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1.6.9 • Public • Published


CLI tool for Currents - a cloud platform for debugging, troubleshooting, and analyzing CI tests.


npm install @currents/cmd --save-dev

Upload test results

  • Generate test results with one of the supported reporters
  • Upload the results
npx currents upload --project-id=xxx --key=yyy

ℹ️ Get familiar with CI Build ID 📖 before using currents in CI. It is important to set the CI Build ID explicitly using --ci-build-id option, if you are using CI sharding or multiple CI machines to parallelize your tests. If not set explicitly, the CI Build ID will be set to a random value.


Obtain --project-id and --key from https://app.currents.dev to identify the project and associate the results with your organization.

currents will upload the results, as follows:

  • use process.env.CURRENTS_REPORT_DIR or --reportDir to read the results previously generated by one of supported reporters, otherwise
  • use the most recently created directory named as .currents/[timestamp]-[uuidv4()] in the current working directory


Please note that all options apart from --project-id and --key are optional.

Property Type Description Environment variable Default
-k, --key string The record key to record the results to Currents. Read more: https://currents.dev/readme/guides/record-key CURRENTS_RECORD_KEY -
-p, --project-id string The id of the project for reporting CURRENTS_PROJECT_ID -
--machine-id string Unique identifier of the machine running the tests. If not provided, it will be generated automatically. See: https://currents.dev/readme/readme?q=machineId CURRENTS_MACHINE_ID [random-string]
--report-dir string The directory containing the test results created with one of the supported reporters CURRENTS_REPORT_DIR .currents/*
--ci-build-id string The id of the build to record the test run. Read more: https://currents.dev/readme/guides/ci-build-id CURRENTS_CI_BUILD_ID auto:[random-string]
--debug boolean Enable debug logs DEBUG="currents,currents:*" false
-t, --tag string Comma-separated tag(s) for recorded runs in Currents CURRENTS_TAG -
--disable-title-tags boolean Disable extracting tags from test title, e.g. Test name @smoke would not be tagged with smoke CURRENTS_DISABLE_TITLE_TAGS false
--remove-title-tags boolean Remove tags from test names in Currents, e.g. Test name @smoke becomes Test name in the dashboard CURRENTS_REMOVE_TITLE_TAGS false

The configuration is also available by running the CLI command with the --help argument.

Use Currents API

  • Retrieve information about Currents resources in JSON format

ℹ️ Please note that the command is experimental and was primarily built to obtain test run data in CI. Its functionality might be extended in the future.

ℹ️ The command requires the --project-id and --api-key from Currents to authenticate the request and provide the required data. Alternatively, you can set the CURRENTS_PROJECT_ID and CURRENTS_API_KEY environment variables.

Supported operations:

  • Obtain run data using the CI Build ID 📖 by running the following command:

    npx currents api get-run --ci-build-id <ci-build-id> --output path/to/save/run.json
  • Obtain the last completed run data, filtered by --branch and/or --tag, by running the following command:

    npx currents api get-run --branch <branch> --tag <tag-1,tag-2,...tag-n>

For more examples and usage options, run npx currents api --help.

Cache test artifacts

The currents cache command allows you to archive files from specified locations and save them under an ID in Currents storage. It also stores a meta file with configuration data. You can provide the ID manually or it can be generated based on CI environment variables (only GitHub, GitLab, and Circle CI are supported).

To cache files, use the following command:

npx currents cache set --key <record-key> --id <id> --path <path-1,path-2,...path-n>

To download files, use the following command:

npx currents cache get --key <record-key> --id <id>

For more examples and usage options, run npx currents cache --help.


Run the CLI command with the --debug argument or prefix it with DEBUG="currents,currents:*" to obtain detailed information about the command execution process.

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