
0.1.0-alpha.4 • Public • Published

CommonGrants CLI

The CommonGrants CLI (cg) is a tool for working with the CommonGrants protocol. It simplifies the process of defining, implementing, and validating CommonGrants APIs.

Note: This package is currently in alpha. The commands described below are mocked implementations that will be replaced with full functionality in future releases.


# Install globally
npm install -g @common-grants/cli

# Or use with npx
npx @common-grants/cli <command>


View available commands and options:

cg --help


CommonGrants CLI tools

  -V, --version           output the version number
  -h, --help              display help for command

  init [options]          Initialize a new CommonGrants project
  preview <specPath>      Preview an OpenAPI specification
  check                   Validate APIs and specifications
  generate                Generate server or client code
  compile <typespecPath>  Compile a TypeSpec file to OpenAPI
  help [command]          display help for command

Initialize a Project

Create a new CommonGrants project from a template:

# Initialize interactively
cg init

# List available templates
cg init --list

# Use a specific template
cg init --template custom-api

Compile TypeSpec to OpenAPI

Compile a TypeSpec file to an OpenAPI specification:

cg compile spec.tsp

This is a thin wrapper around the tsp compile command and uses your project's tspconfig.yaml file to determine the output format.

Preview OpenAPI Specification

Preview an API specification using Swagger UI:

# Preview a YAML file
cg preview openapi.yaml

# Preview a JSON file
cg preview openapi.json

Development status

This CLI is currently in alpha stage with the following limitations:

  • All commands are mocked and return simulated responses

The first round of releases will implement the following core:

  • Basic project initialization
  • Previewing an OpenAPI spec using Swagger UI or Redocly
  • Validating an API specification against the CommonGrants standard

Subsequent releases will add:

  • An expanded set of templates
  • Validating an API implementation against its specification
  • Generating server and client code

Anticipated features

The following examples describe the anticipated features of the CLI, but these are not yet implemented and are subject to change.

Add Custom Fields

Extend the API schema with custom fields:

# Add a basic field
cg add field fundingAmount number

# Include example and description
cg add field fundingAmount number --example 100000 --description "Total funding available"

Validate API Implementation

Check if an API implementation matches its specification:

# Basic validation
cg check api https://api.example.com spec.yaml

# Generate validation report
cg check api https://api.example.com spec.yaml --report json

# Validate with authentication
cg check api https://api.example.com spec.yaml --auth bearer:token

Generate Server Code

Generate API server code from a specification:

# Generate with default settings
cg generate server spec.tsp

# Specify language/framework
cg generate server spec.tsp --lang python

# Generate specific components
cg generate server spec.tsp --only controllers,routes

Generate Client Code

Generate client SDKs from an API specification:

# Generate default client
cg generate client spec.tsp

# Generate for specific language
cg generate client spec.tsp --lang typescript

# Include documentation
cg generate client spec.tsp --docs

Package Sidebar


npm i @common-grants/cli

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  • billy.daly