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Cloudbet API Market Helper


npm install @cloudbet/market-helper


yarn add @cloudbet/market-helper

Getting Started with the Cloudbet API Market Helper

See working example app on how to display the marktes and odds returned by the odds API using the Cloudbet market helper library.

There are a few things to note when using the Cloudbet Feed API. To reduce the payload size of each API response, certain static market information has been stripped from the data. To make full sense of each market you can use the Cloudbet Feed API Market Helper. It will help you to:

  • Distinguish lines
  • Recognize handicap and totals values
  • Create human readable market and outcome names
  • Distinguish between back and lay side (upcoming feature)
  • Access odds for a specific market

Fetching and getting a market from an event

getMarket Returns a list of markets for a specific MarketType. The different markets of the same type are usually divided by the time period for which they are relevant. E.g. for soccer, it might return 3 markets for fulltime, first half, and second half.

import { getMarket } from '@cloudbet/market-helper';

function async getMarkets(eventId, marketType){

    const event = await fetch(`https://sports-api.cloudbet.com/pub/v2/odds/events/${eventId}`, {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            // e.g eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImxPVGE3LXV...
    }).then(response => response.json());

    const [markets, err] = getMarket(event, marketType);
        throw new Error(err)
    return markets;

Accessing outcomes by line

Each market consists of one or more lines. Or 0 lines, if the market is currently not active.

Lines are sorted by tightness. That means the first line has the smallest difference between the outcome prices.

Each line is an array of outcome objects.

import { MarketTypes} from '@cloudbet/market-helper'

function async getSoccerMatchOddsForEvent(eventId){
    const markets = await getMarkets(eventId, MarketType.soccer_match_odds);
    return markets.map(market => {
        // the translated market name
        const marketName = market.name;
        // the lines for the given market, an array of outcomes
        const lines = market.lines;

        lines.map(outcomes => {
            outcomes.map(outcome => {
                // Translated name of the outcome
                const outcomeName = outcome.name;
                // the back selection for that particular outcome
                const backSelection = outcome.back;
                // price of the selection
                const price = backSelection.price;

                // variables, such as handicap or over/under value
                const variables = backSelection.variables;

Accesing handicap value for an outcome

function getHandicapValue(outcome) {
  const handicap = outcome.variables.handicap;
  return handicap;

Accessing over under value for an outcome

function getOverUnderValue(outcome) {
  const total = outcome.variable.total;
  return total;

Available Markets

A market is identified via its MarketType:

import { MarketType } from "@cloudbet/market-helper";

const afFirstHalfWinner = MarketType.american_football_1x2_period_first_half;

The following markets are available on the MarketType object.

