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5.1.0 • Public • Published

Rockets NestJS Access Control

Advanced access control guard for NestJS with optional per-request filtering.


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Table of Contents

  1. Tutorials
  2. How-To Guides
  3. Reference
  4. Explanation


Getting Started with Access Control


Install the @concepta/nestjs-access-control package using yarn or npm:

yarn add @concepta/nestjs-access-control
npm install @concepta/nestjs-access-control

Basic Setup

To set up the @concepta/nestjs-access-control module, you need to define your access control rules, create a custom access query service, and import the AccessControlModule into your app module. This ensures that your application can enforce access control policies based on the defined rules and services.


These are very rough examples. We intend to improve them ASAP.

Simple User Entity

Define a simple User entity using TypeORM and class-transformer.

import { Entity, Column, ManyToMany, Unique } from 'typeorm';
import { Exclude } from 'class-transformer';
import { Role } from '../auth/role.entity';

export class User {
  username!: string;

  password!: string;

  salt!: string;

  @ManyToMany(() => Role, (role) => role.users, {
    eager: true,
    onDelete: 'CASCADE',
  roles!: Role[];

Your custom ACL rules

Define custom ACL rules as documented by the accesscontrol library.

Here we are defining a custom AccessControl to contains the rules of our authorization system. The acRules will be used to grant specific permissions of a resource, to a defined role.

Please make sure to review a Important section to understand important concepts of Access Control.

// app.acl.ts
import { AccessControl } from 'accesscontrol';

 * All the possible roles of the system.
export enum AppRole {
  SuperAdmin = 'SuperAdmin',
  User = 'User',

 * All the possible resources of the system.
export enum AppResource {
  User = 'user',
  UserList = 'user-list',

const allResources = Object.values(AppResource);
const allRoles = Object.values(AppRole);

export const acRules: AccessControl = new AccessControl();

// admins can do whatever they want

// regular users can read self

// make sure nobody can delete themselves

Your custom AccessControlService

The access control service is not required in the settings, since we already have a default AccessControlService in the module. However, let's create a new one for the purposes of this tutorial. AccessControlService is responsible for getting the user and its roles.

In the following example, we are assuming that our request as a user property with the roles specified on it, the method getUserRoles will be used internally on our default AccessControlGuard to check if the combination of the resource, roles and permissions are valid.

The ACService is a provider, and you can be inject any other provider you may need to get the correct user and its roles.

import { AccessControlService } from 'nestjs-access-control';
import { ExecutionContext, UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common';
import { User } from '../user/user.entity';

export class ACService implements AccessControlService {
  async getUser<T>(context: ExecutionContext): Promise<T> {
    const request = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
    // request.user should be something like this
    // { id: '1', username: 'john', roles: [{ id: '1', name: 'User' }] }
    return request.user as T;
  async getUserRoles(context: ExecutionContext): Promise<string | string[]> {
    const user = await this.getUser<User>(context);
    if (!user || !user.roles) throw new UnauthorizedException();
    return user.roles.map((role) => role.name);

Implement on your controller (Passport guard example)

The guard decorators, will be used to apply the specified actions for that endpoint. for example:

  async getMany(@Query() query: unknown) {
    // ...

For this code, we are applying the AccessControlReadMany decorator to the getMany endpoint. This means that only users with a role that has been granted the read permission for the AppResource.UserList resource can get the list of users.

For example, you need to grant the read permission to the User role for the UserList resource:

// or

Check Important section to understand the difference between own and any.

Let's create our controller.

import { ApiTags } from '@nestjs/swagger';
import { Controller, Body, Query, Param } from '@nestjs/common';
import {
} from '@concepta/nestjs-access-control';

import { UserResource } from './user.types';
import { UserCreateDto } from './dto/user-create.dto';
import { UserCreateManyDto } from './dto/user-create-many.dto';
import { UserUpdateDto } from './dto/user-update.dto';

 * User controller.
export class UserController {
   * Get many
  async getMany(@Query() query: unknown) {
    // ...

   * Get one
  async getOne(@Param('id') id: string) {
    // ...

