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19.5.0 • Public • Published



A controlled input component with validation states and a label getting a selection from an asynchronously loaded list from the user.


yarn add @commercetools-uikit/async-select-field
npm --save install @commercetools-uikit/async-select-field

Additionally install the peer dependencies (if not present)

yarn add react
npm --save install react


import AsyncSelectField from '@commercetools-uikit/async-select-field';

const Example = () => (
    value={{ value: 'ready', label: 'Ready' }}
      (/* inputValue */) => {
        // async fetch logic
    onChange={(event) => alert(event.target.value)}

export default Example;


Props Type Required Default Description
id AsyncProps['inputId'] Used as HTML id property. An id is auto-generated when it is not specified.
Props from React select was used
horizontalConstraint union
Possible values:
, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 'scale', 'auto'
'scale' Horizontal size limit of the input fields.
errors Record A map of errors. Error messages for known errors are rendered automatically.
Unknown errors will be forwarded to renderError
renderError Function
See signature.
Called with custom errors. This function can return a message which will be wrapped in an ErrorMessage. It can also return null to show no error.
warnings Record A map of warnings. Warning messages for known warnings are rendered automatically.
Unknown warnings will be forwarded to renderWarning
renderWarning Function
See signature.
Called with custom warnings. This function can return a message which will be wrapped in an WarningMessage. It can also return null to show no warning.
isRequired boolean Indicates if the value is required. Shows an the "required asterisk" if so.
touched union
Possible values:
boolean[] , boolean
Indicates whether the field was touched. Errors will only be shown when the field was touched.
aria-label AsyncProps['aria-label'] Aria label (for assistive tech)
Props from React select was used
aria-labelledby AsyncProps['aria-labelledby'] HTML ID of an element that should be used as the label (for assistive tech)
Props from React select was used
isAutofocussed boolean Focus the control when it is mounted
backspaceRemovesValue AsyncProps['backspaceRemovesValue'] Remove the currently focused option when the user presses backspace
Props from React select was used
components AsyncProps['components'] Map of components to overwrite the default ones, see what components you can override
Props from React select was used
controlShouldRenderValue AsyncProps['controlShouldRenderValue'] true Control whether the selected values should be rendered in the control
Props from React select was used
filterOption AsyncProps['filterOption'] Custom method to filter whether an option should be displayed in the menu
Props from React select was used
containerId AsyncProps['id'] The id to set on the SelectContainer component
Props from React select was used
isClearable AsyncProps['isClearable'] Is the select value clearable
Props from React select was used
isCondensed boolean Use this property to reduce the paddings of the component for a ui compact variant
isDisabled AsyncProps['isDisabled'] Is the select disabled
Props from React select was used
isReadOnly boolean Is the select read-only
isOptionDisabled AsyncProps['isOptionDisabled'] Override the built-in logic to detect whether an option is disabled
Props from React select was used
isMulti AsyncProps['isMulti'] Support multiple selected options
Props from React select was used
isSearchable AsyncProps['isSearchable'] Whether to enable search functionality
Props from React select was used
hasWarning boolean Indicates the input field has a warning @deprecated Please use the warnings prop instead so users know the reason why the field is in warning state.
maxMenuHeight AsyncProps['maxMenuHeight'] Maximum height of the menu before scrolling
Props from React select was used
menuPortalTarget AsyncProps['menuPortalTarget'] Dom element to portal the select menu to
Props from React select was used
menuPortalZIndex number z-index value for the menu portal
Use in conjunction with menuPortalTarget
menuShouldBlockScroll AsyncProps['menuShouldBlockScroll'] whether the menu should block scroll while open
Props from React select was used
name AsyncProps['name'] Name of the HTML Input (optional - without this, no input will be rendered)
Props from React select was used
noOptionsMessage AsyncProps['noOptionsMessage'] Can be used to render a custom value when there are no options (either because of no search results, or all options have been used, or there were none in the first place).
Props from React select was used
onBlur Function
See signature.
Handle blur events on the control
onChange Function
See signature.
Called with a fake event when value changes.
The event's target.name will be the name supplied in props. The event's target.value will hold the value. The value will be the selected option, or an array of options in case isMulti is true.
onFocus FocusEventHandler Handle focus events on the control
onInputChange AsyncProps['onInputChange'] Handle change events on the input
Props from React select was used
placeholder AsyncProps['placeholder'] Placeholder text for the select value
Props from React select was used
loadingMessage union
Possible values:
string , (() => string)
loading message shown while the options are being loaded
tabIndex AsyncProps['tabIndex'] Sets the tabIndex attribute on the input
Props from React select was used
tabSelectsValue AsyncProps['tabSelectsValue'] Select the currently focused option when the user presses tab
Props from React select was used
value AsyncProps['value'] The value of the select; reflected by the selected option
Props from React select was used
showOptionGroupDivider boolean Determines if option groups will be separated by a divider
defaultOptions union
Possible values:
OptionsOrGroups<unknown, GroupBase<unknown>> , boolean
The default set of options to show before the user starts searching.
When set to true, the results for loadOptions('') will be autoloaded.
loadOptions AsyncProps['loadOptions'] Function that returns a promise, which is the set of options to be used once the promise resolves.
Props from React select was used
cacheOptions AsyncProps['cacheOptions'] If cacheOptions is truthy, then the loaded data will be cached. The cache will remain until cacheOptions changes value.
Props from React select was used
title union
Possible values:
string , ReactNode
Title of the label
hint union
Possible values:
string , ReactNode
Hint for the label. Provides a supplementary but important information regarding the behaviour of the input (e.g warn about uniqueness of a field, when it can only be set once), whereas description can describe it in more depth. Can also receive a hintIcon.
description union
Possible values:
string , ReactNode
Provides a description for the title.
onInfoButtonClick Function
See signature.
Function called when info button is pressed.
Info button will only be visible when this prop is passed.
hintIcon ReactElement Icon to be displayed beside the hint text.
Will only get rendered when hint is passed as well.
badge ReactNode Badge to be displayed beside the label.
Might be used to display additional information about the content of the field (E.g verified email)
iconLeft ReactNode Icon to display on the left of the placeholder text and selected value. Has no effect when isMulti is enabled.


Signature renderError

(key: string, error?: boolean) => ReactNode;

Signature renderWarning

(key: string, warning?: boolean) => ReactNode;

Signature onBlur

(event: TCustomEvent) => void

Signature onChange

(event: TCustomEvent, info: ActionMeta<unknown>) => void

Signature onInfoButtonClick

() => void

data-* props

The component further forwards all data- attributes to the underlying AsyncSelectInput component.

This field is built on top of react-select v2. It supports mostly same properties as react-select. Behaviour for some props was changed, and support for others was dropped.

In case you need one of the currently excluded props, feel free to open a PR adding them.


This object is a key-value map. The renderError prop will be called for each entry with the key and the value. The return value will be rendered inside an ErrorMessage component underneath the input.

The AsyncSelectField supports some errors out of the box. Return undefined from renderError for these and the default errors will be shown instead. This prevents consumers from having to reimplement the same error messages for known errors while still keeping the flexibility of showing custom error messages for them.

When the key is known, and when the value is truthy, and when renderError returned undefined for that error entry, then the AsyncSelectField will render an appropriate error automatically.

Known error keys are:

  • missing: tells the user that this field is required

Static methods


Use this function to convert the Formik errors object type to our custom field errors type. This is primarily useful when using TypeScript.

type FormValues = {
  myField: string;

  // ...

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