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0.0.6 • Public • Published

Capgo - Instant updates for capacitor


Provide PushKit functionality to ionic capacitor

This plugin has been written for BetterCall app.


  1. Install plugin
npm install @capgo/capacitor-callkit-voip
ionic cap sync
  1. Xcode Project > Capabilities pane. Select the checkbox for Voice over IP, as shown in Image

  1. Register certificate on developer.apple.com/certificates

  1. Download the certificate and open it to import it into the Keychain Access app.

  2. Export certificates as shown bellow

  1. Now, navigate to the folder where you exported this file and execute following command:
openssl pkcs12 -in YOUR_CERTIFICATES.p12 -out app.pem -nodes -clcerts
  1. You will receive app.pem certificate file that can be used to send VOIP notification (you can use my script bellow)


To make this plugin work, you need to call .register() method and then you can use API bellow.

import {CallKitVoip} from "@capgo/capacitor-callkit-voip"

async function registerVoipNotification(){
    // register token 
    CallKitVoip.addListener("registration", (({token}:Token) =>
      console.log(`VOIP token has been received ${token}`)
    // start call
    CallKitVoip.addListener("callAnswered", (({username, connectionId}:CallData) => 
      console.log(`Call has been received from ${username} (connectionId: ${connectionId})`)
    // init plugin, start registration of VOIP notifications 
    await CallKitVoip.register(); // can be used with `.then()`
    console.log("Push notification has been registered")

Once the plugin is installed, the only thing that you need to do is to push a VOIP notification with the following data payload structure:

    "Username"      : "Display Name",
    "ConnectionId"  : "Unique Call ID"

You can use my script (bellow) to test it out: ./sendVoip.sh <connectionId> <deviceToken> <username>



function main {
    connectionId=${1:?"connectionId should be specified"}
    token=${2:?"Enter device token that you received on register listener"}

    curl -v \
    -d "{\"aps\":{\"alert\":\"Incoming call\", \"content-available\":\"1\"}, \"Username\": \"${username}\", \"ConnectionId\": \"${connectionId}\"}" \
    -H "apns-topic: <YOUR_BUNDLE_ID>.voip" \
    -H "apns-push-type: voip" \
    -H "apns-priority: 10" \
    --http2 \
    --cert app.pem \

main $@

Pay attention:

  • replace <YOUR_BUNDLE_ID> with your app bundle
  • ensure that you are using correct voip certificate (specified in --cert app.pem)
  • if you'll go to production version, you will need to do request to api.push.apple.com/3/device/${token} instead of api.development.push.apple.com/3/device/${token}, otherwise you will receive BadDeviceToken issue

If you will have some complication, feel free to write me email at yurii.leso@bfine.cz


If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :)





Register your device to receive VOIP push notifications. After registration it will call 'registration' listener (bellow) that returns VOIP token.

import {CallKitVoip} from "@capgo/capacitor-callkit-voip"
await CallKitVoip.register();
// or
CallKitVoip.register().then(() => {
    // Do something after registration

Returns: void

addListener("registration", handler)

Adds listener on registration. When device will be registered to receiving VOIP push notifications, listenerFunc will be called.

As usually, it's called after .register() function

import {CallKitVoip, Token} from "@capgo/capacitor-callkit-voip"
CallKitVoip.addListener("registration", (({token}:Token) => {
    // do something with token 
    console.log(`VOIP token has been received ${token}`)
Param Type
eventName "registration"
listenerFunc (token: Token) => void

Returns: any

addListener("callAnswered", handler)

Adds listener to handle when user answers on call.

import {CallKitVoip, Token} from "@capgo/capacitor-callkit-voip"
CallKitVoip.addListener("callAnswered", (({username, connectionId}:CallData) => {
    // handle call (e.g. redirect it to specific page with call)
    console.log(`Call has been received from ${username} (connectionId: ${connectionId})`)
Param Type
eventName "callAnswered"
listenerFunc (callDate: CallData) => void

Returns: void

addListener("callStarted", handler)

Adds listener to handle call starting. I am not sure if it's usable, because you can handle it directly in your app

import {CallKitVoip, Token} from "@capgo/capacitor-callkit-voip"
CallKitVoip.addListener("callStarted", (({username, connectionId}:CallData) => {
    // handle call (e.g. redirect it to specific page with call)
    console.log(`Call has been started with ${username} (connectionId: ${connectionId})`)
Param Type
eventName "callStarted"
listenerFunc (callDate: CallData) => void

Returns: any



Prop Type
token string


Prop Type
remove () => any


Prop Type
connectionId string
username string

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npm i @capgo/capacitor-callkit-voip

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