Expand all available markets
MarketType Market Name
american_football_1x2_period_first_half 1st half - 1x2
american_football_double_chance Double chance
american_football_draw_no_bet Draw no bet (incl. overtime)
american_football_halftime_fulltime_result Halftime/fulltime
american_football_handicap Handicap
american_football_handicap_period_first_half 1st half - handicap
american_football_moneyline Money Line
american_football_odd_even Odd/even
american_football_quarter_1x2 Quarter {{quarter}} - 1x2
american_football_quarter_handicap Quarter {{quarter}} - handicap
american_football_quarter_handicap_incl_ot Quarter {{quarter}} - handicap (incl. overtime)
american_football_quarter_total Quarter {{quarter}} - total
american_football_quarter_totals_incl_ot Quarter {{quarter}} - total (incl. overtime)
american_football_team_odd_even {{team}} odd/even
american_football_team_total_period_first_half 1st half - {{team}} total
american_football_team_totals {{team}} Total
american_football_totals Totals
american_football_totals_period_first_half 1st half - total
american_football_totals_period_second_half 2nd half - total (incl. overtime)
american_football_player_long_reception {{player}} (Long Reception)
american_football_player_completions {{player}} (Completions)
american_football_player_interceptions {{player}} (Interceptions)
american_football_player_kicking_points {{player}} (Kicking Points)
american_football_player_long_completion {{player}} (Long Completion)
american_football_player_pass_attempts {{player}} (Pass Attempts)
american_football_player_pass_yards {{player}} (Pass Yds)
american_football_player_receiving_yards {{player}} (Receiving Yds)
american_football_player_receptions {{player}} (Receptions)
american_football_player_rush_touchdown {{player}} (Rush TD)
american_football_player_rush_yards {{player}} (Rush Yds)
american_football_player_touchdown_passes {{player}} (TD Passes)
american_football_player_touchdown_receptions {{player}} (TD Receptions)
american_football_player_anytime_touchdown {{player}} (Anytime Touchdown)
american_football_player_first_touchdown_scorer {{player}} (1st Touchdown Scorer)
american_football_player_last_touchdown_scorer {{player}} (Last Touchdown Scorer)
aussie_rules_1st_half_1x2 1st half - 1x2
aussie_rules_1st_half_double_chance 1st half - double chance
aussie_rules_1st_half_draw_no_bet 1st half - draw no bet
aussie_rules_1st_half_handicap 1st half - handicap
aussie_rules_1st_half_odd_even 1st half - odd/even
aussie_rules_1st_half_team_total 1st half - {{team}} total
aussie_rules_1st_half_total 1st half - total
aussie_rules_double_chance Double chance
aussie_rules_draw_no_bet Draw no bet
aussie_rules_handicap Handicap
aussie_rules_match_odds Match Odds
aussie_rules_odd_even Odd/even
aussie_rules_quarter_1x2 Quarter {{quarter}} - 1x2
aussie_rules_quarter_draw_no_bet Quarter {{quarter}} - draw no bet
aussie_rules_quarter_handicap Quarter {{quarter}} - handicap
aussie_rules_quarter_team_total Quarter {{quarter}} - {{team}} total
aussie_rules_quarter_total Quarter {{quarter}} - total
aussie_rules_team_total {{team}} total
aussie_rules_totals Total
aussie_rules_winner Winner
aussie_rules_winning_margin_period_ft Winning margin
aussie_rules_which_team_wins_the_rest_of_the_match_period_ft Which team wins the rest of the match at {{score}}
aussie_rules_point_range_period_1st_half 1st half - point range
aussie_rules_point_range_period_ft Point range
badminton_correct_score Correct score
badminton_exact_games Exact games
badminton_game_winner Game {{game}} - winner
badminton_handicap Handicap
badminton_totals Total
badminton_winner Winner
bandy_match_odds Match Odds
bandy_totals Total
baseball_handicap_innings_1_to_5 Innings 1 to 5 - handicap
baseball_moneyline Money Line
baseball_moneyline_innings_1_to_5 Innings 1 to 5 - Moneyline
