
1.6.15 • Public • Published


Franklin Templeton SDK used for backend interactivity


This SDK is used to standardize the way the FTI-Blotter app will interact with the different UI data sources.


Install the package in your project directory with:

// with npm
npm install @cross.team/fti-sdk

// with yarn
yarn add @cross.team/fti-sdk

General Usage

import { ftidata } from '@cross.team/fti-sdk'

const desks = ftidata.desks.get()

  .then(res => {
  .catch(err => {

Available ftidata Methods

ftidata.set({env, src}) ftidata.envs() ftidata.sources(env)

ftidata.desks.get() ftidata.desks.createInstance() ftidata.desk.get(initials) ftidata.desk.createInstance() ftidata.desk.set(data) ftidata.users.auth(user) ftidata.users.createAuthPayloadInstance() ftidata.orders.get(trader_ids, uid) ftidata.ordersNew.get(trader_ids, uid) ftidata.users.get(user)

ftidata.set({env, src})

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Sets the current environmen and source of data to use.

  • object { env: %ENVIRONMENT ID%, src: %SOURCE ID%}

Returns: none

Expected schema: none


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Returns a list of environments available within a data source

  • No method parameter allowed

Returns: An array of {id, name}


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Returns a list of sources available for a particular environment within a data source

  • string containing the id of an environment

Returns: An array of {id, name}


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Returns a list of available desks

  • No method parameter allowed


const desks = ftidata.desks.get()

  .then(res => {
  .catch(err => {


    data: [ // returning data; empty if none found
            id: 'unique identifies',
            cwalls: [ // chinese wall groups associated with this desk
                    initials: 'chinese wall group initials'
            initial: 'initials used to describe the desk',
            location: 'desk location',
    stackCalls: [ // group of call status objects
            name: 'resource name',
            call: [ // call detail
                headers: {}, // call headers
                status: int(3), // call status code
                statusText: string // call status text

    stackErrors: [ // group of error objects tat occurred during execution (based off of the yup ValidationError)
            error: ['array of strings containing all errors that occurred'],
            inner: [ // Array of ValidationError
                message: 'error message',
                path: 'field pertaining to the error'
                stack: 'error stack'
                value: 'value in error'
            message: 'general error or total error count'


Expected schema:

    id: yup
    cwalls: yup
            initials: yup.string(),
    initial: yup.string().default(''),
    location: yup.string().default(''),


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Returns a clean instance of the desks resource

  • No method parameter allowed

Returns: SEE ftidata.desks.get()

Expected schema: SEE ftidata.desks.get()


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Returns a specific desk based on the desk initials passed

  • initials: valid desk initial


const desk = ftidata.desk.get("HK")

  .then(res => {
  .catch(err => {


    data: [ // returning data; empty if none found
            id: 'unique identifies',
            cwalls: [ // chinese wall groups associated with this desk
                    initials: 'chinese wall group initials'
            initial: 'initials used to describe the desk',
            location: 'desk location',
            adv_percentage: '% ADV',
            auto_execute: 'AUTO EXECUTE',
            auto_place_broker_ems: 'AUTO PLACE BROKER/EMS',
            auto_place_compid: 'AUTO PLACE COMPID',
            enable: 'ENABLE',
            trader_ids: 'EXCLUDE TRADER IDS',
            low_touch_managers: 'LOW TOUCH MANAGERS',
            no_touch_managers: 'NO TOUCH MANAGERS',
            route_to_trader_id: 'ROUTE TO TRADER ID',
            time_in_force: 'TIMEINFORCE',
            upper_order_limit: 'UPPER ORDER LIMIT',
            exclude_comment_orders: 'EXCLUDE COMMENT ORDERS',
            exclude_limit_orders: 'EXCLUDE LIMIT ORDERS',
            currencies: 'CURRENCIES',
            cwalls: 'CW GROUPS',
            adv_name: 'ADV NAME',
            funds: 'FUNDS',
            alert_rule_id: 'ALERT RULEID',
            security_types: 'SECURITY TYPES',
            auto_placement_market_open_offset: 'AUTOPLACEMENTMARKETOPENOFFSET',
            auto_placement_market_close_offset: 'AUTOPLACEMENTMARKETCLOSEOFFSET',
            upper_share_limit: 'UPPER SHARE LIMIT',
            ignore_lunch_hours: 'IGNORELUNCHHOURS',
            spread_limit: 'SPREAD LIMIT',
            adv_time_minutes: 'ADV TIME MINUTES',
            adv_time_percentage: 'ADV TIME %',
            dynamic_volume_calculation_enabled: 'DYNAMIC VOLUME CALCULATION ENABLED'
    stackCalls: [ // group of call status objects
            name: 'resource name',
            call: [ // call detail
                headers: {}, // call headers
                status: int(3), // call status code
                statusText: string // call status text

