TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.3.8 • Public • Published



React native clickpay library is a wrapper for the native clickpay Android and iOS SDKs, It helps you integrate with clickpay seamlessly.

Library Support:

  • [x] iOS
  • [x] Android

Library Version:

  • [x] React Version: 22.14.0
  • [x] React-Native Version: 0.77.0


$ npm install @clickpay.sa/react-native-clickpay@1.3.8 --save


expo install @clickpay.sa/react-native-clickpay

Then call the below to run Android or IOS

npx expo run:android
npx expo run:ios

Follow the below steps to complete the installation

  • Android

    • Add packagingOptions to module build.gradle file
    android {
      packagingOptions {
            pickFirst '**/*.so'
  • iOS

    • Add libswiftWebKit.tbd to your Link Binary With Libraries
    • Navigate to the iOS folder and run the following command:
    pod install


Import @clickpay.sa/react-native-clickpay

import {RNPaymentSDKLibrary, PaymentSDKConfiguration, PaymentSDKBillingDetails, PaymentSDKTheme, PaymentSDKConstants, PaymentSDKSavedCardInfo} from '@clickpay/react-native-clickpay';

Pay with Card

  1. Configure the billing & shipping info, the shipping info is optional
let billingDetails = new PaymentSDKBillingDetails(name= "John Smith",
                                  email= "email@test.com",
                                  phone= "+2011111111",
                                  addressLine= "address line",
                                  city= "Dubai",
                                  state= "Dubai",
                                  countryCode= "ae", // ISO alpha 2
                                  zip= "1234")

let shippingDetails = new PaymentSDKShippingDetails(name= "John Smith",
                                  email= "email@test.com",
                                  phone= "+2011111111",
                                  addressLine= "address line",
                                  city= "Dubai",
                                  state= "Dubai",
                                  countryCode= "ae", // ISO alpha 2
                                  zip= "1234")
  1. Create object of PaymentSDKConfiguration and fill it with your credentials and payment details.
let configuration = new PaymentSDKConfiguration();
    configuration.profileID = "*your profile id*"
    configuration.serverKey= "*server key*"
    configuration.clientKey = "*client key*"
    configuration.cartID = "545454"
    configuration.currency = "AED"
    configuration.cartDescription = "Flowers"
    configuration.merchantCountryCode = "ae"
    configuration.merchantName = "Flowers Store"
    configuration.amount = 20
    configuration.screenTitle = "Pay with Card"
    configuration.billingDetails = billingDetails
	 configuration.forceShippingInfo = false

Options to show billing and shipping info

	configuration.showBillingInfo = true
	configuration.showShippingInfo = true

1- Pay with card

Start payment by calling startCardPayment method and handle the transaction details

RNPaymentSDKLibrary.startCardPayment(JSON.stringify(configuration)).then( result => {
      if(result["PaymentDetails"] != null) { // Handle transaction details
        let paymentDetails = result["PaymentDetails"]
      } else if(result["Event"] == "CancelPayment") { // Handle events
        console.log("Cancel Payment Event")
     }, function(error) { // Handle error


2- Pay with Token

Start payment by calling startTokenizedCardPayment method and handle the transaction details

).then( result => {
      if(result["PaymentDetails"] != null) { // Handle transaction details
        let paymentDetails = result["PaymentDetails"]
      } else if(result["Event"] == "CancelPayment") { // Handle events
        console.log("Cancel Payment Event")
     }, function(error) { // Handle error

3- Pay with 3DS Secured Token

Start payment by calling start3DSecureTokenizedCardPayment method and handle the transaction details

let cardInfo = new PaymentSDKSavedCardInfo("Card mask", "cardType")
  ).then( result => {
      if(result["PaymentDetails"] != null) { // Handle transaction details
        let paymentDetails = result["PaymentDetails"]
      } else if(result["Event"] == "CancelPayment") { // Handle events
        console.log("Cancel Payment Event")
     }, function(error) { // Handle error

rec 3ds

Pay with Apple Pay

  1. Follow the guide Steps to configure Apple Pay to learn how to configure ApplePay with ClickPay.

  2. Do the steps 1 and 2 from Pay with Card although you can ignore Billing & Shipping details and Apple Pay will handle it, also you must pass the merchant name and merchant identifier.

