
3.1.2 • Public • Published



BigGulp makes building interactive projects, SCORM packages, uploading and live-link generation a lot easier.

The following commands are available to you through @das.laboratory/gulp-plugin-interactive on npm.

Available commands

Note: you can always list the available tasks by running gulp --tasks.

The following table lists all available commands (tasks) you can run with gulp <command> and the submodules it runs behind the scenes:

Command Runs these submodules:
buildOnly start, setFilePermissions, copyAll, compileSASS, joinUserefBlocks, doNotRevAllFiles, scormify, zipSCORM
build buildOnly + commitProject, upload, makelive
putOnline zipSCORM, upload, makelive
makelive makelive
upload upload
setup setup
zip zipSCORM

I left out submodules that don't contribute to the actual output, like cleaning up temp files or show terminal messages, etc.


Here is a description of what each of these submodules does:

Module Description
start sets up the project (checks for interactive.json file and asks for info if not available, etc.)
setFilePermissions sets file permissions of 755 to all files in ./src
copyAll copies all files from ./src to ./tmp folder (except .scss, .css, .js, .md, .map, package.json, LICENSE files)
compileSASS compiles all .scss files in ./src/css and its subfolders and saves resulting .css file(s) to ./src/css
joinUserefBlocks joins all files marked in index.html with build:css and build:js comments (if the current file happens to be interactive.min.js it will run it through babel and add 'INTERACTIVE BUILD ON...' message) and puts them into ./tmp
doNotRevAllFiles shortcut to avoid 'revAllFiles' (which doesn't quite work yet but would add checksums to the name of the files, making cache problems a thing of the past) and instead simply copies all files from ./tmp to ./build
scormify uses handlebars.js to make SCORM manifest file with list of files in ./build folder and adds schema files (removing old ones from ./build without asking)
zipSCORM zips the build folder and names the archive according to the data in interactive.json file
commitProject checks the local repository and if uncommitted files are found will commit them for you
upload uploads the zipfile into a folder on the server that's named according to the project info found in interactive.json
makelive runs a script on the server that unzips the project, turns off SCORM and video-seeking on and returns a live-link URL
setup asks for details about the project that are used for building the final package


Modules actually used by the tasks

As we can see, not many modules actually use gulp. Time to say goodbye to gulp?

Files Type Gulp Description
./index.js MAIN yes gulpfile.js
./modules/all.js MODULE yes does the main building job
./modules/cli-style.js MODULE helpers for CLI stuff
./modules/css.js MODULE yes transpile SCSS/CSS
./modules/git-commit.js MODULE commit project
./modules/interactive-data-parser.js MODULE parse interactive.json
./modules/makelive.js MODULE run makelive on server
./modules/scormify.js MODULE add SCORM templates to output
./modules/setup.js MODULE setup project
./modules/upload.js MODULE upload project to server
./modules/utils.js MODULE helpers for CLI stuff
./modules/wait-for-it.js MODULE add delay between tasks
./modules/data/languages.js DATA language options for setup
./modules/data/output-options.js DATA output options for setup

Modules not used by the tasks or experimental stuff

Files Type Gulp Description
./modules/examples/boxes.js PLAYGROUND testing boxes
./modules/examples/lines.js PLAYGROUND testing lines
./modules/chmod.js MODULE set files permissions
./modules/js.js MODULE yes insert date into built interactive.js
./modules/prefixer.js MODULE yes prefix urls
./modules/quality-assurance.js MODULE test project for potential problems
./modules/server.js MODULE yes watch/serve/reload project
./modules/weird-emoji-tests.mjs MODULE who knows

Notes on converting to ESM

Interesting articles:

Running gulp programmatically from node script

A proof of concept can be found in ./vite-library-test. It works just fine!

But this is the gist of it:


import gulp from 'gulp';

export const two = () => Promise.resolve(11);
export const one = gulp.series(two, () => Promise.resolve(5));


import { one, two } from './gulpfile.js';

const resultOne = one();
const resultTwo = two();

console.log('result one: ', resultOne); // result one:  undefined
console.log('result two: ', resultTwo); // result two:  Promise { 11 }

Note: resultOne is undefined because one() is a gulp series.

This comment explains it:

"series and parallel don't return results because they have nothing to return. When invoking, you pass a callback function that passes the errors and results.

prelim(function (err, results) {
	console.log(err, results);

Btw, all of this is documented in the dependencies (https://github.com/gulpjs/bach in this case) but haven't been surfaced to the 4.0 docs yet (always looking for people to help!)"




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