
1.1.0 • Public • Published

MULTA - MULTiple Application

Solution to have multiple standalone app executed on a single browser tab

Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. API
  5. Example


MULTA - is a module for detecting, launch, switch few applications on the single browser tab, which has complex logic for detecting and launching apps and very simple interface of usage.

MULTA this is simple tool for organized and do work your BigApp from many other applications, modules, libraries and etc...

Using appGroupConfig the MULTA always knows about changes in any of apps and use only actual data. All apps are independent, it does scaling more simple

MULTA does not bind to any of frameworks or library you will be able to choose your own stack!


  • Set private repository:

    npm config set registry https://registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=[NPM_TOKEN]
  • Install MULTA library:

    npm install @ciklum/multa --save


Client Side

  • Import Multa to file

    import { Multa } from '@ciklum/multa';
    // or
    import { Multa } from '@ciklum/multa/client';
  • Construct Multa with appGroupConfig

    import { Multa } from '@ciklum/multa';
    const multa = new Multa({ appGroupConfig });
  • Launch Multa with currentUrl

    import { Multa } from '@ciklum/multa';
    const multa = new Multa({ appGroupConfig });
    multa.launch({ currentUrl: '/offer/full-information' });

Server Side

  • Import Multa to file

    import { Multa } from '@ciklum/multa/server';
  • Construct Multa with appGroupConfig

    import { Multa } from '@ciklum/multa/server';
    const multa = new Multa({ appGroupConfig });
  • Call getEmbedSources for getting data for application by url

    import { Multa } from '@ciklum/multa/server';
    const multa = new Multa({ appGroupConfig });
    multa.getEmbedSources({ url: '/offer/full-information' }).then(embedSources => {
        // ...



  • .launch() - multa/client - for application rendering

    multa.launch({ currentUrl: '/offer/full-information' });
        // 'preDetectedApps' _optional_ - for preventing render if application was rendered on the server
        preDetectedApps: ['app-shared', 'app-offer'],
        currentUrl: '/offer/full-information',
  • .update() - multa/client - actualizing application state

    multa.launch({ currentUrl: '/offer/full-information' })
    // will re-render applications if detected apps different
    multa.update({ currentUrl: '/order/checkout' });
  • .getEmbedSources() - multa/server - for getting of data which using for SSR

    const embedSources = multa.getEmbedSources();
    // {
    //    baseHref: '/offer',
    //    detectedApps: ['app-shared', 'app-offer'],
    //    appSources: {
    //      'head-content': '<link href="..." rel="stylesheet" />...',
    //      'body-content': '<script src="..."></script>...'
    //      'header-container': '<app-shared>...</app-shared>',
    //      'content-container': '<app-offer>...</app-offer>',
    //    },
    // }
  • .on() - multa/client - for subscribe to MULTA lifecycle (load, bootstrap, mount, unmount)

    multa.on('*', ({ eventType, payload }) => {
      // eventType = 'bootstrap';
      // payload = { id: 'app-offer' };
    multa.on('load', (payload) => {
      // payload = { id: 'app-offer' };
    Lifecycle event Description
    * On all lifecycle events
    load On start of application preparing
    bootstrap On start of application rendering
    mount On end of application rendering
    unmount On end of application destroying


import { ApplicationWrapper } from '@ciklum/multa';

const applicationWrapper = new ApplicationWrapper(appData);
// appData = { id, appConfig, appSvcConfig };
// see example in sandbox (app-dad)
  • .initialize() - multa/client - async method for app preparation for rendering

        currentUrl: '/offer/full-information',
  • .render() - multa/client - async method for app render

  • .destroy() - multa/client - method for app destroy and clearing space (container, styles, scripts)



In the repository placed sandbox for presentation of module.

Sandbox QuickStart

$ npm i
$ npm run sandbox:install

// for starting in production mode
$ npm run sandbox:start

// for starting in development mode
$ npm run sandbox:start:dev

// open http://localhost:8000 in the browser

Sandbox structure

/sandbox -> root of web-app
        /appGroupConfig.json -> general config
                    /embed.js -> /api/embed route handler
        /apps/ -> sources of micro applications
            /core.js -> common part of applications




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npm i @ciklum/multa

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  • ciklum