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0.2.6 • Public • Published

Frontend Utils

This library provides components and useful boilerplate to develop a react frontend app. The purpose of this library is not to provide brand new components but to use components and functions from existing libraries to create standardized Composite Components.

Having common interfaces between components with similar functionality is important to quickly switch from one to another. Another aspect esp. for complex components is that there is often a tradeoff between developer usability and component customization (e.g. the border of the datefield is defined in a nested fieldset element).

This library heavily relies on Mui components (and the emotion as underlying css tool) which is a great toolset to build upon and start frontend development. The most practical and extensive icon library is in my opinion MDI icons. Each icon can be imported easily as literal string which is very useful esp. for parametrization.

Common Interface

Trying to force developer to do things in a predefined way is in my experience not a good practice. Instead making the component interface accessible as much as possible has proven to be better option for the developer.


  • slotProps: All sub-components (and derived HTML elements) shall be accessible via the slotProps. Mui's slotProps if exist are extended.
    • However the MUI prop to replace complete components via Slot is currently not offered.
  • sx: All components shall have sx, .... properties
    • all input fiels shall have .... properties
  • borderRadius
    • All components with a border order rect shape shall have a borderRadius prop
  • color:
    • All components (if applicable and not already implemented by mui) shall have a color property accepting css and mui (theme) colors

Additional global Features

  • tooltip:
    • All components excluding Modals, Tooltips, Popover, Popups, Dropdowns shall have a tooltip property which accepts string but also any ReactNode.
  • icon
    • All components (except .... ? ) shall have an icon property accepting both an imported mdi Icon (string) or a developer-defined ReactNode.



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  • cmk