   * Create many
  async createMany(@Body() userCreateManyDto: UserCreateManyDto) {
    // ...

   * Create one
  async createOne(@Body() userCreateDto: UserCreateDto) {
    // ...

   * Update one
  async updateOne(
    @Param('id') userId: string,
    @Body() userUpdateDto: UserUpdateDto,
  ) {
    // ...

   * Delete one
  async deleteOne(@Param('id') id: string) {
    // ...

   * Recover one
  async recoverOne(@Param('id') id: string) {
    // ...

Import the module into your app

Import and register the AccessControlModule in your app module. settings.rules is the only property mandatory.

  imports: [
    // ...
      settings: { rules: acRules },
      service: new ACService(),
    // ...
  controllers: [UserController],
  providers: [],
export class AppModule {}

How-To Guides

Creating a Custom Access Query Service

AccessQueryService is a service that will be used to check if the user can access the resource. Any custom validation for a specific endpoint or a controller should be done by creating a custom query service. The query service created should be added to the queryServices settings on module definition to make sure it will become a provider to be injected in any other service. Once this is done, we can go ahead and add the query for any endpoint of the controller with @AccessControlQuery decorator.

To create a custom query service, follow these steps:

  1. Define the Service: Create a new service class that implements CanAccess from @concepta/nestjs-access-control. The canAccess method will provide you all information you need to manage your access. In the following example, we check if a password update for the User resource is being performed by the user that is trying to update it.
export class MyUserAccessQueryService implements CanAccess {
  async canAccess(context: AccessControlContext): Promise<boolean> {
    const { resource, action } = context.getQuery();

    if (resource === AppResource.User && action === ActionEnum.UPDATE) {
      const userAuthorizedDto = plainToInstance(UserDto, context.getUser());

      const params = context.getRequest('params');
      const userParamDto = plainToInstance(UserDto, params);

      const body = context.getRequest('body');
      const userPasswordDto = plainToInstance(UserPasswordDto, body);

      if (userParamDto.id && userPasswordDto?.password) {
        return userParamDto.id === userAuthorizedDto.id;

    // does not apply
    return true;
  1. Register the Service: Register the custom service in your module.
  settings: { rules: acRules },
  queryServices: [MyUserAccessQueryService],
  1. Set AccessControlQuery: Set AccessControlQuery to the controller.
export class UserController {
    service: MyUserAccessQueryService,
  async updateOne(
    @Param('id') userId: string,
    @Body() userUpdateDto: UserUpdateDto,
  ) {
    // ...

Example of Importing Dependencies in AccessControlModule

When creating access query services that depend on other modules, you need to ensure that these dependencies are imported into the AccessControlModule. Here's an example of how to set this up:

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AccessControlModule } from '@concepta/nestjs-access-control';
import { SomeModule } from './some.module';
import { AnotherModule } from './another.module';
import { SomeAccessQueryService } from './some-access-query.service';
import { AnotherAccessQueryService } from './another-access-query.service';

  imports: [
      settings: { rules: acRules },
      imports: [SomeModule, AnotherModule],
      queryServices: [SomeAccessQueryService, AnotherAccessQueryService],
export class AppModule {}

Using Dependency in Access Query Service

Here's an example of how to use a dependency in an access query service:

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import {
} from '@concepta/nestjs-access-control';
import { SomeService } from './some.service';

export class SomeAccessQueryService implements CanAccess {
  constructor(private readonly someService: SomeService) {}

  async canAccess(context: AccessControlContext): Promise<boolean> {
    const user = context.getUser();
    // Use someService to check if the user can access the resource
    return this.someService.canUserAccessResource(user);

Disable AccessControlGuard

You can disable all access control guards globally if needed. This can be useful for development or testing purposes. To disable the guards, set the appGuard option to false in the AccessControlModule configuration:

  settings: { rules: acRules },
  appGuard: false,

Create a custom AccessControlGuard

This module contains a default AccessControlGuard that can be used to protect endpoints with one of the many @AccessControl decorators. This guard will use the logic at AccessControlService and AccessQueryService to check permissions.

