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1.3.0 • Public • Published


A Library Used for managing ClassNames in Javascript.


pnpm add @codevachon/classnames
yarn add @codevachon/classnames
npm install @codevachon/classnames


import { ClassNames } from "@codevachon/classnames";

export default function Homepage() {
    return (
            className={new ClassNames([
                "bg-slate-900 text-white",
                "flex justify-center items-center",
                "h-screen w-full"
            <h1 className={new ClassNames(["text-6xl"]).list()}>Hello World</h1>



Adds a class to the instance

import { ClassNames } from "@44north/classnames";

const list = new ClassNames("a", "b", "c").list();
// list => "a b c"
const list = new ClassNames().add("a", "b", "c").list();
// list => "a b c"
const list = new ClassNames().add(["a", "b", "c"]).list();
// list => "a b c"
const list = new ClassNames().add("a b c").list();
// list => "a b c"
const list = new ClassNames().add(["a b c"]).list();
// list => "a b c"
const list = new ClassNames("a").add(new ClassNames(["b", "c"])).list();
// list => "a b c"


removes a class from the instance

const list = new ClassNames().add(["a", "b", "c"]).remove("a").list();
// list => "b c"
const list = new ClassNames().add(["a", "b", "c"]).remove(["a", "c"]).list();
// list => "b"
const list = new ClassNames().add(["a", "b", "c"]).remove("a", "c").list();
// list => "b"
const list = new ClassNames().add(["mt-3", "mb-4", "pt-8"]).remove(new RegExp("t-")).list();
// list => "mb-4"

.list() / .toString()

returns this instance as a class formated string.

const list = new ClassNames().add(["a", "b", "c"]).list();
// list => "b c"
<h1 classNames={new ClassNames("text-xl").list()}>Hello World!</h1>


allows you to search the instance for a particular class

const list = new ClassNames().add(["a", "b", "c"]).find("b");
// list => ["b"]
const list = new ClassNames().add(["mt-3", "mb-4", "pt-8"]).find(new RegExp("b"));
// list => "mb-4"


returns if the instance has any classes

const value = new ClassNames(["a", "b", "c"]).isEmpty();
// value => false


returns if the instance has the provided value

const value = new ClassNames(["a", "b", "c"]).has("b");
// value => true
const value = new ClassNames(["mt-3", "mb-4", "pt-8"]).has(new RegExp("z-"));
// value => false


returns if the provided value is an instance of ClassName

const value = new ClassNames().isClassName(["a"]);
// value => false


returns the number of classes added to the instance

const value = new ClassNames(["a", "b", "c"]).length;
// value => 3


You can pass an object as part of add with the classname as a key and value as a boolean.

const values = {
    a: true,
    b: false,
    c: a !== b

const list = new ClassNames(values).list();
// list => "a c"


as of 1.1.0 you use a Switch like statement to change between values and set a default if the value is not found

const size = "xs";

const list = new ClassNames()
            xs: "p-1",
            sm: "p-2",
            lg: "p-8",
            xl: "p-12"
// list => "p-1"

as of 1.3.0 you can pass a UNION generic to help populate the options object

const size = "xs";
type Size = "xs" | "sm" | "lg" | "xl" | "default";

const list = new ClassNames()
            xs: "p-1",
            sm: "p-2",
            lg: "p-8",
            xl: "p-12"
// list => "p-1"

If Condition

as of 1.2.0 you use add an If Conditions

const size = "xs";

const list = new ClassNames().if(size === "xs", "rounded-sm", "rounded").list();
// list => "rounded-sm"

Static Methods

  • .add() - Alias of new ClassNames().add()
  • .isClassNames() - Alias of new ClassNames().isClassNames()



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  • codevachon