFILE' : 'HOME'];
const IGNORE_FOLDERS = ['.git', 'node_modules'];
module.exports = {
debug: false, // changes the output to show debug information, cmd and stdout output
syncDelete: true, // delete extraneous files from destination
emoji: true, // if your terminal window can support emojis
controlWatchman: true, // this will tell watchman-processor to shutdown watchman, when quitting
rsyncCmd: 'rsync', // default: 'rsync' -- override to whatever rsync command is installed or located
subscriptions: {
example1: {
type: 'rsync', // set the subscription to rsync files from a 'source' folder to 'destination' folder
// source folder to sync
source: path.join(HOME_FOLDER, '/tmp/example1/'),
// destination to sync, could be local or server location. Any supported rsync location.
destination: 'user@server:/tmp/example1/',
// relative paths to ignore from watchman and rsync
ignoreFolders: IGNORE_FOLDERS
example2: {
type: 'rsync',
source: path.join(HOME_FOLDER, '/tmp/example2/'),
destination: 'user@server:/tmp/example2/',
ignoreFolders: IGNORE_FOLDERS