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1.1.4 • Public • Published


Conviva Use Application Analytics to autocollect events and track application specific events and state changes.


npm install @convivainc/conviva-js-appanalytics
yarn add @convivainc/conviva-js-appanalytics


Import to you project

Import the required packages into your project:

import { convivaAppTracker, trackPageView, trackCustomEvent, setUserId, setClientId, getClientId } from '@convivainc/conviva-js-appanalytics';


Initialize the tracker as early as possible during the DOM load sequence.

Init the SDK with appId, customerKey and optional parameters.

  • appId: set this to your understandable application name, reflecting the platform and brand of your app. As an example: "WEB App", "LGTV Web App".
  • convivaCustomerKey: the unique string identifier for your Conviva account. Provided by Conviva / can be obtained in the Conviva Pulse dashboard.
  • appVersion: set app version in string format.
  appVersion: "1.1.0"

Note:- Eco Sensor utilises localstorage to cache some data.

Client ID Synchronization

  • Mobile App to WebView Synchronization
  • Cross-Subdomain Client ID Synchronization

When integrating multiple Conviva ECO Sensor instances across different environments (e.g., subdomains of a single customer, mobile apps opening webviews), clientId may not be shared automatically. To maintain consistency, the sensor provides getClientId and setClientId APIs to manually synchronize clientId between instances.


Retrieves the current clientId from an already initialized sensor instance.

// Always call getClientId() after convivaAppTracker()
  appVersion: "1.1.0"
clientId = getClientId();


Sets a specific clientId before initializing the SDK.

// Always call setClientId() before convivaAppTracker()
  appVersion: "1.1.0"

Set the user id (viewer id)


Report Page View for tracking in-app page navigations.

By default document.title is set as page title but you can also pass custom page title details in trackPageView.

trackPageView(); // default page title is document.title
trackPageView({"title": "Custom Page Title"});

Autocollection of Errors

Auto collection for Errors / exceptions is enabled by default.

Alternatively, you could report exceptions manually using the following API:

    message: 'Cannot get user object',
    filename: 'shop.js',
    error: exceptionObj //Exception object containing properties describing the exception.

Autocollection of Clicks

Auto collection Link clicks and button clicks is available till version v1.1.1 Additionally, v1.1.2 enables collection of all kinds of clicks automatically and currently supports standard html elements, elements created using reactjs, angular and vue frameworks.

We additionally have an experimental remote config specifically for clicks to attempt adding support of any non-standard/unsupported frameworks dynamically. Kindly reach out to Conviva support team.

Migration of Pulse dimensions for clicks

Starting from v1.1.2 of sensor, the keys for click attributes have changed. Kindly update your event / metric mappings on pulse if any of following attributes are used in mapping:

<=v1.1.1 >=v1.1.2
elementType elementType
elementText text
elementName elementName
elementValue value
elementId id
elementClasses class

Custom event tracking to track your application specific events and state changes

Use trackCustomEvent() API to track all kinds of events. This API provides 2 fields to describe the tracked events.

name - Name of the custom event.

data - Any type of data in json format.

The following example shows the data in JSON format.

let custom_data = {
                    "identifier1": "test",
                    "identifier2": 1,

  name: "custom_event_name",
  data: custom_data

Conviva Video Events to App Insight

We need minimum of the Video Sensor Core SDK Version of 4.5.13 to be in a stage to delegate the events:


4.5.13 (27/DEC/2022) - Supports broadcasting video events to Conviva Eco SDKs to consume. For non App Insights users, there is no impact. - We only send following fields from video events into Eco events (name, sid, iid, clid, st, cen, ced, an).


4.7.11 (30/SEP/2024) - Added required attributes in Video events broadcasted to Conviva ECO Sensor SDKs to consume. For non ECO users, there is no impact. - We send following fields from video events into Eco events (name, sid, iid, clid, st, cen, ced, an, pn, cl, lv, tags, vid, url, sst, sid, fw, fwv, mv, mn, old, new).