baseball_odd_even Odd/even (incl. extra innings)
baseball_run_line Run Line
baseball_team_totals {{team}} Total (incl. extra innings)
baseball_totals Totals
baseball_totals_innings_1_to_5 Innings 1 to 5 - total
baseball_which_team_wins_the_rest_of_the_match Which team wins the rest of the match at {{score}} (incl. extra innings)
baseball_1x2_and_total_period_ot 1x2 & total (incl. extra innings)
baseball_both_teams_to_score_in_inning Inning {{inning}} - Both teams to score
baseball_handicap_in_inning Inning {{inning}} - Handicap
baseball_highest_scoring_inning Highest scoring inning
baseball_hit_on_pitch_pitchnr Hit on pitch {{pitchnr}}
baseball_home_run_on_pitch_pitchnr Home run on pitch {{pitchnr}}
baseball_inning_1x2 Inning {{inning}} - 1x2
baseball_player_total_batter_runs_and_runs_batted_in_period_ot {{player}} total batter runs + runs batted in (incl. extra innings)
baseball_result_of_pitch Result of pitch {{pitchnr}}
baseball_result_of_player_at_bat Result of {{player}} at bat {{appearancenr}}
baseball_run_range_period_ot Run range (incl. extra innings)
baseball_run_runnr_period_ot Run {{runnr}} (incl. extr innings)
baseball_team_total_home_runs_period_ot {{team}} total home runs (incl. extra innings)
baseball_total_hits_in_inning Inning {{inning}} - Total Hits
baseball_total_hits_period_ot Total hits (incl. extra innings)
baseball_total_home_runs_period_ot Total home runs (incl. extra innings)
baseball_total_in_inning Inning {{inning}} - Total Hits
basketball_1st_half_1x2 1st half - 1x2
basketball_1st_half_draw_no_bet 1st half - draw no bet
basketball_1st_half_team_total 1st half - {{team}} total
basketball_1x2 1x2 (excl. OT)
basketball_2nd_half_1x2 2nd half - 1x2
basketball_2nd_half_1x2_incl_ot 2nd half - 1x2 (incl. overtime)
basketball_2nd_half_1x2_incl_ot_v2 2nd half - 1x2 (incl. overtime)
basketball_2nd_half_handicap 2nd half - handicap
basketball_2nd_half_total 2nd half - total
basketball_halftime_fulltime Halftime/fulltime
basketball_handicap Spread
basketball_handicap_period_2h_incl_ot 2nd half - handicap (incl. overtime)
basketball_handicap_period_first_half 1st half - handicap
basketball_handicap_period_second_half 2nd half - handicap (excl. overtime)
basketball_moneyline Money Line
basketball_odd_even Odd/Even
basketball_odd_even_period_first_half 1st half - odd/even
basketball_quarter_1x2 Quarter {{quarter}} - 1x2
basketball_quarter_handicap Quarter {{quarter}} - handicap
basketball_quarter_totals Quarter {{quarter}} totals
basketball_team_totals {{team}} Total
basketball_total_period_first_half 1st half - total
basketball_total_period_second_half 2nd half - total (incl. overtime)
basketball_totals Totals
basketball_player_three_point_field_goals 3 Point FG
basketball_player_assists Assists
basketball_player_blocks Blocks
basketball_player_double_double Double+Double
basketball_player_points Points
basketball_player_points_rebounds_assists Pts+Rebs+Asts
basketball_player_rebounds Rebounds
basketball_player_steals_blocks Steals+Blocks
basketball_player_turnovers Turnovers
beach_soccer_match_odds Match Odds
beach_soccer_totals Total
beach_volleyball_handicap Point handicap
beach_volleyball_totals Total points
beach_volleyball_winner Winner
bowls_correct_score Correct score
bowls_handicap Set handicap
bowls_totals Total sets
bowls_winner Winner
boxing_1x2 1x2
boxing_totals Total Rounds
boxing_winner To Win Fight
boxing_winner_exact_rounds Winner & exact rounds
boxing_freetext {{market_name}}
call_of_duty_correct_score Correct Score
call_of_duty_handicap Map Handicap
call_of_duty_map_winner Map {{map}} - Winner
call_of_duty_map_winner_v2 Map {{map}} - Winner
call_of_duty_totals Total maps
call_of_duty_winner Winner
call_of_duty_freetext {{market_name}}
chess_handicap Handicap
chess_match_odds Match Odds
counter_strike_correct_score_in_maps Correct score (in maps)