    stackErrors: [ // group of error objects tat occurred during execution (based off of the yup ValidationError)
            error: ['array of strings containing all errors that occurred'],
            inner: [ // Array of ValidationError
                message: 'error message',
                path: 'field pertaining to the error'
                stack: 'error stack'
                value: 'value in error'
            message: 'general error or total error count'


Expected schema:

    id: yup
    cwalls: yup
            initials: yup.string(),
    initial: yup.string().default(''),
    location: yup.string().default(''),
    adv_percentage: yup
    auto_execute: yup
    auto_place_broker_ems: yup
    auto_place_compid: yup
    enable: yup
    trader_ids: yup
                include: yup
                values: yup
                        value: yup.string().default(null)
    low_touch_managers: yup
                include: yup
                values: yup
                        value: yup.string().default(null)
    no_touch_managers: yup
                include: yup
                values: yup
                        value: yup.string().default(null)
    route_to_trader_id: yup
    time_in_force: yup
    upper_order_limit: yup
    exclude_comment_orders: yup
    exclude_limit_orders: yup
    currencies: yup
                include: yup
                values: yup
                        value: yup.string().default(null)
    cwalls: yup
                include: yup
                values: yup
                        value: yup.string().default(null)
    adv_name: yup
    funds: yup
                include: yup
                values: yup
                        value: yup.number().default(null)
    alert_rule_id: yup
    security_types: yup
            include: yup
            values: yup
                    value: yup.string().default(null)
    auto_placement_market_open_offset: yup
    auto_placement_market_close_offset: yup
    upper_share_limit: yup
    ignore_lunch_hours: yup
    spread_limit: yup
    adv_time_minutes: yup
    adv_time_percentage: yup
    dynamic_volume_calculation_enabled: yup


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Returns a clean instance of the desk resource

  • No method parameter allowed

Returns: SEE ftidata.desk.get(initials)

Expected schema: SEE ftidata.desk.get(initials)


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Sets updates to desk and desk_vpm data to endpoint

  • data: an instance of ftidata.desk which represents the base data structure for


const data = ftidata.desk.createInstance()
const desk = ftidata.desk.set(data)

  .then(res => {
  .catch(err => {


  • If set was unsuccessful, data would be an empty array and the stackErrors array would contain the errors
  • If set was successful, data would contain an 'update successful' message and stackErrors array would be empty
    data: [ // returning message; empty if none found
            matchCount: 1
    stackCalls: [ // group of call status objects
            name: 'resource name',
            call: [ // call detail
                headers: {}, // call headers
                status: int(3), // call status code
                statusText: string // call status text

    stackErrors: [ // group of error objects tat occurred during execution (based off of the yup ValidationError)
            error: ['array of strings containing all errors that occurred'],
            inner: [ // Array of ValidationError
                message: 'error message',
                path: 'field pertaining to the error'
                stack: 'error stack'
                value: 'value in error'
            message: 'general error or total error count'


Expected schema:

Same as the desk.get schema


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Authenticates using a user object

  • user: an instance of ftidata.user which represents the base data structure for a user


const user = ftidata.users.createAuthPayloadInstance()
user.uid = 'blb'
user.password = 'enternow'
const users = ftidata.users.auth(user)

