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1.3.2 • Public • Published

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This module provides a convenient way to wrap gRPC protocol messages into envelopes that can be seamlessly transmitted through a WebSocket proxy server. This package aids in the creation of WebSocket RPC streams for unary or bi-directional streaming gRPC methods. Additionally, this package includes the Code RPC protocol.

Learn more about Code at https://getcode.com. See the docs for more information.


This package wraps messages in envelopes that can be transmitted through a WebSocket proxy server. It also provides support for unary and bi-directional gRPC method streams. The streams can be server side or client side only streams as well.

Unlike other solutions, for example, gRPC-web or connect-es, this package supports bidi streams by using web-sockets instead of HTTP/2 or Fetch.

Getting Started

This package is not designed to be used directly by developers, but rather as a dependency for other packages within the Code SDK.

To install the module, you can use npm or yarn:

npm install @code-wallet/rpc


Here's a basic unary method example:

import * as proto from '@code-wallet/rpc';

// Create a unary method stream for sending messages
const msgSend = await proto.RpcStream.createUnaryMethod(proto.Messaging, "sendMessage", config.wsPath());

// Use the unary method stream to send a message
const res = await msgSend(req);

if (res.result != proto.SendMessageResponse_Result.OK) {
    // Handle message sending failure

Here's a basic bi-directional stream example:

// Create a bi-directional stream for opening message streams with event handlers
const msgStream = await proto.RpcStream.create(proto.Messaging, "openMessageStream", config.wsPath(), {
    onClose: () => {
        // Handle WebSocket stream closure
    onError: (err: any) => {
        // Handle errors

// Use the bi-directional stream
msgStream.write(new proto.OpenMessageStreamRequest({
    rendezvousKey: new proto.RendezvousKey({
        value: rendezvousKeypair.publicKey,

for await (const [res, err] of msgStream.read()) {
    // Handle streamed responses and errors




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  • jeffatcode
  • zfedoran