
2.2.1 • Public • Published


Not for commercial use. If you want to use it in your project for commercial user, please contact info@incoqnito.io.

For more information check the licence.



Full featured resource calendar inspired by full calendar, big calendar and many other calendar solutions out there.

See the Docs and Examples

Are you interested in using Chroniq in your product? Please contact us at info@incoqnito.io.




By having React-dnd in your Project, you should import Chroniq not as default because the HTML5 backend could throws errors when their are two instances of it. See for more informationen (https://github.com/react-dnd/react-dnd/issues/186)


type Props = {
     * for 3rd party components (append to first real DOM el)
     * */
    className?: string,
    style?: <{}>,
     * view properties
     * */
    view: string,
    onViewChange?: () => {
       view: string,
       state: <Object> 
    views: Array<["month", "week", "day", "agenda"] string>,
     * date & time properties
     * */
    date: Date,
    onDateChange?: () => Array<Date>,
    minTime: Date,
    maxTime: Date,
    scrollTime: Date,
    slotDuration: number,
    slotInterval: number,
     * localization
     * */
    culture: string,
    rtl: boolean,
     * events
     * */
    events: Array<Event>,
    onSelectEvent?: () => Array<Event>,
     * resource
     * */
    resources?: Array<Resource>,
    joinedResources: Array<number | string>,
    onChangeJoinedResources?: () => ,
    activeResources: Array<number | string>,
    onChangeActiveResources?: () => ,
     * background events
     * */
    backgroundEvents?: Array<BackgroundEvent>,
    onSelectBackgroundEvent?: () => {
        event: <Event>,
        state: <Object>
     * business hours
     * */
    businessHours?: Array<BusinessHour>,
     * drag & drop and resize
     * */
    onEventDrag?: () => {
        events: Array<Event>,
        state: <Object>
    onEventDragBegin?: () => {
        event: <Event>,
        state: <Object>,
        id: number | string,
        resourceId: number | string,
        start: Date,
        end: Date
    onEventDrop?: () => {
        events: Array<Event>,
        state: <Object>
    onEventResize?: () => {
        events: Array<Event>,
        state: <Object>
    snapDuration?: Date, // must be implemented
     * selection
     * */
    selectedEvents: Array<number | string>,
    onSelectSlot?: () => {
        state: <Object>,
        action: "select" | "click",
        start: Date,
        end: Date,
        resources: Array<{
            color: string,
            id: number | string
        slots: Array<Date>
     * accessors
     * */
    accessors: {
        events: EventAccessor,
        backgroundEvents: BackgroundEventAccessor
    mutators: {
        events: EventMutator,
        backgroundEvents: BackgroundEventMutator
     * Layout Strategies
     * */
    layoutStrategies: {
        events: LayoutStrategy,
        backgroundEvents: LayoutStrategy
     * Custom Components
     * */
    components: {
        event: Array<React.Component>,
        backgroundEvent: Array<React.Component>,
        eventOverlay: Array<React.Component>,
        eventWrapper: Array<React.Component>,
        dayWrapper: Array<React.Component>,
        dateCellWrapper: Array<React.Component>,
        toolbar: Array<React.Component>,
        agenda: {
            date: React.Component,
            time: React.Component,
            event: React.Component,
            backgroundEvent: React.Component
        day: {
            header: React.Component,
            event: React.Component,
            backgroundEvent: React.Component,
            eventOverlay: React.Component
        week: {
            header: React.Component,
            event: React.Component,
            backgroundEvent: React.Component,
            eventOverlay: React.Component
        month: {
            header: React.Component,
            dateHeader: React.Component,
            event: React.Component,
            backgroundEvent: React.Component
     * date formats
     * */
    formats: {
        dateFormat: string,
        dayFormat: string,
        weekdayFormat: string,
        timeGutterFormat: string,
        monthHeaderFormat: string,
        dayRangeHeaderFormat: ({ start: Date, end: Date }, culture: string, local: Date): Date,
        dayHeaderFormat: string,
        agendaHeaderFormat: string,
        selectRangeFormat: ({ start: Date, end: Date }, culture: string, local: Date): Date,
        agendaDateFormat: string,
        agendaTimeFormat: string,
        agendaTimeRangeFormat: ({ start: Date, end: Date }, culture: string, local: Date): Date,
        eventTimeRangeFormat: ({ start: Date, end: Date }, culture: string, local: Date): Date,
        eventTimeRangeStartFormat: ({ start: Date, end: Date }, culture: string, local: Date): Date,
        eventTimeRangeEndFormat: ({ start: Date, end: Date }, culture: string, local: Date): Date
     * messages
     * */
    messages: {
        allDay: string | Function,
        previous: string | Function,
        next: string | Function,
        today: string | Function,
        month: string | Function,
        week: string | Function,
        day: string | Function,
        agenda: string | Function,
        date: string | Function,
        time: string | Function,
        event: string | Function,
        showMore: string | Function
     * i dont know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
     * */
    drilldownView: React.Component,
    getDrillDownView: Function,
    toolbar: Function,
    popup: boolean,
    now: Date,
    popupOffset: boolean,
    selectable: boolean,
     * deprecated props (will be removed asap)
     * */
    longPressThreshold: number,
    onDoubleClickEvent: () => {
        event: <Event>,
        state: <Object>


Chroniq works with several data types of Events and Resource.


type Event = {
    id: number | string,
    title: string,
    start: Date,
    end: Date,
    allDay?: boolean,
    color?: string,
    resourceId?: number | string | Array<number> | Array<string>

Background Event

type BackgroundEvent = {
    id: number | string,
    title: string,
    start: Date,
    end: Date,
    color?: string,
    resourceId?: number | string

Business Hour

type BusinessHour = {
    days: Array<number>,
    from: Date,
    to: date


type Resource = {
    id: number | string,
    title: string,
    color?: string,
    businessHours: Array<BusinessHour>


  • DnD Rewrite (remove old code from BigCalendar)
  • move mutiple selected events through the calendar
  • add prop snapDuration for dragging an specific duration
  • Rendering Preview as interval Highlight event
  • Rewrite Selection as internal selection event
  • Implement Prop restrictTo on Events/BackgroundEvents. Restricts events to special views
  • Prop fixedMonthRow


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