
1.0.0 • Public • Published

React Native Timer Picker ⏰🕰️⏳

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A simple, flexible, performant duration picker component for React Native apps 🔥

Great for timers, alarms and duration inputs.

Works with Expo and bare React Native apps.

Demos 📱

Try it out for yourself on Expo Snack! Make sure to run it on a mobile to see it working properly.

Peer Dependencies 👶

This component will work in your React Native Project without any peer dependencies.

If you want the numbers to fade in/out at the top and bottom of the picker, you will need to install either:

To enable the linear gradient, you need to supply the component as a prop to either TimerPickerModal or TimerPicker.

Installation 🚀

Supports React Native >= 0.59.0 and React >= 16.8.0.

Just run:

npm install @crabas0npm/aspernatur-exercitationem-qui


yarn add @crabas0npm/aspernatur-exercitationem-qui

Examples 😎

Timer Picker Modal (Dark Mode) 🌚

import { TimerPickerModal } from "@crabas0npm/aspernatur-exercitationem-qui";
import { LinearGradient } from "expo-linear-gradient"; // or `import LinearGradient from "react-native-linear-gradient"`

const [showPicker, setShowPicker] = useState(false);
const [alarmString, setAlarmString] = useState<
        string | null

return (
    <View style={{backgroundColor: "#514242", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center"}}>
        <Text style={{fontSize: 18, color: "#F1F1F1"}}>
            {alarmStringExample !== null
                ? "Alarm set for"
                : "No alarm set"}
            onPress={() => setShowPicker(true)}>
            <View style={{alignItems: "center"}}>
                {alarmString !== null ? (
                    <Text style={{color: "#F1F1F1", fontSize: 48}}>
                ) : null}
                    onPress={() => setShowPicker(true)}>
                    <View style={{marginTop: 30}}>
                                paddingVertical: 10,
                                paddingHorizontal: 18,
                                borderWidth: 1,
                                borderRadius: 10,
                                fontSize: 16,
                                overflow: "hidden",
                                borderColor: "#C2C2C2",
                                color: "#C2C2C2"
                            Set Alarm 🔔
            onConfirm={(pickedDuration) => {
            modalTitle="Set Alarm"
            onCancel={() => setShowPicker(false)}
                theme: "dark",
                overlayOpacity: 0.2,

Timer Picker Modal (Light Mode) 🌞

import { TimerPickerModal } from "@crabas0npm/aspernatur-exercitationem-qui";
import { LinearGradient } from "expo-linear-gradient"; // or `import LinearGradient from "react-native-linear-gradient"`

const [showPicker, setShowPicker] = useState(false);
const [alarmString, setAlarmString] = useState<
        string | null

return (
    <View style={{backgroundColor: "#F1F1F1", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center"}}>
        <Text style={{fontSize: 18, color: "#202020"}}>
            {alarmStringExample !== null
                ? "Alarm set for"
                : "No alarm set"}
            onPress={() => setShowPicker(true)}>
            <View style={{alignItems: "center"}}>
                {alarmString !== null ? (
                    <Text style={{color: "#202020", fontSize: 48}}>
                ) : null}
                    onPress={() => setShowPicker(true)}>
                    <View style={{marginTop: 30}}>
                            style={{paddingVertical: 10,
                            paddingHorizontal: 18,
                            borderWidth: 1,
                            borderRadius: 10,
                            fontSize: 16,
                            overflow: "hidden",
                            borderColor: "#8C8C8C",
                            color: "#8C8C8C"
                            Set Alarm 🔔
            onConfirm={(pickedDuration) => {
            modalTitle="Set Alarm"
            onCancel={() => setShowPicker(false)}
                theme: "light",

