
3.6.5 • Public • Published

Canonical cookie policy component

This project contains the scripts and styles to display a cookie policy notification on a web page.

You can use it to display a custom cookies message of your choosing on your own web page.


This project can be installed via an NPM package.

yarn add @canonical/cookie-policy


npm install @canonical/cookie-policy

You can then install the library either by directly linking to it or via an ES6 import.

  1. Via direct link

To consume the library directly, add a link to the JS file containing an IIFE and call the lib:

<script src="[ INSERT YOUR LOCAL PATH ]/js/cookie-policy.js"></script>
  1. Via ES6 import
import { cookiePolicy } from '@canonical/cookie-policy';

Revoking the cookie policy

If you would like users to change their preferences you can add js-revoke-cookie-manager class to any element that is present in the document to recall the policy manager.

<button class="js-revoke-cookie-manager">Revoke cookie manager</button>


<a href="" class="js-revoke-cookie-manager">Revoke cookie manager</a>

Visiting a page with tracker disabled

If you add the query ?cp=hide to any URL the cookie policy will not be rendered. The main use case is to visit the policy page without the modal blocking the content.

Callback hook

You can set up the cookie policy with a callback when a preference is selected.

function callbackFunction() {
  alert('Calling back');

Full example via ES6 import

import { cookiePolicy } from '@canonical/cookie-policy';


Cookie groups

Essential cookies are always allowed, unless the user turns them off in their browser. Otherwise, there will be a series of values the _cookies_accepted cookie can contain :

Cookie value Description Note
all All cookies accepted by the user. Currently used by the existing widget Previous value was true. Using the same cookie.
essential Essential cookies accepted. This is used to hide the notification instead of not setting the cookie
performance Performance cookies accepted. -
functionality Functionality cookies accepted. -


If you would like to help improve this project, here is a list of commands to help you get started.

Building the cookie policy

Install the requisite dependencies;

npm install

To build the JS and CSS into the build folder, run:

npm run build

You can view the build files in action by running:

npm run serve

And, visiting


When developing this project you can run the following command to listen to changes in the src/js/*js and src/sass/*scss folders and build them into the /build folder.

npm run watch

Before submitting your pull request, run the linters, which checks both the JS and Sass for errors.

npm run test

Code licensed LGPLv3 by Canonical Ltd.

With ♥ from Canonical




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npm i @canonical/cookie-policy

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  • canonical-organization
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