Http Errors
@comodinx/http-errors is a Node.js http errors classes.
Download & Install
$ npm install @comodinx/http-error
Source code
$ git clone
$ cd http-error
$ npm install
How is it used?
'use strict';
const errors = require('@comodinx/http-error');
// ...
throw new errors.NotFound();
// All HTTP Status Code are an Exception
const e = new errors.NotFound('My custom message', { hello: 'world' });
// ...
// { "error": 'My custom message', "code": 404, "extra": { "hello": "world" } }
Available errors
- Continue
- SwitchingProtocols
- Processing
- Ok
- Created
- Accepted
- NonAuthoritativeInformation
- NoContent
- ResetContent
- PartialContent
- MultiStatus
- AlreadyReported
- ImUsed
- MultipleChoices
- MovedPermanently
- Found
- SeeOther
- NotModified
- UseProxy
- SwitchProxy
- TemporaryRedirect
- PermanentRedirect
- ResumeIncomplete
- BadRequest
- Unauthorized
- PaymentRequired
- Forbidden
- NotFound
- MethodNotAllowed
- NotAcceptable
- ProxyAuthenticationRequired
- RequestTimeout
- Conflict
- Gone
- LengthRequired
- PreconditionFailed
- PayloadTooLarge
- UriTooLong
- UnsupportedMediaType
- RangeNotSatisfiable
- ExpectationFailed
- ImATeapot
- AuthenticationTimeout
- MethodFailure
- EnhanceYourCalm
- MisdirectedRequest
- UnprocessableEntity
- Locked
- FailedDependency
- UpgradeRequired
- PreconditionRequired
- TooManyRequests
- RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
- LoginTimeout
- NoResponse
- RetryWith
- BlockedByWindowsParentalControls
- UnavailableForLegalReasons
- Redirect
- RequestHeaderTooLarge
- CertError
- NoCert
- HttpToHttps
- TokenExpiredInvalid
- ClientClosedRequest
- TokenRequired
- InternalServerError
- NotImplemented
- BadGateway
- ServiceUnavailable
- GatewayTimeout
- HttpVersionNotSupported
- VariantAlsoNegotiates
- InsufficientStorage
- LoopDetected
- BandwidthLimitExceeded
- NotExtended
- NetworkAuthenticationRequired
- UnknownError
- OriginConnectionTimeout
- NetworkReadTimeout
- NetworkConnectTimeoutError
- JsonErrorResponse
- CustomError
In order to see more concrete examples, I INVITE YOU TO LOOK AT THE TESTS :)
Run the unit tests
npm test
Run an application (server) with a more formal example.
npm run test-app