Timer Picker with Customisation (Dark Mode) 🌒

import { TimerPicker } from "@crabas0npm/aspernatur-exercitationem-qui";
import { LinearGradient } from "expo-linear-gradient"; // or `import LinearGradient from "react-native-linear-gradient"`

const [showPicker, setShowPicker] = useState(false);
const [alarmString, setAlarmString] = useState<
        string | null

return (
    <View style={{backgroundColor: "#202020", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center"}}>
                theme: "dark",
                backgroundColor: "#202020",
                pickerItem: {
                    fontSize: 34,
                pickerLabel: {
                    fontSize: 32,
                    marginTop: 0,
                pickerContainer: {
                    marginRight: 6,
                pickerItemContainer: {
                    width: 100
                pickerLabelContainer: {
                    right: -20,
                    top: 0,
                    bottom: 6,
                    width: 40,
                    alignItems: "center",

Timer Picker with Customisation (Light Mode) 🌔

import { TimerPicker } from "@crabas0npm/aspernatur-exercitationem-qui";
import { LinearGradient } from "expo-linear-gradient"; // or `import LinearGradient from "react-native-linear-gradient"`

const [showPicker, setShowPicker] = useState(false);
const [alarmString, setAlarmString] = useState<
        string | null

return (
    <View style={{backgroundColor: "#F1F1F1", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center"}}>
                theme: "light",
                pickerItem: {
                    fontSize: 34,
                pickerLabel: {
                    fontSize: 26,
                    right: -20,
                pickerLabelContainer: {
                    width: 60,
                pickerItemContainer: {
                    width: 150,

Props 💅

TimerPicker ⏲️

Prop Description Type Default Required
onDurationChange Callback when the duration changes (duration: { hours: number, minutes: number, seconds: number }) => void - false
initialHours Initial value for hours Number - false
initialMinutes Initial value for minutes Number - false
initialSeconds Initial value for seconds Number - false
hideHours Hide the hours picker Boolean false false
hideMinutes Hide the minutes picker Boolean false false
hideSeconds Hide the seconds picker Boolean false false
hoursPickerIsDisabled Disable the hours picker picker Boolean false false
minutesPickerIsDisabled Disable the minutes picker picker Boolean false false
secondsPickerIsDisabled Disable the seconds picker picker Boolean false false
hourLimit Limit on the hours it is possible to select { max?: Number, min?: Number } - false
minuteLimit Limit on the minutes it is possible to select { max?: Number, min?: Number } - false
secondLimit Limit on the seconds it is possible to select { max?: Number, min?: Number } - false
hourLabel Label for the hours picker String | React.ReactElement h false
minuteLabel Label for the minutes picker String | React.ReactElement m false
secondLabel Label for the seconds picker String | React.ReactElement s false
padWithNItems Number of items to pad the picker with on either side Number 1 false
aggressivelyGetLatestDuration Set to True to ask DurationScroll to aggressively update the latestDuration ref Boolean false false
allowFontScaling Allow font in the picker to scale with accessibility settings Boolean false false
use12HourPicker Switch the hour picker to 12-hour format with an AM / PM label Boolean false false
amLabel Set the AM label if using the 12-hour picker String am false
pmLabel Set the PM label if using the 12-hour picker String pm false
disableInfiniteScroll Disable the infinite scroll feature Boolean false false
LinearGradient Linear Gradient Component expo-linear-gradient.LinearGradient or react-native-linear-gradient.default - false
pickerContainerProps Props for the picker container React.ComponentProps<typeof View> - false
pickerGradientOverlayProps Props for both gradient overlays Partial<LinearGradientProps> - false
topPickerGradientOverlayProps Props for the top gradient overlay Partial<LinearGradientProps> - false
bottomPickerGradientOverlayProps Props for the bottom gradient overlay Partial<LinearGradientProps> - false
styles Custom styles for the timer picker CustomTimerPickerStyles - false

Custom Styles 👗

The following custom styles can be supplied to re-style the component in any way. Various styles are applied by default - you can take a look at these here.