let configuration = new PaymentSDKConfiguration();
    configuration.profileID = "*your profile id*"
    configuration.serverKey= "*server key*"
    configuration.clientKey = "*client key*"
    configuration.cartID = "545454"
    configuration.currency = "AED"
    configuration.cartDescription = "Flowers"
    configuration.merchantCountryCode = "ae"
    configuration.merchantName = "Flowers Store"
    configuration.amount = 20
    configuration.screenTitle = "Pay with Card"
    configuration.merchantIdentifier = "merchant.com.bundleID"

    //ignore this if you want to use default Networks

    const selectedNetworks = [PaymentSDKNetworks.DISCOVER];
    configuration.paymentNetworks = selectedNetworks;
  1. To simplify ApplePay validation on all user's billing info, pass simplifyApplePayValidation parameter in the configuration with true.
configuration.simplifyApplePayValidation = true
  1. Call startApplePayPayment to start payment
RNPaymentSDKLibrary.startApplePayPayment(JSON.stringify(configuration)).then( result => {
        if(result["PaymentDetails"] != null) { // Handle transaction details
          let paymentDetails = result["PaymentDetails"]
        } else if(result["Event"] == "CancelPayment") { // Handle events
          console.log("Cancel Payment Event")
     }, function(error) { // handle errors

Pay with Samsung Pay

Pass Samsung Pay token to the configuration and call startCardPayment

configuration.samsungToken = "token"

Pay with Alternative Payment Methods

It becomes easy to integrate with other payment methods in your region like STCPay, OmanNet, KNet, Valu, Fawry, UnionPay, and Meeza, to serve a large sector of customers.

  1. Do the steps 1 and 2 from Pay with Card.

  2. Choose one or more of the payment methods you want to support.

configuration.alternativePaymentMethods = [PaymentSDKConstants.AlternativePaymentMethod.stcPay]
  1. Start payment by calling startAlternativePaymentMethod method and handle the transaction details
RNPaymentSDKLibrary.startAlternativePaymentMethod(JSON.stringify(configuration)).then( result => {
      if(result["PaymentDetails"] != null) { // Handle transaction details
        let paymentDetails = result["PaymentDetails"]
      } else if(result["Event"] == "CancelPayment") { // Handle events
        console.log("Cancel Payment Event")
     }, function(error) { // Handle error


Follow the below instructions to enable tokenisation feature.

  1. Request token
configuration.tokeniseType = PaymentSDKConstants.TokeniseType.userOptional // read more about the tokeniseType in the enums section
configuration.tokenFormat = PaymentSDKConstants.TokeniseFormat.hex32 // read more about the tokenFormat in the enums section

After passing those parameters, you will receive a token and transaction reference in the result callback, save them for future usage.

  1. Pass the token & transaction reference
configuration.token = token
configuration.transactionReference = transactionreference


Those enums will help you in customizing your configuration.

  • Tokenise types

The default type is none

TokeniseType = {
"none":"none", // tokenise is off
"merchantMandatory":"merchantMandatory", // tokenise is forced
"userMandatory":"userMandatory", // tokenise is forced as per user approval
"userOptinoal":"userOptional" // tokenise if optional as per user approval
configuration.tokeniseType = PaymentSDKConstants.TokeniseType.userOptional
  • Token formats

The default format is hex32

TokeniseFormat = {"none":"1",
"hex32": "2",
"alphaNum20": "3",
"digit22": "3",
"digit16": "5",
"alphaNum32": "6"
configuration.tokenFormat = PaymentSDKConstants.TokeniseFormat.hex32
  • Transaction types

The default type is sale

TransactionType = {"sale":"sale",
"authorize": "auth"};
configuration.transactionType = PaymentSDKConstants.TransactionType.sale
  • Alternative payment methods
AlternativePaymentMethod = {"unionPay":"unionpay", "stcPay":"stcpay", "valu": "valu", "meezaQR": "meezaqr", "omannet": "omannet", "knetCredit": "knetcredit", "knetDebit": "knetdebit", "fawry": "fawry", "aman": "aman", "urpay": "urpay"};
configuration.alternativePaymentMethods = [PaymentSDKConstants.AlternativePaymentMethod.stcPay,]

