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1.0.5 • Public • Published

Cloudwell Simple Theme

A React component to easily provide the system, browser, user defined theme to every component in an app.

How to install:

npm i @cloudwell/simple-theme


Detect system/browser theme preference

This example doesn't include any user interaction but will provide the current light/dark theme based on browser settings and fall back to system settings when browser settings are not specified.

import { SimpleTheme, useTheme } from '@cloudwell/simple-theme';

export function App(): JSX.Element {
    return <SimpleTheme>
        {theme => <>
            <div>Current Theme is {theme}</div>
            <br />
            <MyThemeConsumer />

function MyThemeConsumer(): JSX.Element {
    const theme = useTheme()
    return <div>The useTheme hook returns {theme}</div>

User can persist a theme in local storage or revert to system/browser theme preference

This example allows the user to choose a light, dark, or custom theme and save it using the build in local storage theme manager. It will provide the current stored theme or the detected light/dark theme based on browser preferences and will fall back to system preferences when browser preferences are not specified.

import { SimpleTheme, useLocalStorageThemeManager, useTheme } from '@cloudwell/simple-theme';
export function App(): JSX.Element {

    // The value "theme" here defines the key in local storage.
    const themeManager = useLocalStorageThemeManager("theme")
    return <SimpleTheme manager={themeManager}>
        {theme => <>
            <div>Current Theme is {theme}</div>
            <br />
            <MyThemeConsumer />
            <br />
            <button onClick={() => themeManager.setTheme("light")} >Light</button>
            <br />
            <button onClick={() => themeManager.setTheme("dark")} >Dark</button>
            <br />
            <button onClick={() => themeManager.setTheme("custom")} >Custom</button>
            <br />
            <button onClick={() => themeManager.setTheme("")} >System/Browser</button>

function MyThemeConsumer(): JSX.Element {
    const theme = useTheme()
    return <div>The useTheme hook returns {theme}</div>

User can persist a theme with custom API or revert to system/browser theme preference

This example allows the user to choose a light, dark, or custom theme and stores by calling an API. It will provide the current stored theme or the detected light/dark theme based on browser preferences and will fall back to system preferences when browser preferences are not specified.

import { SimpleTheme, ThemeManager, useThemeManager, useTheme } from '@cloudwell/simple-theme';

const themeManager: ThemeManager = {
    getTheme: () => new Promise<string>(async (resolve) => {
        // TODO: Replace this API call with a real one
        const theme = await fetch("api/getUserTheme")
    setTheme: (theme: string) => new Promise<void>(async (resolve) => {
        // TODO: Replace this API call with a real one
        await fetch("api/setUserTheme?theme=" + theme)

export function App(): JSX.Element {
    return <SimpleTheme manager={themeManager}>
        {theme => <>
            <div>Current Theme is {theme}</div>
            <br />
            <MyThemeConsumer />
            <br />
            <MyThemeUpdater />

function MyThemeConsumer(): JSX.Element {
    const theme = useTheme()
    return <div>The useTheme hook returns {theme}</div>

function MyThemeUpdater(): JSX.Element {
    const themeManager = useThemeManager()
    return <>
        <button onClick={() => themeManager.setTheme("light")} >Light</button>
        <br />
        <button onClick={() => themeManager.setTheme("dark")} >Dark</button>
        <br />
        <button onClick={() => themeManager.setTheme("custom")} >Custom</button>
        <br />
        <button onClick={() => themeManager.setTheme("")} >System/Browser</button>


ThemeGetter type

The type of function that can get the theme value.

ThemeSetter type

The type of function that can set the theme value.

ThemeManager interface

Name Type Description
getTheme ThemeGetter Required. An async function the will return the theme.
setTheme ThemeSetter Required. An async function the will store the theme.

useTheme hook

The hook to access the theme.

useThemeManager hook

The hook to access the theme manager.

useLocalStorageThemeManager hook

The hook for getting a local storage theme manager. It requires a parameter called key which can be any string value and will be used to read and write the theme name to local storage.

SimpleThemeConsumer type

The type of function that can receive a theme and return a component.

SimpleThemeProps interface

Name Type Description
manager string Optional. The theme manager.
children SimpleThemeConsumer | React.ReactNode Optional. The children. This can be components which can utilize the "useTheme" hook or a function that receives the theme.




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