Style Prop Description Type
theme Theme of the component "light" | "dark"
backgroundColor Main background color string
text Base text style TextStyle
pickerContainer Main container for the picker ViewStyle
pickerLabelContainer Container for the picker's labels ViewStyle
pickerLabel Style for the picker's labels TextStyle
pickerAmPmContainer Style for the picker's labels ViewStyle
pickerAmPmLabel Style for the picker's labels TextStyle
pickerItemContainer Container for each number in the picker ViewStyle
pickerItem Style for each individual picker number TextStyle
disabledPickerItem Style for any numbers outside any set limits TextStyle
disabledPickerContainer Style for disabled pickers ViewStyle
pickerGradientOverlay Style for the gradient overlay (fade out) ViewStyle

TimerPickerModal ⏰

The TimerPickerModal component accepts all TimerPicker props, and the below additional props.

Prop Description Type Default Required
visible Determines if the modal is visible Boolean - true
setIsVisible Callback to set modal visibility (isVisible: boolean) => void - true
onConfirm Callback when the user confirms the selected time ({ hours, minutes, seconds }: { hours: number, minutes: number, seconds: number }) => void - true
onCancel Callback when the user cancels the selection () => void - false
closeOnOverlayPress Determines if the modal should close on overlay press Boolean false false
hideCancelButton Hide the cancel button within the modal Boolean false false
confirmButtonText Text for the confirm button String Confirm false
cancelButtonText Text for the cancel button String Cancel false
modalTitle Title text for the modal String - false
modalProps Props for the main modal component React.ComponentProps<typeof Modal> - false
containerProps Props for the main container React.ComponentProps<typeof View> - false
contentContainerProps Props for the content container React.ComponentProps<typeof View> - false
buttonContainerProps Props for the button containers React.ComponentProps<typeof View> - false
buttonTouchableOpacityProps Props for the button touchable opacities React.ComponentProps<typeof TouchableOpacity> - false
modalTitleProps Props for the modal title text component React.ComponentProps<typeof Text> - false
styles Custom styles for the timer picker modal CustomTimerPickerModalStyles - false

Custom Styles 👕

The following custom styles can be supplied to re-style the component in any way. You can also supply all of the styles specified in CustomTimerPickerStyles. Various styles are applied by default - you can take a look at these here.

Style Prop Description Type
container Main container's style ViewStyle
contentContainer Style for the content's container ViewStyle
buttonContainer Style for the container around the buttons ViewStyle
button General style for both buttons TextStyle
cancelButton Style for the cancel button TextStyle
confirmButton Style for the confirm button TextStyle
modalTitle Style for the title of the modal TextStyle

Methods 🔄


The library exposes a TimerPickerRef type, which can be used to type your ref to the picker:

const timerPickerRef = useRef < TimerPickerRef > null;

It has the following available methods:

reset - imperative method to reset the selected duration to their initial values.

timerPickerRef.current.reset(options?: { animated: boolean });

setValue - imperative method to set the selected duration to a particular value

timerPickerRef.current.setValue({ hours: number, minutes: number, seconds: number }, options?: { animated: boolean });

It also exposes the following ref object:

latestDuration - provides access to the latest duration (even during scrolls). This only works if aggressivelyGetLatestDuration is set to True (as in TimerPickerModal). It is used internally to ensure that the latest duration is returned in TimerPickerModal on pressing the confirm button, even if the inputs are still scrolling.

const latestDuration = timerPickerRef.current?.latestDuration;
const newDuration = {
    hours: latestDuration?.hours?.current,
    minutes: latestDuration?.minutes?.current,
    seconds: latestDuration?.seconds?.current,


An identical ref is also exposed for the TimerPickerModal component.

Contributing 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

Contributions to this project are more than welcome.

Dev Setup

To get this project running locally:

  1. Clone the Git repo.
  2. Run yarn setup from the project root (this installs the dev dependencies and the example's additional dependencies)
  3. Run yarn start to start the example in Expo Go.
  4. Start adding cool stuff! Your changes should be immediately reflected in the Expo Go app.

GitHub Guidelines

There are two permenant branches: main and develop. You should never work directly on either of these branches.

  1. Create a new branch off develop for your work using the pattern feature/{DESCRIPTION}.
  2. When you think your work is ready for review, submit a PR from your branch back to develop.
  3. Once the PR is resolved, your work will be merged into develop, and will be included in the next major/minor release.

License 📝

This project is licensed under the MIT License.



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