Show/Hide Card Scanner

configuration.hideCardScanner = true

Theme Customization

UI guide


  • Theme:
    Create an instance from the class PaymentTheme and customize the theme.
let theme = new PaymentSDKTheme()
theme.backgroundColor = "a83297"
theme.primaryColor = "956596"
// Set the merchant logo
const merchantLogo = require('./Logo.png');
const resolveAssetSource = require('react-native/Libraries/Image/resolveAssetSource');
const resolvedMerchantLogo = resolveAssetSource(merchantLogo);
theme.merchantLogo = resolvedMerchantLogo

configuration.theme = theme
  • Localization:
    Use the keys from our localization string files ([English][iosenglish], [Arabic][iosarabic]), then add the same key to your app localizable string file and add your custom string.


  • Theme:
    Edit your styles.xml to customize the theme.

Example of Overriding Colors and Dimens:

    <!-- Override colors -->
    <color name="payment_sdk_primary_color">#ffffff</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_secondary_color">#0073bc</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_status_bar_color">#444647</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_primary_font_color">#4c4c4c</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_secondary_font_color">#0073bc</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_hint_font_color">#a5a5a5</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_stroke_color">#e1e1e1</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_button_text_color">#FFF</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_title_text_color">#1e1e1e</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_button_background_color">#0073bc</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_background_color">#F9FAFD</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_blue_F2FAFD">#F2FAFD</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_error_text_color">#EC2213</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_back_black_dim">#4D6E6E6E</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_input_field_background_color">#FFFFFFFF</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_enabled_switch_track_color">#00000000</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_enabled_switch_handle_color">#3db39e</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_disabled_switch_track_color">#00000000</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_disabled_switch_handle_color">#c7c7c7</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_switch_stroke_color">#4c4c4c</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_amount_font_color">#4c4c4c</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_original_amount_font_color">#a5a5a5</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_billing_header_background_color">#0073bc</color>
    <color name="payment_sdk_billing_text_color">#FFF</color>

    <!-- Override dimens -->
    <dimen name="payment_sdk_title_font_size">18sp</dimen>
    <dimen name="payment_sdk_title_margin">24dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="payment_sdk_primary_font_size">16sp</dimen>
    <dimen name="payment_sdk_secondary_font_size">16sp</dimen>
    <dimen name="payment_sdk_button_font_size">16sp</dimen>
    <dimen name="payment_sdk_separator_thickness">1dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="payment_sdk_stroke_thickness">.5dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="payment_sdk_input_corner_radius">8dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="payment_sdk_card_corner_radius">8dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="payment_sdk_card_margin">16dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="payment_sdk_billing_header_corner_radius">0dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="payment_sdk_billing_header_margin">0dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="payment_sdk_button_corner_radius">8dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="payment_sdk_error_font_size">12sp</dimen>
    <dimen name="payment_sdk_amount_font_size">16sp</dimen>

    <!-- Override styles -->
    <style name="PaymentSdkTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.NoActionBar">
        <!-- Hides the payment screen title background -->
        <item name="payment_sdk_hideScreenTitleBackground">true</item>
        <!-- Sets the alignment of the payment screen title [start-end-center] -->
        <item name="payment_sdk_screenTitleAlignment">start</item>
        <!-- Hides the card and button shadows -->
        <item name="payment_sdk_hideViewsShadow">true</item>
  • Merchant Logo:
let theme = new PaymentSDKTheme()

// Set the merchant logo
const merchantLogo = require('./Logo.png');
const resolveAssetSource = require('react-native/Libraries/Image/resolveAssetSource');
const resolvedMerchantLogo = resolveAssetSource(merchantLogo);
theme.merchantLogo = resolvedMerchantLogo

configuration.theme = theme
  • Localization: To override your strings you can find the keys with the default values here [English][english], [Arabic][arabic].

Demo application

Check our complete examples (React-Native, [Expo][expoexample]).




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