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1.0.4 • Public • Published

Lazy Infinite Scroll

This library allows you to create infinite scroll/infinite loading for archive pages, Ajax-load content when filters change, ajax-loaded pagination and some more. It requires IntersectionObserver and fetch, supported by all modern browsers (> 95% of browsers; for the rest, you can use polyfill.io).

The plugin doesn't require jQuery, but it adds itself to jQuery if jQuery exists on the page.


Use npm (or yarn) to install the package.

npm install --save @codingheads/lazy-infinite-scroll

Initializing in JavaScript

To initialize the library, you need to create a new instance of the LazyInfiniteScroll class:

import LazyInfiniteScroll from '@codingheads/lazy-infinite-scroll';

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  // initialize infinite scroll
  const wrapperElement = document.querySelector('body.archive');
  new LazyInfiniteScroll(wrapperElement, {
    containerSelector: '.articles-wrapper',
    itemSelector: 'article',
    paginationContainerSelector: '.section-pagination',
    paginationLinksSelector: '.pagination a',
    loadButton: '.pagination .load-more',
    loadOnScroll: false,
    syncSelectors: ['.section-auxiliary'], // other elements to be synced from the new page - pagination, filters etc

Or using jQuery:

import $ from 'jquery';
import '@codingheads/lazy-infinite-scroll';

$(() => {
  // initialize infinite scroll
    containerSelector: '.articles-wrapper',
    itemSelector: 'article',
    paginationContainerSelector: '.section-pagination',
    paginationLinksSelector: '.pagination a',
    loadButton: '.pagination .load-more',
    loadOnScroll: false,
    syncSelectors: ['.section-auxiliary'],

The options object can have the following properties:

  • containerSelector - the selector for the element that contains the items (e.g. the wrapper around the articles on a blog page). The new elements will be appended or will replace the content of this container.
  • itemSelector - the selector for the individual items
  • paginationContainerSelector - the selector for the pagination container
  • paginationLinksSelector - the selector for the anchors in the pagination (individual page links)
  • loadButton - the selector or the HTMLElement for the "load more" button
  • loadOnScroll - whether to automatically load the next page when the pagination comes into view
  • syncSelectors - an array of selectors that should be synced when loading the new page (Warning! the elements should be unique - don't add here selectors that will return more than 1 item!)

These options can also be set directly on the container element (the body.archive element in our examples above). Make sure you have a valid JSON string there (e.g. in WordPress you can use echo esc_attr(json_encode($settings))).

  data-options='{"containerSelector":".articles-wrapper", "itemSelector":"article"}'

Page change sources

  • New pages are loaded when the pagination links are used or the "load more" button is clicked.
  • You can also use the data-load-full-page attribute on other links to trigger a page-load for the URL of that anchor, or you can use data-load-full-page-select on select elements (this will use the value attribute of the select). This is helpful when you need to change the page content when the user changes filters, for example.


  • infiniteScrollInit – on initialization
  • infiniteScrollLoadingPage – when a new page is being loaded
  • infiniteScrollLoadedPage – after a new page has been loaded
  • infiniteScrollLoadingFullPage – when a new page is being loaded, and the existing content will be replaced by the new one
  • infiniteScrollFullPageContent – when a new page has been loaded and it has replaced the old content. (event.detail.newHtml is the new HTML of the page, event.detail.newItems are the new items)
  • infiniteScrollNewItems – when new items have been added to the page (event.detail.newItems are the new elements)
  • post-load


The LazyInfiniteScroll instance is added to the element for which it is initialized. You can access it as element.LazyInfiniteScroll.

It has the following methods you can use:

  • loadNextPage(resetContent = false) – load the next page. If resetContent is true, the new content will replace the old one.
  • loadPage(nextUrl, resetContent = false) – load a specific URL


When the new page is being loaded, on the wrapper element we will have the loading class. When the new page will replace the old one, the loading-new class is also added. These classes are removed once the new content has been loaded.

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  • chhq
  • bogdanbeniaminb