counter_strike_map_1st_half_winner Map {{map}} 1st half - winner
counter_strike_map_1x2 Map {{map}} - 1x2
counter_strike_map_handicap Map handicap
counter_strike_map_odd_even_rounds Map {{map}} - odd/even rounds (incl. overtime)
counter_strike_map_odd_even_rounds_v2 Map {{map}} - odd/even rounds (incl. overtime)
counter_strike_map_round_handicap Map {{map}} - round handicap (incl. overtime)
counter_strike_map_round_winner Map {{map}} round {{round}} - winner
counter_strike_map_team_total Map {{map}} - {{team}} total
counter_strike_map_total_rounds Map {{map}} - total rounds (incl. overtime)
counter_strike_map_winner Map {{map}} - winner (incl. overtime)
counter_strike_match_odds Match Odds
counter_strike_total_maps Total maps
counter_strike_winner Winner
counter_strike_freetext {{market_name}}
cricket_innings_total_v2 Total Runs
cricket_team_totals {{team}} total
cricket_total_sixes Total sixes
cricket_total_in_highest_scoring_over {{team}} total in the highest scoring over
cricket_any_player_to_score_milestone Any player to score {{milestone}}
cricket_top_batter_total Top batter total
cricket_team_total_from_0_over_to_x_over Overs 0 to {{to_over}} - {{team}} total
cricket_team_total_at_dismissal {{team}} total at dismissal {{dismissal}}
cricket_test_1x2 1x2
cricket_test_innings_team_total {{innings}} innings - {{team}} total
cricket_test_match_inning_over_total_runs_spread Innings {{innings}} Over {{over}} - total runs spread
cricket_test_match_innings_team_totals Innings {{innings}} - {{team}} total
cricket_test_match_innings_totals Innings {{innings}} - total
cricket_test_match_team_with_top_batter Team with top batter
cricket_test_match_innings_any_player_score_milestone Innings {{innings}} - any player to score {{milestone}}
cricket_test_match_innings_team_total_at_dismissal Innings {{innings}} - {{team}} total at dismissal {{dismissal}}
cricket_test_winner Match Winner
cricket_any_player_to_score_milestone_v2 Innings {{innings}} - Any player to score {{milestone}} runs
cricket_winner Match Winner (incl. Superovers)
cricket_day_session_total Day {{day}} session {{session}} total
cricket_innings_dismissal_batter_out Innings {{innings}} - dismissal {{dismissal}} batter out
cricket_innings_player_to_score_milestone Innings {{innings}} - {{player}} to score {{milestone}}
cricket_innings_player_total_fours Innings {{innings}} - {{player}} total fours
cricket_innings_team_total_fours Innings {{innings}} - {{team}} total fours
cricket_innings_team_total_sixes Innings {{innings}} - {{team}} total sixes
cricket_player_to_score_milestone {{player}} to score {{milestone}}
cricket_player_total_fours {{player}} total fours
cricket_player_total_player_performance {{player}} total player performance
cricket_team_total_fours {{team}} total fours
cricket_team_total_sixes cricket.team_total_sixes
darts_correct_score_in_sets Correct score (in sets)
darts_handicap_sets Set handicap
darts_odd_even_sets Odd/Even Sets
darts_total_sets Total Sets
darts_winner Winner
dota_2_correct_score_in_maps Correct score (in maps)
dota_2_map_handicap Map handicap
dota_2_map_winner Map {{map}} - Winner
dota_2_map_winner_v2 Map {{map}} - Winner
dota_2_map_most_kills Map {{map}} - Most Kills
dota_2_map_team_total_kills Map {{map}} - {{team}} total kills
dota_2_match_odds Match Odds
dota_2_total_maps Total maps
dota_2_winner Winner
dota_2_freetext {{market_name}}
esport_arena_of_valor_winner Winner
esport_arena_of_valor_correct_score Correct Score
esport_arena_of_valor_handicap Handicap
esport_arena_of_valor_map_winner Map {{map}} - Winner
esport_arena_of_valor_match_3_way 3-way
esport_fifa_asian_handicap Asian Handicap
esport_fifa_asian_handicap_period_first_half 1st Half Asian Handicap
esport_fifa_asian_handicap_period_second_half 2nd Half Asian Handicap
esport_fifa_both_teams_to_score Both teams to score