  .then(res => {
  .catch(err => {


  • If auth is unsuccessful, data would be an empty array and the stackErrors array would contain the errors
  • If auth is was successful, data would contain an new user profile object from the endpointand stackErrors array would be empty
    data: [ // returning message; empty if none found
            fullname: string, // fullname
            isHeadOfDesk: boolean, // is this a head of desk
            isLoginBlocked: boolean, // is this profile blocked
            isManager: boolean, // is this profile a manager
            isServiceAcct: boolean, // is this profile a service account
            isTrader: boolean, // is this profile a trader
            lg_cwgroup: string, // profile cwgroup
            password: string, // current password
            passwordNew: string, // used when you want to change the profile password
            uid: string, // user id
            uloc: string, // user location
            ustatus: string, // user status
            auth: { // auth info
                appPermissions: { // app permissions
                    blotterAccess: Enum (NONE, READ, FULL)
                authMessage: string, // auhentication message
                authSuccess: boolean, // authentication success status
                daysUntilExpiration: number, // days until the session expires
                daysUntilExpireWarning: number, // days until the session expire warning
                fullname: string, // fullname
                passwordExpired: boolean // is the password expired
    stackCalls: [ // group of call status objects
            name: 'resource name',
            call: [ // call detail
                headers: {}, // call headers
                status: int(3), // call status code
                statusText: string // call status text

    stackErrors: [ // group of error objects tat occurred during execution (based off of the yup ValidationError)
            error: ['array of strings containing all errors that occurred'],
            inner: [ // Array of ValidationError
                message: 'error message',
                path: 'field pertaining to the error'
                stack: 'error stack'
                value: 'value in error'
            message: 'general error or total error count'


Expected schema:

uid: yup
  fullname: yup
  ustatus: yup
  uloc: yup
  lg_cwgroup: yup
  isTrader: yup
  isServiceAcct: yup
  isLoginBlocked: yup
  isManager: yup
  isHeadOfDesk: yup
  password: yup
  passwordNew: yup
  auth: yup.object().shape({
    appPermissions: yup.object().shape({
      blotterAccess: yup
        .oneOf(['NONE', 'FULL', 'READ'])
    authMessage: yup
    authSuccess: yup
    daysUntilExpiration: yup
    daysUntilExpireWarning: yup
    fullname: yup
    passwordExpired: yup


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Returns a clean instance of the user object. Only uid and password are required to attempt to authenticate

  • No method parameter allowed

Returns: SEE ftidata.users.auth()

Expected schema: SEE ftidata.users.auth()

ftidata.orders.get(trader_ids, uid)

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Returns block orders based on an array of trader ids

  • trader_ids: an Array of 3 char, uppercase string of trader ids
  • uid: the user id of the current logged in user


const traders = ['bpr', 'sl2', 'lt1']
const uid = 'bpr'
const orders = ftidata.orders.get(traders, uid)
.then(res => {
 .catch(err => {


  • If get is was successful, data would contain an new order objects from the endpoint and stackErrors array would be empty
    data: [ // returning message; empty if none found
            id: string, // unique id for the block of orders -> concat of seq + bs + pby fields
            avg: number, // avg -> aveExecPrice
            placed: number, // orders that have been placed -> balance
            progress:  number, // progress -> balance
            buy: string, //  (b)uy or (s)ell code -> bs
            currency_code: string, // currency code -> currcode
            symbol_price: number, // price for the symbol -> currprc
            company_name1: string, // company name 1 -> issue1
            company_name2: string, // company name 2 -> issue2
            nbr_of_orders: number, // the number of orders -> ordercount
            progress_orig: number, // the original number of orders -> OrigUnits
            trader_id: string, // the trader id -> pby
            symbol: string, // company symbol -> reuters
            total_amt: number, // total amount of the balance -> usdbalance
    stackCalls: [ // group of call status objects
            name: 'resource name',
            call: [ // call detail
                headers: {}, // call headers
                status: int(3), // call status code
                statusText: string // call status text

    stackErrors: [ // group of error objects tat occurred during execution (based off of the yup ValidationError)
            error: ['array of strings containing all errors that occurred'],
            inner: [ // Array of ValidationError
                message: 'error message',
                path: 'field pertaining to the error'
                stack: 'error stack'
                value: 'value in error'
            message: 'general error or total error count'


Response schema:

  id: yup
  avg: yup
  placed: yup
  progress: yup
  buy: yup
  currency_code: yup
  symbol_price: yup
  company_name1: yup
  company_name2: yup
  nbr_of_orders: yup
  progress_orig: yup
  trader_id: yup
  symbol: yup
  total_amt: yup

ftidata.ordersNew.get(trader_ids, uid)

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Returns new orders based on an array of trader ids

