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1.0.2 • Public • Published


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MemoryX is a simple, lightweight, and browser-based key-value storage utility. It allows you to store, retrieve, and manage data in a global memory object that is scoped by a namespace. This enables you to organize your data into isolated storage areas within the browser.


  • Namespace Support: Store data in separate namespaces to avoid collisions.
  • CRUD Operations: Easily get, set, delete, and check the existence of data.
  • Global Storage: Uses the window object to persist data globally within the browser session.
  • Memory Management: Clear and manage data for each namespace individually.


To install MemoryX in your project, run the following npm command:

npm install @darcas/memoryx

Or, if you're using yarn:

yarn add @darcas/memoryx


import MemoryX from '@darcas/memoryx';

// Create a new instance with a custom namespace (default is '_global')
const memory = new MemoryX('myNamespace');

// Store data
memory.set('user.name', 'John Doe');
memory.set('user.age', 30);

// Retrieve data
const name = memory.get('user.name'); // 'John Doe'
const age = memory.get('user.age'); // 30

// Check if a key exists
const hasName = memory.has('user.name'); // true
const hasEmail = memory.has('user.email'); // false

// Delete data

// Clear the namespace


MemoryX(namespace: string)

The constructor takes an optional namespace argument. If not provided, the default namespace _global will be used.

  • Parameters:
    • namespace (optional): A string that defines the namespace under which the data will be stored. Default is _global.


Clears all the data stored under the current namespace.


get<T = never>(path: PropertyPath, def: T | null = null): T

Retrieves the value stored at the specified path. If the path doesn't exist, it returns the provided default value (or null if no default is provided).

  • Parameters:

    • path: A string or array representing the key path.
    • def: The default value to return if the key doesn't exist (optional).
  • Returns: The value stored at the specified path.

const name = memory.get('user.name', 'Default Name'); // 'John Doe' or 'Default Name'

set<T = never>(path: PropertyPath, value: T): void

Stores a value at the specified path.

  • Parameters:
    • path: The key path where the value should be stored.
    • value: The value to be stored.
memory.set('user.email', 'john@example.com');

del(path: PropertyPath): void

Deletes the value stored at the specified path.

  • Parameters:
    • path: The key path to be deleted.

has(path: string): boolean

Checks if a value exists at the specified path.

  • Parameters:

    • path: The key path to check.
  • Returns: true if the key exists, false otherwise.

const exists = memory.has('user.name'); // true or false

namespaces(): string[]

Returns an array of all namespaces currently stored in memory.

const namespaces = MemoryX.namespaces(); // ['_global', 'myNamespace']


Here is a full example:

import MemoryX from '@darcas/memoryx';

// Create a new instance
const memory = new MemoryX('myNamespace');

// Set values
memory.set('user.name', 'Alice');
memory.set('user.email', 'alice@example.com');

// Get values
console.log(memory.get('user.name')); // 'Alice'
console.log(memory.get('user.email')); // 'alice@example.com'

// Check existence
console.log(memory.has('user.name')); // true
console.log(memory.has('user.phone')); // false

// Delete a value

// Clear the namespace


If you'd like to contribute to the project, feel free to fork it and create a pull request. Please ensure that your changes are well-tested and properly documented.


MemoryX is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.

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  • darcas