esport_fifa_correct_score Correct Score
esport_fifa_correct_score_period_1st_half 1st half - Correct Score
esport_fifa_correct_score_period_2nd_half 2nd half - correct score
esport_fifa_double_chance Double chance
esport_fifa_draw_no_bet Draw no bet
esport_fifa_exact_total_goals_period_first_half 1st Half Exact Total Goals
esport_fifa_exact_total_goals_period_second_half 2nd Half Exact Total Goals
esport_fifa_halftime_fulltime_result Halftime / Fulltime
esport_fifa_match_odds Full Time Result
esport_fifa_match_odds_period_extratime Match Odds - Extra Time
esport_fifa_match_odds_period_first_half Half Time Result
esport_fifa_match_odds_period_second_half Match Odds - 2nd half
esport_fifa_penalty_shootout_odd_even Penalty shootout - odd/even
esport_fifa_team_clean_sheet {{team}} clean sheet
esport_fifa_team_total_goals {{team}} Total Goals
esport_fifa_team_total_goals_period_first_half {{team}} 1st Half Total Goals
esport_fifa_team_total_goals_period_second_half {{team}} 2nd Half Total Goals
esport_fifa_total_goals Total Goals
esport_fifa_total_goals_period_extratime Total Goals - Extra Time
esport_fifa_total_goals_period_first_half 1st Half Total Goals
esport_fifa_total_goals_period_second_half 2nd Half Total Goals
esport_fifa_total_booking_points 10-25 Total Booking Points
esport_fifa_penalty_shootout_odd_even Penalty shootout - odd/even
esport_fifa_odd_even_penalty_shootout Penalty shootout - odd/even
esport_king_of_glory_winner Winner
esport_king_of_glory_map_handicap Map Handicap
esport_king_of_glory_map_winner Map {{map}} - Winner
esport_king_of_glory_total_maps Total Maps
esport_king_of_glory_map_kill_handicap Map {{map}} - kill handicap
esport_king_of_glory_map_total_kills Map {{map}} - total kills
esport_king_of_glory_map_team_total_kills Map {{map}} - {{team}} total kills
esport_king_of_glory_map_most_kills Map {{map}} - Most Kills
esport_king_of_glory_correct_score Correct Score
esport_king_of_glory_freetext {{market_name}}
esport_nba2k_1st_half_1x2 1st half - 1x2
esport_nba2k_1st_half_draw_no_bet 1st half - draw no bet
esport_nba2k_1st_half_team_total 1st half - {{team}} total
esport_nba2k_1x2 1x2
esport_nba2k_2nd_half_1x2 2nd half - 1x2
esport_nba2k_2nd_half_1x2_incl_ot 2nd half - 1x2 (incl. overtime)
esport_nba2k_2nd_half_1x2_incl_ot_v2 2nd half - 1x2 (incl. overtime)
esport_nba2k_2nd_half_handicap 2nd half - handicap
esport_nba2k_2nd_half_total 2nd half - total
esport_nba2k_halftime_fulltime Halftime/fulltime
esport_nba2k_handicap Spread
esport_nba2k_handicap_period_first_half 1st half - handicap
esport_nba2k_handicap_period_second_half 2nd half - handicap (incl. overtime)
esport_nba2k_odd_even Odd/Even
esport_nba2k_quarter_1x2 Quarter {{quarter}} - 1x2
esport_nba2k_quarter_handicap Quarter {{quarter}} - handicap
esport_nba2k_quarter_totals Quarter {{quarter}} totals
esport_nba2k_team_totals {{team}} Total
esport_nba2k_total_period_first_half 1st half - total
esport_nba2k_total_period_second_half 2nd half - total (incl. overtime)
esport_nba2k_totals Totals
esport_nba2k_winner_incl_overtime Winner (incl. overtime)
esport_valorant_correct_score Correct Score
esport_valorant_handicap Handicap
esport_valorant_totals Total maps
esport_valorant_winner Winner
esport_valorant_map_round_handicap Map {{map}} - handicap (incl. overtime)
esport_valorant_map_team_total_rounds Map {{map}} - {{team}} total
esport_valorant_map_total_rounds Map {{map}} - Total (incl. overtime)
esport_valorant_freetext {{market_name}}
esport_warcraft_correct_score Correct Score
esport_warcraft_handicap Handicap
esport_warcraft_totals Totals
esport_warcraft_winner Winner
esport_aoe_correct_score Correct Score
esport_aoe_handicap Handicap
esport_aoe_map_winner Map {{map}} - Winner
esport_aoe_total_maps Total maps
esport_aoe_winner Winner
esport_brawl_stars_correct_score Correct Score
