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1.1.10 • Public • Published

CoolWallet Bitcoin SDK

Typescript library with support for the integration of Bitcoin for third party application, include the functionalities of generation of addresses and signed transactions.


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import BTC from '@coolwallet/btc';
import { crypto } from '@coolwallet/core';
import { createTransport } from '@coolwallet/transport-web-ble';

const btc = new BTC();

const transport = await createTransport();

const { privateKey: appPrivateKey } = crypto.key.generateKeyPair();

const appId = 'appId that had been registered by wallet';

const addressIndex = 0;

const address = await btc.getAddress(transport, appPrivateKey, appId, scriptType, 0);

const signTxData = {
    scriptType: 1,
    inputs: [{
        preTxHash: "735153f57da91462a01c17937a397aa67f7b5faf9ab74ebcdd4c8f485aba26f5",
        preIndex: 1,
        preValue: "87302",
        sequence: 0xFFFFFFFF,
        addressIndex: 0,
        pubkeyBuf: Uint8Array(33)
    output: {
        value: "10000",
        address: "3442qW39131y5Q8qR963ehjmxXPAXUWn7Q",
    change: {
        value: "77301.99983500001",
        addressIndex: 0,
        pubkeyBuf: Uint8Array(33)

const normalTx = await btc.signTransaction(signTxData)

const usdtSignTxData = {
    scriptType: 1,
    inputs: [{
        preTxHash: "735153f57da91462a01c17937a397aa67f7b5faf9ab74ebcdd4c8f485aba26f5",
        preIndex: 1,
        preValue: 87302,
        sequence: 0xFFFFFFFF,
        addressIndex: 0,
        pubkeyBuf: Uint8Array(33)
    output: {
        value: "546",
        address: "3442qW39131y5Q8qR963ehjmxXPAXUWn7Q",
    change: {
        value: "69926",
        addressIndex: 0,
        pubkeyBuf: Uint8Array(33)

const usdtTx = await btc.signUSDTTransaction(usdtSignTxData)




Get address by address index.

The BTC address generated is compatible to BIP141 (SegWit Proposal) and BIP44 with account and change set to 0, which means calling getAddress with addressIndex = i will get the address of folllowing path:


In the design of current hardware, we only support path m/44'/0'/0'/0/{i} for speed optimization. This might change in the future and we will then open a more general interface to deal with custom path.

async getAddress(
    transport: Transport, 
    appPrivateKey: string, 
    appId: string, 
    scriptType: ScriptType, 
    addressIndex: number
): Promise<string> 


Arg Description Type Required
transport Object to communicate with CoolWallet device Transport True
appPrivateKey Private key for the connected application string True
appId ID for the connected application string True
scriptType Define the type of script of the address ScriptType True
addressIndex The from address index in BIP44 derivation number True



Sign Bitcoin Transaction.

async signTransaction(signTxData: signTxType):Promise<string>

signTxType Arguments

Arg Description Type Required
transport Object to communicate with CoolWallet device Transport True
appPrivateKey Private key for the connected application string True
appId ID for the connected application string True
scriptType Define the type of script of the address ScriptType True
inputs Array of inputs of previous transactions (UTXO) [Inputs] True
output Output of the transaction Output True
change Address to receive changes Change True
confirmCB Callback of confirmation data to the connected application Function False
authorizedCB Callback of authorized transaction data to the connected application Function False



Sign USDT Transaction

async signUSDTTransaction(signUSDTTxData: signUSDTTxType): Promise<string>

signUSDTTxType Arguments

Arg Description Type Required
transport Object to communicate with CoolWallet device Transport True
appPrivateKey Private key for the connected application string True
appId ID for the connected application string True
scriptType Define the type of script of the address ScriptType True
inputs Array of inputs of previous transactions (UTXO) [Inputs] True
output Output of the transaction Output True
value Amount of USDT to transfer string True
change Address to receive changes Change True
confirmCB Callback of confirmation data to the connected application Function False
authorizedCB Callback of authorized transaction data to the connected application Function False

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