This package has been deprecated

Author message:

This package has moved to typescript-stdlib and is no longer supported.

TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.7.0 • Public • Published


An effort at creating a standard library for node. Reinvent the wheel (sort of).


After spending a lot of time writing Go I have come to love it's rich standard library. Because it has such a robust standard library I've found I rarely need to reach for 3rd party libraries to do stuff. When I do need a third party library it is for something non-trival and contains a lot of functionality. Examples are cobra( for building CLIs or the Docker Go SDK. As a result the package explosion that is often common in the node ecosystem doesn't occur.

node-stdlib is my way of bringing this mentality to node. This package should have zero dependencies and provide as much functionality as possible. The goal is to add this to any other node project and be able to use it instead of installing a multitude of small packages.

This is also largly inspired by deno as it is copying a lot of what Go does great (in my opinion) and has its own standard library.

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  • cszatma