esport_brawl_stars_handicap Handicap
esport_brawl_stars_map_winner Map {{map}} - Winner
esport_brawl_stars_total_maps Total maps
esport_brawl_stars_winner Winner
field_hockey_match_odds Match Odds
field_hockey_totals Total
floorball_match_odds Match Odds
floorball_totals Total
futsal_double_chance Double chance
futsal_draw_no_bet Draw no bet
futsal_handicap Handicap
futsal_match_odds Match Odds
futsal_odd_even Odd/even
futsal_totals Total
golf_winner Match up
greyhound_win_v2 Winner
greyhound_place_v2 Place ({{position}} TBP)
greyhound_win_sp_v2 Winner
greyhounds_win Winner
greyhounds_place Place ({{position}} TBP)
greyhounds_win_sp Winner (SP)
handball_1st_half_total Total - 1st half
handball_double_chance Double chance
handball_draw_no_bet Draw no bet
handball_halftime_fulltime_result Halftime / Fulltime
handball_handicap Handicap
handball_match_odds Match Odds
handball_odd_even Odd/even
handball_team_total {{team}} Total
handball_totals Total
handball_winner Winner (incl. overtime and penalties)
hearthstone_winner Winner
horse_racing_win Winner
horse_racing.place Place ({{position}} TBP)
horse_racing.win_sp Winner (SP)
Ice Hockey
ice_hockey_1x2 1x2 (Excl. Overtime)
ice_hockey_1x2_both_teams_to_score 1x2 & both teams to score (incl. overtime and penalties)
ice_hockey_both_teams_to_score Both teams to score
ice_hockey_correct_score Correct score
ice_hockey_correct_score_incl_overtime_and_penalties Correct score (incl. overtime and penalties)
ice_hockey_double_chance Double chance (Excl. Overtime)
ice_hockey_exact_goals Exact goals
ice_hockey_exact_goals_period_ft_incl_et_and_penalty_shootout Exact goals (incl. overtime and penalties)
ice_hockey_handicap Handicap (incl. overtime and penalties)
ice_hockey_handicap_regular_time Handicap
ice_hockey_period_1x2 Period {{period}} - 1x2
ice_hockey_period_correct_score Period {{period}} - correct score
ice_hockey_period_handicap Period {{period}} - handicap
ice_hockey_period_total Period {{period}} - total
ice_hockey_team_clean_sheet {{team}} clean sheet
ice_hockey_team_exact_goals {{team}} exact goals (incl. overtime and penalties)
ice_hockey_team_total {{team}} total (Excl. overtime)
ice_hockey_total Total
ice_hockey_totals Total (incl. overtime and penalties)
ice_hockey_which_team_wins_the_rest_of_the_match Which team wins the rest of the match at {{score}}
ice_hockey_winner Winner (incl. overtime and penalties)
ice_hockey_period_team_total Period {{period}} {{team}} Total
ice_hockey_period_winner Period {{period}} - Winner
ice_hockey_freetext {{market_name}}
kabaddi_handicap Handicap
kabaddi_match_odds Match Odds
kabaddi_total Total
league_of_legends_correct_score_in_maps Correct score (in maps)
league_of_legends_map_handicap Map handicap
league_of_legends_map_winner Map {{map}} - winner
league_of_legends_map_winner_v2 Map {{map}} - winner
league_of_legends_match_odds Match Odds
league_of_legends_total_maps Total maps
league_of_legends_winner Winner
league_of_legends_map_kill_draw_no_bet.v2 Map {{map}} - kill draw no bet
league_of_legends_map_kill_handicap.v2 Map {{map}} - kill handicap
league_of_legends_map_team_total_kills Map {{map}} - {{team}} total kills
league_of_legends_map_total_kills Map {{map}} - total kills
league_of_legends_freetext {{market_name}}
mma_1x2 1x2
mma_totals Total Rounds
mma_winner To Win Fight
overwatch_winner Winner
overwatch_correct_score Correct Score
overwatch_total_maps Total Maps
overwatch_map_handicap Map Handicap
overwatch_map_winner Map {{map}} - Winner
overwatch_map_kill_handicap Map {{map}} - kill handicap
overwatch_map_total_kills Map {{map}} - total kills
overwatch_map_team_total_kills Map {{map}} - {{team}} total kills
overwatch_freetext {{marketname}}
pesapallo_match_odds Match Odds
politics_freetext {{market_name}}
politics_outright {{market_name}}
politics_most_seats Most Seats