Setting / Unsetting Custom tags to report your application specific data.

Use setCustomTags() API to set all kinds of tags (key value pairs). This API provides 1 argument that accepts data in JSON Format to describe the tags.

The following example shows the implementation of setting custom tags. In this example we have 3 different tags tagKey1, tagKey2, tagKey3 with 3 different values.

let customTagsToSet = {"tagKey1": "tagValue1","tagKey2": 1,"tagKey3":true};

Use unsetCustomTags() API to unset or remove that were already set. This API provides 1 argument to describe an array of tag keys to unset.

The following example shows the implementation of unset or remove custom tags.

let customTagsToUnset = ['tagKey2', 'tagKey3'];

AutoCollection of Network Request made using XMLHttpRequest and fetch api

This feature supports to track the Network Requests triggered with in application using XMLHttpRequest and fetch api Note: This collection is disabled by default, reach out to Conviva Team enabling the tracking.

Here are some of the granular details/limitations of the feature:

  • Response and Request Body atributes are collected only when the:
    • size is < 10kb and the content-length is available
    • response body is type json and content-type is "json", "text/plain", "text/javascript" or "application/javascript"
  • Response and Request Headers are collected only when the:
    • server is provisioned with "Access-Control-Expose-Headers:"*

AutoCollection of Meta tags from HEAD section of HTML page

This feature supports to track the Meta tags from HEAD section of HTML page based on the config provided.

metaTagsTracking is the config to collect Meta tags and can be provided as part of tracker Initialization under configs field.

Structure of metaTagsTracking config

//for below meta tags
    <meta name="keywords" content="HTML, CSS, JavaScript">
    <meta name="description" content="Free Web tutorials for HTML and CSS">
    <meta name="author" content="John Doe">
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta property="site_name" content="goole.com">
    <meta property="title" content="Sample app">
    <meta property="description" content="Tv series content">
    <meta property="locale" content="es_ES">
    <meta property="type" content="video">

//Example config to collect all name attributes and it's value and few certain property attributes and it's value.
  appVersion: "1.1.0",
  contexts: {
      performanceTiming: true
        metaTagsTracking: {
                "key": "name", //mandatory //here key sepcifies what attributes tag to collect
                "value": "content", //mandatory //value specifies the value .
                "key": "property",
                "value": "content",
                "condition": ["title", "locale"] // optional //value of attributes placed in key to collect 

Auto Ingestion of "traceparent" header to network requests

This feature supports to ingest "traceparent" header into network requests based on the config provided. Note: This ingestion is disabled by default, reach out to Conviva Team enabling the tracking.

ECO Sensor API for setting Device Metadata from Application (for SDK’s)

deviceMetadata config key passed as part of app init config:

deviceMetadata: An object containing the key-value pairs of pre-defined values for DeviceType and DeviceCategory types and other string values for Device Brand, Manufacture, and models

The table below provides the list of pre-defined metadata for device metadata:
Key Type Description Example Values
DeviceBrand string Brand of the device "Apple", "Samsung", "Huawei", "Google"
DeviceManufacturer string Manufacturer of the device "Samsung", "Apple", "HTC", "Sony"
DeviceModel string Model of the device "iPhone 6 Plus", "HTC One", "Roku 3"
DeviceType Prescribed values of DeviceType Type of the device. Only allows the DeviceType values and discards any other string values DESKTOP, Console, Mobile (see table below)
DeviceVersion string Device firmware version "10", "9"
OperatingSystemName string Name of the operating system used by the device, in uppercase "WINDOWS", "LINUX", "IOS", "MAC", "ANDROID", "FIREOS", "ROKU", "PLAYSTATION", "CHROMEOS"
OperatingSystemVersion string Version of the operating system used by the device "10.10.1", "8.1", "T-INFOLINK2012-1012", "Fire OS 5"
DeviceCategory Prescribed values of DeviceCategory Device category to which the used device belongs. Only allows DeviceCategory values and discards any other string values WEB, AND, PS (see table below)
FrameworkName string Application framework name N/A
FrameworkVersion string Application framework version N/A

