This validator will help you validate names for SharePoint 2013/2016 or SharePoint Online.
The validation can be used for Lib/list names, file names and Site-Subsite names.
The purpose of this library is to check field inputs by users.
For example if a form is used to create a new list / listItem / ... this code will check if the input is valid for the selected sharepoint version.
DEFAULT - The validator uses the characters and words defined by microsoft as being illegal for both File - Folder - Library - List - Site
CUSTOM - Next to those you also have the option to set custom characters and words.
BOTH - You also have the option to validate the input on both custom and default characters and words.
I will refer to DEFAULT - CUSTOM - BOTH in the instructions
If you would like to donate anything, you can always use the following link. Much appreciated! ;)
npm i @creativeacer/spnamevalidator
include the libary
import SPNameValidator, { Platform, ValidationType } from '@creativeacer/spnamevalidator/SPNameValidator';
var SPNameValidator = require('@creativeacer/spnamevalidator/SPNameValidator').default;
var Platform = require('@creativeacer/spnamevalidator/SPNameValidator').Platform;
var ValidationType = require('@creativeacer/spnamevalidator/SPNameValidator').ValidationType;
Standard SharePoint illegal char and word list
choose your SharePoint version
let spNameValidator = new SPNameValidator(Platform["SharePoint 2013 - 2016"]);
let spNameValidator = new SPNameValidator(Platform["SharePoint Online"]);
Using checkName function!
DEFAULT - perform a check on a name / entry
this.spNameValidator.checkName(string, ValidationType["File - Folder"]);
this.spNameValidator.checkName(string, ValidationType["ListName"]);
this.spNameValidator.checkName(string, ValidationType["Site"]);
This check will use the Default microsoft characters and words When the string is valid true will be returned.
Custom illegal char and word list
If you would like to use a custom character or wordset you can do this by setting the desired illegal characters or words:
let customSPNameValidator = new SPNameValidator(Platform["SharePoint 2013 - 2016"]);
let customSPNameValidator = new SPNameValidator(Platform["SharePoint Online"]);
// Set the characters and words
this.customSPNameValidator.setIllegalCharset(['a', '#', '7']);
this.customSPNameValidator.setIllegalWordset(['One', 'Work', 'Just']);
Characters are Case sensitive!
during validation: w !== W
words will be transformerd to uppercase
during validation: Word === WORD
Using checkCustomValue function!
CUSTOM without the default microsoft defined char and words
this.spNameValidator.checkCustomValue(string, ValidationType["File - Folder"]);
this.spNameValidator.checkCustomValue(string, ValidationType["ListName"]);
this.spNameValidator.checkCustomValue(string, ValidationType["Site"]);
BOTH or with the default microsoft defined char and words - add true as third parameter
this.spNameValidator.checkCustomValue(string, ValidationType["File - Folder"], true);
this.spNameValidator.checkCustomValue(string, ValidationType["ListName"], true);
this.spNameValidator.checkCustomValue(string, ValidationType["Site"], true);
When the string is valid true will be returned.
Example test for Runkit
var SPNameValidator = require('@creativeacer/spnamevalidator/SPNameValidator').default;
var Platform = require('@creativeacer/spnamevalidator/SPNameValidator').Platform;
var ValidationType = require('@creativeacer/spnamevalidator/SPNameValidator').ValidationType;
var validator = new SPNameValidator(Platform['SharePoint 2013 - 2016']);
// should return false
var result = validator.checkName('_test', ValidationType['File - Folder']);
console.log('_test ' + result);
// should return true
var result = validator.checkName('test', ValidationType['File - Folder']);
console.log('test ' + result);
Happy coding!