The Cleartrip Utility Package is a collection of reusable functional components developed using TypeScript, Storybook, React.js, Sass, and Rollup. This package provides a set of versatile and easy-to-use components that can be utilized throughout various applications.
npm i @cleartrip/ct-platform-utility --save
yarn i @cleartrip/ct-platform-utility
Reusable Components: The package includes a wide range of reusable functional components, ready to be integrated into your React.js applications.
TypeScript Support: All components are written in TypeScript, ensuring type safety and better development experience.
Storybook Integration: The components come with Storybook integration, making it convenient to explore and test them in isolation.
Sass Styling: Styling is done using Sass, providing a consistent and flexible approach to customize the appearance of the components.
Bundling with Rollup: The package is bundled using Rollup, optimizing the size and performance of the components for production use.
General guidelines
Styling Components:
Use one common stylesheet for the entire component. Please don't create separate styles for child components inside a parent component.
Please import external stylesheets only in common component stylesheets.
Creating Components:
- Always add the class 'utilswrapper' at the top level of any new component you create.
Release notes : 0.1.42-b6
- Based on stable release 0.1.42-release
- Library updated to export each component, constants, assets, types and utils as independent packages
- Enforcing tree shaking in both CJS and ESM formats