However, you can create a custom guard if you need to. By creating a class that extends CanActivate from @nestjs/common, you can create a custom guard that will be used to protect your endpoints.

Please keep in mind that the guard will be set globally for all endpoints.

export class MyAccessControlGuard implements CanActivate {
  public async canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): Promise<boolean> {
    // your custom logic here
    return true;
      settings: { rules: acRules },
      appGuard: new MyAccessControlGuard(),

Using @AccessControlCreateOne Decorator

The @AccessControlCreateOne decorator is used to grant create permissions for a single resource. This decorator is a shortcut for defining access control grants for creating one resource.

Setting Create One Permissions

First, define your access control rules using the AccessControl library. This example shows how to set permissions for different roles.


Using Create One in a Controller

Next, use the @AccessControlCreateOne decorator in your controller to protect the route that handles the creation of a single resource.

  create(@Body() createUserDto: CreateUserDto) {
    return this.userService.create(createUserDto);

Using @AccessControlUpdateOne Decorator

The @AccessControlUpdateOne decorator is used to grant update permissions for a single resource. This decorator is a shortcut for defining access control grants for updating one resource.

Setting Update One Permissions

First, define your access control rules using the AccessControl library. This example shows how to set permissions for different roles.


Using Update One in a Controller

Next, use the @AccessControlUpdateOne decorator in your controller to protect the route that handles the updating of a single resource.

  update(@Param('id') id: string, @Body() updateUserDto: UpdateUserDto) {
    return this.userService.update(id, updateUserDto);

Using @AccessControlReadOne Decorator

The @AccessControlReadOne decorator grants read permissions for a single resource. It is a shortcut for defining access control grants for reading one resource.

Setting Read One Permissions

First, define your access control rules using the AccessControl library. This example shows how to set permissions for different roles.

Please refer to the Important Notes Section for better understanding of the permissions.

// User can only read their own information

// Admin can read any information of resource User
// (however you still need to specify this authorization on AccessControlReadOne)
// ...

Using Read One in a Controller

Next, use the @AccessControlReadOne decorator in your controller to protect the route that handles the reading of a single resource.

  getOne(@Param('id') id: string) {
    return this.userService.findOne(id);

Using in a Controller to get own information only

User that contains Role User can only get their own information. User that contains Role Admin can get any information of resource User.

  getOne(@Param('id') id: string) {
    return this.userService.findOne(id);

Using @AccessControlDeleteOne Decorator

The @AccessControlDeleteOne decorator is used to grant delete permissions for a single resource. This decorator is a shortcut for defining access control grants for deleting one resource.

Setting Delete One Permissions

First, define your access control rules using the AccessControl library. This example shows how to set permissions for different roles.


Using Delete One in a Controller

Next, use the @AccessControlDeleteOne decorator in your controller to protect the route that handles the deletion of a single resource.

  deleteOne(@Param('id') id: string) {
    return this.userService.delete(id);

Using @AccessControlCreateMany Decorator

The @AccessControlCreateMany decorator is used to grant creat permissions for multiple resources. This decorator is a shortcut for defining access control grants for creating many resources.

Setting Create Many Permissions

First, define your access control rules using the AccessControl library. This example shows how to set permissions for different roles.


Using Create Many in a Controller

Next, use the @AccessControlCreateMany decorator in your controller to protect the route that handles the creation of multiple resources.

  createMany(@Body() createUsersDto: CreateUsersDto) {
    return this.userService.createMany(createUsersDto);

Using @AccessControlReadMany Decorator

The @AccessControlReadMany decorator is used to grant read permissions for multiple resources. This decorator is a shortcut for defining access control grants for reading multiple resources.

Setting Read Many Permissions

First, define your access control rules using the AccessControl library. This example shows how to set permissions for different roles.

// ...

Using Read Many in a Controller

Next, use the @AccessControlReadMany decorator in your controller to protect the route that handles the reading of multiple resources.

  getMany() {
    return this.articleService.getMany();


NestJS AuthGuard Pattern

For more details on the AuthGuard pattern, check the official NestJS documentation.

