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0.5.0 • Public • Published

FASTER Web Report Parser

npm (scoped) DeepSource Maintainability

Parses select Excel (XLSX) and CSV reports from the FASTER Web Fleet Management System into usable data objects.

Useful when developing integrations between FASTER Web and other systems.

This project is completely unofficial and is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by FASTER Asset Solutions or Transit Technologies.

Supported "Standard" FASTER Web Reports

# Report Name CSV XLSX
W114 Asset Master List ✔️
W200 Inventory Report ✔️
W200S Inventory Summary Report ✔️
W201 Inventory Item Issue Report ✔️
W217 Direct Charge Transactions ✔️
W223 Inventory Transaction Details Report ✔️ ✔️
W235 Inventory Snapshot ✔️
W311 Active Work Orders by Shop ✔️
W600 Pick List Values Report ✔️
W603 Message Logger ✔️
W604 Integration Log Viewer ✔️

Advanced Parsers

More than just parsing files into objects. 🧙‍♂️


  • Takes data from a parsed CSV "W603 - Message Logger" report, attempts to identify errors related to the Inventory Import Utility (IIU) integration, and provide context of where the errors occurred.

Important Notes

⚠️ When parsing reports, use the files as exported from FASTER Web.
Reports that are opened and resaved in Excel will lose formatting required by the parsers.

⚠️ Excel exports from search results and other tables are not valid Excel files.
No parsers can be written for them!


npm install @cityssm/faster-report-parser


import { parseW223ExcelReport } from '@cityssm/faster-report-parser/xlsx'

const parsedReport = parseW223ExcelReport('C:/path/to/report.xlsx')


Integration Tips

💡 Schedule exporting the necessary reports in FASTER Web to an FTP, then download those reports for parsing.

  • basic-ftp does a great job downloading from FASTER Web FTP sites!

💡 Schedule downloading reports from the FTP based on the export schedule defined in FASTER Web.

  • node-schedule makes it easy to schedule downloading new reports using parameters very similar to the scheduling parameters in FASTER Web.

💡 Make use of other APIs and import tools to integrate with other systems.

Related FASTER Web Projects

FASTER Web Report Exporter
On demand exports of selected reports from the FASTER Web fleet management system.

FASTER Web Projects
A list of the City's several open source projects related to the FASTER Web fleet management system.

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npm i @cityssm/faster-report-parser

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  • dgowans