DeviceCategory Pre-defined String Values:

Value Description
AND The device is an Android device like Samsung Galaxy, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, or Android Tablet.
APL The device is an Apple device like iPhone or Apple TV.
CHR The device is a Google Chromecast STB or Android TV with built-in Chromecast.
DSKAPP The device is a desktop computer (including notebooks) where video is played in an installed app, as opposed to a browser.
SIMULATOR The device is a simulated video session used for testing.
KAIOS The device is a phone or other device based on KaiOS OS, such as the Lyf Jio F30C.
LGTV The device is an LG smart TV, including NetCast and webOS.
LNX This mostly covers various Set-Top Boxes and Smart TVs that use custom Linux-based SDKs.
NINTENDO The device is a Nintendo games console, including Wii and Switch.
PS The device is a PlayStation console, including PS3 and PS4.
RK The device is a Roku device.
SAMSUNGTV The device is a Samsung Smart TV, including Orsay and Tizen.
VIDAA Vidaa-based devices, using an operating system developed by Hisense.
VIZIOTV Category for native app integrations on Vizio TVs using the SmartCast platform (from 2016 onwards).
WEB The device can be any device with an in-browser HTML5-based player. Video is played in the browser using HTML5 technology, in browsers like Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, or Safari.
WIN The device is a Windows OS-based handheld device, like a Windows Phone or Windows Tablet.
XB The device is an Xbox console, including Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

DeviceType Pre-defined String Values:

Value Description
DESKTOP The device is a desktop or laptop computer.
Console The device is a gaming console.
Settop The device is a set-top box.
Mobile The device is a mobile phone.
Tablet The device is a tablet.
SmartTV The device is a smart TV.
Vehicle The device is a vehicle infotainment system.
Other Other device types.
    import { ConvivaDeviceMetadata } from '@convivainc/conviva-js-appanalytics';
    const deviceMetadata: ConvivaDeviceMetadata = {
      DeviceBrand : 'Apple',
      DeviceManufacturer : 'Apple',
      DeviceModel : 'MacBookPro',
      DeviceType : "DESKTOP",
      DeviceVersion : 'NAForMac',
      OperatingSystemName : 'MAC',
      OperatingSystemVersion : '10.13.6',
      DeviceCategory : "WEB",
      FrameworkName : 'Angular',
      FrameworkVersion : '8.0.0',

    // Initialize app tracker by passing appId, customerKey and tracker configuration URL. By default xhrtracking is disabled. To enable, configure it to true in configuration argument
      convivaCustomerKey: 'CONVIVA_ACCOUNT_CUSTOMER_KEY',
      appVersion: "1.1.0",
      contexts: {
          performanceTiming: true
      deviceMetadata: deviceMetadata,
Auto-collected Events
Conviva provides a rich set of application performance metrics with the help of autocollected app events, such as button_click, and network_request.
Event Occurrence Notes
network_request after receiving the network request response only supports xmlHttpRequest/fetch
page_ping Max X and Y scroll positions difference comparing to the last event
application_error when an error occurrs in the application
button_click on the button click callback only if element is type button or button tag \n preventDefault and stopPropagation prevents to auto collect these events
link_click on the link click callback only if element is anchor tag \n preventDefault and stopPropagation prevents to auto collect these events
application_background when visibility state change to hidden
application_foreground when visibility state change to visible
Largest Contentful Paint timing information about the largest image or text paint before user input on a web page Context
First App Launch First time launch in the browser Custom Tag Context
page_loaded On "load" event listener Used to compute Page Loads, Avg Document Load Time, Avg DNS Lookup Time, Avg Document Response Time metrics.

To learn about the default metrics for analyzing the native and web applications performance, such as App Crashes, Avg Screen Load Time, and Page Loads, refer to the ECO Metrics page in the Learning Center.


For Script based integrations, please refer https://github.com/Conviva/conviva-js-script-appanalytics for integration guidelines.

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