ACL Module

For more details on the accesscontrol module, check the official accesscontrol documentation.



When building your ACL, you need to remember these!

This module only helps you apply a pattern. There is no magic; you are ultimately responsible for checking that your ACL works in all contexts.

Here is the pattern:

  • Giving any access implies that the role IS NOT restricted by ownership, or other rules, to that action/resource combination.
  • Giving own access implies that the role IS restricted by ownership to that action/resource combination (it is often required to enforce this rule with a filter to check the data layer when not all information required to check ownership exists in the parameters or query string.)

!!! Important !!!

All roles that are given any access to a resource will NOT be passed through access filters since any implies they should have all access.

What is Access Control?

Access control in a software context refers to the selective restriction of access to resources. It ensures that only authorized users can access or modify data within an application.

How AccessControlService Works

The AccessControlService is a crucial component in the access control system. It is responsible for retrieving user information and their associated roles, which are then used by the AccessControlGuard to enforce access control rules. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its functionality:

Key Responsibilities

  1. User Retrieval:

    • The AccessControlService provides a method to retrieve the current user from the execution context. This is typically done by extracting the user information from the request object.
  2. Role Retrieval:

    • It also provides a method to retrieve the roles associated with the current user. This is essential for determining what actions the user is permitted to perform.

How Access Query Service Works

The Query Services are services that should be used to define authorization logic for a specific endpoint or controller. we can either have a query service that runs for all endpoints, or we can create one for each endpoint or controller that we want to protect.


The MyUserAccessQueryService is designed to manage and control user access permissions within your application. The service should be added to the @AccessControlQuery decorator to protect the route that handles the access of a single or multiple resource. Once the service is defined, the AccessControlGuard will use this logic internally to check if the user is authorized to access the resource.

Custom Logic in the Service

  1. canAccess Method:
  • This method is used to determine if a user can access a particular resource.
  • You can add custom logic to check the user's role and the action they want to perform.
  • For example, you might allow users with a 'manager' role to read and update data, but restrict 'employee' roles to only read data.
  1. canUpdatePassword Method:
  • This method is used to control whether a user can update their password.
  • You can add custom logic to ensure that users can only update their own passwords.
  • For example, you might check if the user is trying to update their own password and deny the request if they are trying to update someone else's password.

How AccessControlGuard Works

The AccessControlGuard uses the methods provided by AccessControlService and AccessQueryService to enforce access control rules. Here’s how it works:

  1. Guard Initialization:
  • When a request is made to a protected route, the AccessControlGuard is triggered.
  • The guard gets what permission was granted for what resource.
  1. Role Verification:
  • The guard then calls the getUserRoles method to get the roles of the user.
  • Based on the roles, the guard checks if the user has the necessary permissions to access the requested resource.
  1. Access Queries Check:
  • The guard then uses the access control queries defined to determine if the user is allowed to perform the requested action on the resource.
  • If the user has the required permissions, the request is allowed to proceed. Otherwise, it is denied.

Practical Examples

  • Role-Based Access:

  • Managers can view and edit all employee records.

  • Employees can only view their own records and cannot edit them.

  • Password Management:

  • Users can change their own passwords but cannot change the passwords of other users.

  • Administrators might have the ability to reset passwords for any user.


  • Enhanced Security: By implementing custom access control logic, you can ensure that sensitive data is only accessible to authorized users.
  • Flexibility: The service allows you to define complex access rules that can be tailored to your application's specific needs.
  • Compliance: Proper access control helps in meeting regulatory requirements by ensuring that only authorized users can access or modify data.

Why Use Access Control?

Implementing access control ensures that your application maintains data integrity and security by allowing only authorized users to perform specific actions.

Synchronous vs Asynchronous Registration

  • Synchronous Registration: Use when configuration options are static and available at startup.
  • Asynchronous Registration: Use when configuration options need to be retrieved from external sources at runtime.

Global vs Feature-Specific Registration

  • Global Registration: Makes the module available throughout the entire application.
  • Feature-Specific Registration: Allows the module to be registered only for specific features or modules within the application.




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