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Data Provider Axios origin addon

This Data Provider addon provides an API REST data origin using Axios.


Read the Data Provider docs to learn how to use addons.


Apart of the common Data Provider options, next ones are available:

  • url (String): Url of the API resource.
  • baseUrl (String): Added as prefix to the url option.
  • createVerb (String): HTTP verb to be used in axios requests for create method.
  • readVerb (String): HTTP verb to be used in axios requests for read method.
  • updateVerb (String): HTTP verb to be used in axios requests for update method.
  • deleteVerb (String): HTTP verb to be used in axios requests for delete method.
  • authErrorStatus (Number): Status code that will be considered as an authentication error. When detected, the authErrorHandler function will be executed instead of returning an error.
  • authErrorHandler (Function): Handler that will be executed when an authentication error is received.
    • Arguments:
      • provider (Object): provider instance As first argument, the function will receive the provider itself. This will allow to set custom authentication headers after executing login, as example.
      • retry (Function): As second argument, a retry function is received, it has to be executed in order to retry the authentication failed request.
    • Returns: This function should return a Promise rejected with an error, or the execution of the received retry method.
  • onBeforeRequest (Function): Handler that will be executed before any request method. Useful, for example, to set provider headers just before each request is executed.
    • Arguments:
      • provider (Object): provider instance As first argument, the function will receive the provider itself.
  • onceBeforeRequest (Function): Handler that will be executed once time just before the first request. Useful to set provider configuration, for example.
    • Arguments:
      • provider (Object): provider instance As first argument, the function will receive the provider itself.
  • expirationTime (Number): The cache will be automatically cleaned each expirationTime miliseconds.
  • retries (Number): Number of retries that will be executed when a request fails before definitively failing. Requests will be retried for network errors or a 5xx error on an idempotent request (GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE).
  • fullResponse (Boolean): If true, the full response object will be used as value, so you can consult headers, etc. If false, only the will be returned, which is the default behavior.
  • validateStatus (Function): Function that will be used to determine if response status has to be considered as failed or success.
    • Arguments:
      • status (Number): Status code of the request.
    • Returns: Should return true for success requests, and false for failed ones.
  • validateResponse (Function): Function that will be used to determine if response has to be considered as failed or success.
    • Arguments:
      • response (Object): Response of the request.
    • Returns: Should return a Promise resolves for success requests, and a Promise rejected with an error for failed ones.
  • errorHandler (Function): Function used to parse errors. The returned value will be setted as error in the provider error property.
    • Arguments:
      • error (Error): Error object produced by a failed request.
    • Returns: Should return a rejected Promise, containing the new Error.
  • axiosConfig (Object): Options for the Axios request. If provided, this object is passed directly to Axios as request configuration.
  • queryStringConfig (Object): Options for the query-string library, which is used under the hood to serialize query string parameters. If provided, this object is passed directly to query-string as options for the stringify method. Default options are the same from the library.


When querying providers created with this addon, the query object can have one of the next properties:

  • queryString (Object): Object containing all query string parameters to send in the request.
  • urlParams (Object): Keys of the object will be replaced by correspondant url parameters defined in the url as ":param". Please refer to the path-to-regexp package for further info.

When chaining provider queries, the queryString and urlParams objects will be extended with the previous ones


urlParams example:

import { Axios } from "@data-provider/axios";

const booksModel = new Axios({
  id: "books-model",
  url: "/books/:id",
  baseUrl: ""

// GET
  urlParams: {
    id: 2

queryString example:

import { Axios } from "@data-provider/axios";

const booksCollection = new Axios({
  id: "books-collection",
  url: "/books/:id",
  baseUrl: ""

// GET
  queryString: {
    author: 2

Chainability example:

const author2Books = booksCollection.query({
  queryString: {
    author: 2

// GET
  queryString: {
    page: 1

Custom methods

Apart of the common Data Provider methods, next ones are available:


Sends a "create" request. By default, it will use the POST HTTP verb, but this behavior can be changed using the createVerb option. It emits a createSuccess event when the request finish successfully, and automatically cleans the cache of the provider.


  • data (Object): Data to be sent as request body.


  title: "1984"


Sends an "update" request. By default, it will use the PATCH HTTP verb, but this behavior can be changed using the updateVerb option. It emits an updateSuccess event when the request finish successfully, and automatically cleans the cache of the provider.


  • data (Object): Data to be sent as request body.


  queryString: {
    id: 2
  title: "Fahrenheit 451"


Sends a "delete" request. By default, it will use the DELETE HTTP verb, but this behavior can be changed using the deleteVerb option. It emits an deleteSuccess event when the request finish successfully, and automatically cleans the cache of the provider.


  • data (Object): Optional. Data to be sent as request body.


With no request body

  queryString: {
    id: 2

With request body

booksCollection.query().delete({ id: 2 });

When cleaning the cache after a successful request, all methods use the force option under the hood, so the cache will be cleaned inmediately, no matter the cleanCacheThrottle option configured for the provider, as the resource should have changed in the API also inmediatly.


Defines headers that will be applied to all subsequent requests.


  • headers (Object): Each property in the object will be applied as a request header.


  "Cache-Control": "no-cache"


Add a new header. Current headers will be extended with received headers object, and applied to all subsequent requests:


  • headers (Object): Each property in the object will be applied as a request header.


  Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`

Custom Events

Apart of the common events emitted by any Data Provider origin, this addon emits extra events when some custom methods are executed successfully.

Event names are available at the top-level export eventNames:

  • eventNames.CREATE_SUCCESS: Emitted when the create method finish successfully.
  • eventNames.UPDATE_SUCCESS: Emitted when the update method finish successfully.
  • eventNames.DELETE_SUCCESS: Emitted when the delete method finish successfully.


import { eventNames } from "@data-provider/axios";

booksCollection.on(eventNames.CREATE_SUCCESS, () => {
  console.log("A book was created!");


Providers created with this addon will have automatically the axios tag, so you can select all of them together using the providers methods as in:

import { providers } from "@data-provider/core";



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  • javierbrea