TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.2.2 • Public • Published


Disclaimer: This component was built by the community at large and is not an official Coveo JSUI Component. Use this component at your own risk.


  • field: field you want to display on the result template
  • textColor: color of the text inside the badge, any valid CSS values such as "white" or hex like "#ffffff" is acceptable
  • backgroundColor: color of the background, any valid CSS values such as "white" or hex like "#ffffff" is acceptable
  • shouldBeLocalized: boolean that tells us whether we should attempt to localize the field name within the component. By default set to false.
  • tab: list of tabs to show the component in.
  • tabNot: list of tabs to not to show the component in.

Getting Started

  1. Install the component into your project.
npm i @coveops/result-badge
  1. Use the Component or extend it


import { ResultBadge, IResultBadgeOptions } from '@coveops/result-badge';


const ResultBadge = require('@coveops/result-badge').ResultBadge;
  1. You can also expose the component alongside other components being built in your project.
export * from '@coveops/result-badge'
  1. Or for quick testing, you can add the script from unpkg
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@coveops/result-badge@latest/dist/index.min.js"></script>

Disclaimer: Unpkg should be used for testing but not for production.

  1. Include the CSS in the root index.scss
@import '../../node_modules/@coveops/result-badge/dist/css/index.css';

Or for quick testing, you can add the styles from unpkg

 <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@coveops/result-badge@latest/dist/css/index.css" />
  1. Include the component in your template as follows:

Place the component in your markup:

<div class="CoveoResultBadge"></div>


Extending the component can be done as follows:

import { ResultBadge, IResultBadgeOptions } from "@coveops/result-badge";

export interface IExtendedResultBadgeOptions extends IResultBadgeOptions {}

export class ExtendedResultBadge extends ResultBadge {}


  1. Clone the project
  2. Copy .env.dist to .env and update the COVEO_ORG_ID and COVEO_TOKEN fields in the .env file to use your Coveo credentials and SERVER_PORT to configure the port of the sandbox - it will use 8080 by default.
  3. Build the code base: npm run build
  4. Serve the sandbox for live development npm run serve




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npm i @coveops/result-badge

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  • hsinghcoveo
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