politics_next_chancellor Next Chancellor
politics_party_of_next_chancellor Party of Next Chancellor
politics_party_vote_percentage {{party}} Vote Percentage
politics_government Government
politics_house_majority House Majority
politics_senate_majority Senate Majority
rainbow_six_map_winner Map {{map}} - Winner
rainbow_six_correct_score Correct Score
rainbow_six_winner Winner
rainbow_six_freetext {{market_name}}
rocket_league_correct_score Correct Score
rocket_league_handicap Map handicap
rocket_league_map_winner Map {{map}} - Winner
rocket_league_total_maps Total maps
rocket_league_winner Winner
rocket_league_freetext {{market_name}}
Rugby League
rugby_league_draw_no_bet Draw no bet
rugby_league_halftime_fulltime_result Halftime / Fulltime
rugby_league_handicap Handicap
rugby_league_moneyline Match Odds
rugby_league_odd_even Odd/Even
rugby_league_team_totals {{team}} Total
rugby_league_totals Totals
rugby_league_winner Money Line
rugby_league_winning_margin_period_ft Winning margin
rugby_league_race_to_points Race to {{point}} points
rugby_league_next_scoring_play Next scoring play at {{score}}
rugby_league_1x2_period_1st_half 1st half - 1x2
rugby_league_handicap_period_1st_half 1st half - handicap
rugby_league_total_period_1st_half 1st half - total
rugby_league_total_tries Total tries
rugby_league_try_handicap Try handicap
rugby_league_which_team_wins_the_rest_of_the_match Which team wins the rest of the match at {{score}}
rugby_league_handicap_3_way_period_ft Handicap {{handicap_score}}
Rugby Union
rugby_union_draw_no_bet Draw no bet
rugby_union_halftime_fulltime_result Halftime / Fulltime
rugby_union_handicap Handicap
rugby_union_moneyline Match Odds
rugby_union_odd_even Odd/Even
rugby_union_team_totals {{team}} Total
rugby_union_totals Totals
rugby_union_winner Money Line
rugby_union_winning_margin_period_ft Winning margin
rugby_union_race_to_points Race to {{point}} points
rugby_union_next_scoring_play Next scoring play at {{score}}
rugby_union_1x2_period_1st_half 1st half - 1x2
rugby_union_handicap_period_1st_half 1st half - handicap
rugby_union_total_period_1st_half 1st half - total
rugby_union_total_tries Total tries
rugby_union_try_handicap Try handicap
rugby_union_which_team_wins_the_rest_of_the_match Which team wins the rest of the match at {{score}}
rugby_union_handicap_3_way_period_ft Handicap {{handicap_score}}
snooker_correct_score Correct score
snooker_handicap Frame handicap
snooker_odd_even_frames Odd/even frames
snooker_totals Total frames
snooker_winner Winner
soccer_anytime_goalscorer_and_1x2_period_ft Anytime Goalscorer x 1x2 (Match Winner)
soccer_asian_handicap Asian Handicap
soccer_asian_handicap_period_extratime Asian Handicap - Extra Time
soccer_asian_handicap_period_first_half 1st Half Asian Handicap
soccer_asian_handicap_period_second_half 2nd Half Asian Handicap
soccer_both_teams_to_score Both teams to score
soccer_both_teams_to_score_period_1h 1H Both teams to score
soccer_booking_point_range_period_ft Booking Point Range
soccer_correct_score Correct Score
soccer_correct_score_period_1st_half 1st half - Correct Score
soccer_correct_score_period_2nd_half 2nd half - correct score
soccer_double_chance Double chance
soccer_double_chance_period_1h 1H Double Chance
soccer_draw_no_bet Draw no bet
soccer_draw_no_bet_period_1h 1H Draw No Bet
soccer_exact_total_goals_period_first_half 1st Half Exact Total Goals
soccer_exact_total_goals_period_second_half 2nd Half Exact Total Goals
soccer_goalscorer_and_correct_score_period_ft 1st Goalscorer x Correct Score
soccer_halftime_fulltime_result Halftime / Fulltime
soccer_handicap_1x2_period_1h 1H Handicap (1x2)
soccer_player_assists_period_ot Player Assists
soccer_player_goals_period_ot Player Goals
soccer_player_shots_on_goal_period_ot Player Shots on Goal
soccer_player_shots_period_ot Player Shots