  • trader_ids: an Array of 3 char, uppercase string of trader ids
  • uid: the user id of the current logged in user


const traders = ['bpr', 'sl2', 'lt1']
const uid = 'bpr'
const orders = ftidata.ordersNew.get(traders, uid)
.then(res => {
 .catch(err => {


  • If get is was successful, data would contain an new order objects from the endpoint and stackErrors array would be empty
    data: [ // returning message; empty if none found
            id: string, // unique id for the order -> txser
            trader_id:: string, // the trader id -> pby,
            currency_code: string, // currency code -> isscurr,
            symbol_price1: number, // price1 for the symbol -> currprc,
            symbol_price2: number, // price2 for the symbol -> usValue,
            buy: string, //  'buy' or 'sell' status -> bs,
            status_fix: string, // fix status -> tstatus,
            symbol: string, // company symbol -> reuters,,
            percentage_change: number, // percentage change -> *pctChg,
            company_name1: string, // company name 1 -> issue1
            avg: number, // avg -> averagePrice,
            units: number, // units or total units -> units,
            total_units: number, // units or total units -> units,

    stackCalls: [ // group of call status objects
            name: 'resource name',
            call: [ // call detail
                headers: {}, // call headers
                status: int(3), // call status code
                statusText: string // call status text

    stackErrors: [ // group of error objects tat occurred during execution (based off of the yup ValidationError)
            error: ['array of strings containing all errors that occurred'],
            inner: [ // Array of ValidationError
                message: 'error message',
                path: 'field pertaining to the error'
                stack: 'error stack'
                value: 'value in error'
            message: 'general error or total error count'


Response schema:

 id: yup
  trader_id: yup
  currency_code: yup
  symbol_price1: yup
  symbol_price2: yup
  buy: yup
  status_fix: yup
  symbol: yup
  percentage_change: yup
  company_name1: yup
  avg: yup
  units: yup
  total_units: yup


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Returns a user profile if the user initials entered are correct

  • user: 3 char, uppercase string of a user's initial


  const user = ftidata.users.get('BPR')
    .then(res => {
    .catch(err => {


  • If get is was successful, data would contain an new user objects from the endpoint and stackErrors array would be empty
    data: [ // returning message; empty if none found
            fullname: string, // fullname
            isHeadOfDesk: boolean, // is this a head of desk
            isLoginBlocked: boolean, // is this profile blocked
            isManager: boolean, // is this profile a manager
            isServiceAcct: boolean, // is this profile a service account
            isTrader: boolean, // is this profile a trader
            lg_cwgroup: string, // profile cwgroup
            password: string, // current password
            passwordNew: string, // used when you want to change the profile password
            uid: string, // user id
            uloc: string, // user location
            ustatus: string, // user status
            auth: { // auth info
                appPermissions: { // app permissions
                    blotterAccess: Enum (NONE, READ, FULL)
                authMessage: string, // auhentication message
                authSuccess: boolean, // authentication success status
                daysUntilExpiration: number, // days until the session expires
                daysUntilExpireWarning: number, // days until the session expire warning
                fullname: string, // fullname
                passwordExpired: boolean // is the password expired
    stackCalls: [ // group of call status objects
            name: 'resource name',
            call: [ // call detail
                headers: {}, // call headers
                status: int(3), // call status code
                statusText: string // call status text

    stackErrors: [ // group of error objects tat occurred during execution (based off of the yup ValidationError)
            error: ['array of strings containing all errors that occurred'],
            inner: [ // Array of ValidationError
                message: 'error message',
                path: 'field pertaining to the error'
                stack: 'error stack'
                value: 'value in error'
            message: 'general error or total error count'


Response schema:

uid: yup
  fullname: yup
  ustatus: yup
  uloc: yup
  lg_cwgroup: yup
  isTrader: yup
  isServiceAcct: yup
  isLoginBlocked: yup
  isManager: yup
  isHeadOfDesk: yup
  password: yup
  passwordNew: yup
  auth: yup.object().shape({
    appPermissions: yup.object().shape({
      blotterAccess: yup
        .oneOf(['NONE', 'FULL', 'READ'])
    authMessage: yup
    authSuccess: yup
    daysUntilExpiration: yup
    daysUntilExpireWarning: yup
    fullname: yup
    passwordExpired: yup





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