
0.1.1-alpha.16 • Public • Published

CKD Vue Select

A foundational select input component that aims to be as simple and bare bones as possible so that it can be extended from in other components that add needed features. It is meant to "just work," with behavior that mimics native select inputs as close as possible.


yarn add @ckd/vue-select@latest


A simple demo of several component implementations can be found in the package's /demo directory. It can be run using yarn serve


Register the component for use in a Vue application

import Select from '@ckd/vue-select'
import '@ckd/vue-select/dist/@ckd/vue-select.css'
Vue.component('v-select', Select)

or, use UMD:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@ckd/vue-select"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@ckd/vue-select@0.1.1-alpha.7/dist/@ckd/vue-select.css">

new Vue({
  components: {
    'v-select': window['@ckd/vue-select']

Then, use the component in your markup

<v-select v-model="selection" :options="options"></v-select>

Options are always defined as an array of objects, where each object represents an option or option group, in the following format:

        "label": "Option A",
        "value": 0
        "label": "Option B",
        "value": 1,
        "disabled": true,                                  // Disable the option
        "item": "<strong>Option B is not allowed</strong>" // Define the "item" key to style the look of the text when in an option component
        "label": "Option C",
        "options": [                                       // Providing an "options" key makes the option an optgroup
                "label": "Option D",
                "value": 2

Things to note about the options input data.

In the case of options:

  • Reserved keys for options are label, value, item, disabled, options, selected, and state
    • Any other keys defined are still valid, and will simply be passed through to the option components option prop.
    • The state key that appears on the resulting option object is itself a hash that holds data relating to the current state of the option, such as whether it is hovered/highlighted, it's index in the list, it's "depth" relative to any parent optgroups, etc.
  • The bare minimum to have a functioning component is to provide the label and value keys.
  • The difference between label and the optional item keys is in where each is used. Rendered options by default will display the value of item (which by default is just the value of label), but in selected "token" boxes, the label value will be used. Both support HTML markup.

In the case of optgroups:

  • Any "option" that itself defines an options key becomes an optgroup. The value and selected keys are not needed for optgroups since they are irrelevant.
  • Setting disabled on optgroups will also disable every child option & optgroup.

Extending Option or Optgroup components

If you want to customize the markup/functionality of options or optgroups you can provide your own component (see option and optgroup options below), or extend the existing option or optgroup components like so:

import { Option, Optgroup } from '@ckd/vue-select'

// Your custom option component...
export default {
  name: 'VCustomOption',
  extends: Option,
  props: {
    option: {
      type: Object,
      required: true

// Your custom optgroup component...
export default {
  name: 'VCustomOptgroup',
  extends: Optgroup,
  props: {
    group: {
      type: Object,
      required: true


CKD Select supports the following options, all of which are passed as props on the component markup

Option Accepted Value Default Description
options Array (empty array) The source of the select options. See Usage for details on how the array should be formatted.
placeholder String (empty string) Defines the placeholder text that appears in the text input field. The text input will be resized to fit the placeholder text automatically.
size Number 400 The maximum height of the dropdown, in pixels. Depending on the available space on the screen at any given moment, the dropdown may appear smaller.
disabled Boolean false Disables the input, as well as adds an is-disabled class to the components root element so it can be styled accordingly.
native Boolean / Function true If true, the native input will be used only if a mobile browser is detected. If false, the native select input will never be used. If a function, the truthiness of the return value from that function will determine whether or not to use the native input. The function receives one argument, which is the value of `navigator.userAgent
selected String / Number null If defined, auto selects the option in the list with the matching value. If more than one option exists with the same value, the first will be selected.
option Vue Component VOption Allows overriding the rendered option component for each option in the dropdown, to further customize the markup/layout. See the package source's option.vue file to reference the current markup/attributes.
optgroup Vue Component VOptgroup Allows overriding the rendered optgroup component for each "optgroup" in the dropdown. See the package source's optgroup.vue file to reference the current optgroup markup/attributes.


Tests are written with jest, and can be run with yarn test


  • Improve ADA, more aria-* and such
  • Add autofocus functionality




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  • erhainer88