soccer_player_tackles_period_ot Player Tackles
soccer_match_odds Full Time Result
soccer_match_odds_period_extratime Match Odds - Extra Time
soccer_match_odds_period_first_half Half Time Result
soccer_match_odds_period_second_half Match Odds - 2nd half
soccer_penalty_shootout_odd_even Penalty shootout - odd/even
soccer_odd_even_penalty_shootout Penalty shootout - odd/even
soccer_total_penalty_shootout Total - 1st 10 Penalties in Penalty Shootout
soccer_handicap_penalty_shootout Handicap - Penalty Shootout
soccer_sending_off_period_1h 1H Sending Off
soccer_sending_off_period_ft Sending Off
soccer_team_clean_sheet {{team}} clean sheet
soccer_team_total_goals {{team}} Total Goals
soccer_team_total_goals_period_first_half {{team}} 1st Half Total Goals
soccer_team_total_goals_period_second_half {{team}} 2nd Half Total Goals
soccer_team_win_to_nil {{team}} win to nil
soccer_total_goals Total Goals
soccer_total_goals_period_extratime Total Goals - Extra Time
soccer_total_goals_period_first_half 1st Half Total Goals
soccer_total_goals_period_second_half 2nd Half Total Goals
soccer_total_bookings 1-2 Total booking Points
soccer_total_booking_points 10-25 Total Booking Points
soccer_booking_match_odds 10-25 Booking Match odds
soccer_which_team_wins_the_rest_of_the_match Which team wins the rest of the match
soccer_will_there_be_penalty_shootout Will there be a Penalty Shootout?
soccer_winner_period_penalty_shootout Winner - Penalty Shootout
soccer_winning_method Winning Method
soccer_to_qualify To Qualify
soccer_to_qualify_v2 To Qualify / To Win Final
soccer_12_booking_handicap 1-2 Booking Handicap
soccer_1st_half_total_corners 1st half - total corners
soccer.freetext.v2 {{market}}
squash_correct_score Correct score
squash_point_handicap Point handicap
squash_total_points Total points
squash_winner Winner
starcraft_correct_score_in_maps Correct score (in maps)
starcraft_map_handicap Map handicap
starcraft_map_winner Map {{map}} - winner
starcraft_map_winner_v2 Map {{map}} - winner
starcraft_total_maps Total maps
starcraft_winner Winner
starcraft_freetext {{market_name}}
sumo_winner Winner
table_tennis_correct_score Correct score
table_tennis_handicap Point handicap
table_tennis_handicap_v2 Point handicap
table_tennis_totals Total points
table_tennis_totals_v2 Total points
table_tennis_winner Winner
table_tennis_game_point_handicap_v2 Game {{game}} - point handicap
table_tennis_game_total_points_v2 Game {{game}} - total points
table_tennis_game_winner_v2 Game {{game}} - winner
table_tennis_game_odd_even_v2 Game {{game}} - odd/even
tennis_correct_score Correct score
tennis_exact_sets Exact sets
tennis_set_correct_score Set {{set}} - correct score
tennis_set_handicap Set Handicap
tennis_team_to_win_a_set {{team}} to win a set
tennis_total_sets Total sets
tennis_winner Winner
tennis_winner_of_set Winner of set {{set}}
tennis_game_handicap_void_supertiebreak Game Handicap (VOID if 3rd Set Super Tie Break)
tennis_total_games_void_supertiebreak Total Games (VOID if 3rd Set Super Tie Break)
tennis_winner_and_total Winner & total
volleyball_correct_score Correct score
volleyball_handicap Point handicap
volleyball_set_handicap Set handicap
volleyball_total_sets Total sets
volleyball_totals Total points
volleyball_winner Winner
waterpolo_match_odds Match Odds
waterpolo_totals Total
waterpolo_handicap Handicap
crossfire_winner Winner
heroes_of_the_storm_correct_score Correct Score
heroes_of_the_storm_handicap Handicap
heroes_of_the_storm_map_winner Map {{map}} - Winner
heroes_of_the_storm_total Total
heroes_of_the_storm_winner Winner
wild_rift_correct_score Correct Score
wild_rift_handicap Handicap
wild_rift_map_winner Map {{map}} - Winner
wild_rift_total Total
wild_rift_winner Winner
entertainment_over_under Over/Under
olympics_winner Winner

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