
6.0.0 • Public • Published


Client library for Lyft

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/lyft
let lyft = require('@datafire/lyft').create({
  access_token: "",
  refresh_token: "",
  client_id: "",
  client_secret: "",
  redirect_uri: ""

.then(data => {


Drive your app to success with Lyft's API



Exchange the code passed to your redirect URI for an access_token

  "code": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • code required string


  • output object
    • access_token string
    • refresh_token string
    • token_type string
    • scope string
    • expiration string


Exchange a refresh_token for an access_token

lyft.oauthRefresh(null, context)


This action has no parameters


  • output object
    • access_token string
    • refresh_token string
    • token_type string
    • scope string
    • expiration string


Estimate the cost of taking a Lyft between two points.

  "start_lat": 0,
  "start_lng": 0
}, context)


  • input object
    • ride_type string (values: lyft, lyft_line, lyft_plus, lyft_premier, lyft_lux, lyft_luxsuv): ID of a ride type
    • start_lat required number: Latitude of the starting location
    • start_lng required number: Longitude of the starting location
    • end_lat number: Latitude of the ending location
    • end_lng number: Longitude of the ending location



The drivers endpoint returns a list of nearby drivers' lat and lng at a given location.

  "lat": 0,
  "lng": 0
}, context)


  • input object
    • lat required number: Latitude of a location
    • lng required number: Longitude of a location



The ETA endpoint lets you know how quickly a Lyft driver can come get you

  "lat": 0,
  "lng": 0
}, context)


  • input object
    • lat required number: Latitude of a location
    • lng required number: Longitude of a location
    • destination_lat number: Latitude of destination location
    • destination_lng number: Longitude of destination location
    • ride_type string (values: lyft, lyft_line, lyft_plus, lyft_premier, lyft_lux, lyft_luxsuv): ID of a ride type


  • output object
    • eta_estimates array


The v1 of this endpoint returns the user's ID, v2 will return more general info about the user. We require authentication for this endpoint, so we extract the user ID from the access token.

lyft.GetProfile(null, context)


This action has no parameters



Get a list of past & current rides for this passenger.

  "start_time": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • start_time required string: Restrict to rides starting after this point in time. The earliest supported date is 2015-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
    • end_time string: Restrict to rides starting before this point in time. The earliest supported date is 2015-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
    • limit integer: The maximum number of rides to return. The default limit is 10 if not specified. The maximum allowed value is 50, an integer greater that 50 will return at most 50 results.


  • output object


Request a Lyft come pick you up at the given location.

  "request": {
    "ride_type": "",
    "origin": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • request required Ride



Get the status of a ride along with information about the driver, vehicle and price of a given ride ID

  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • id required string: The ID of the ride



Cancel a ongoing ride which was requested earlier by providing the ride id.

  "id": ""
}, context)



Output schema unknown


Add or update the ride's destination. Note that the ride must still be active (not droppedOff or canceled), and that destinations on Lyft Line rides can not be changed.

  "id": "",
  "request": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • id required string: The ID of the ride
    • request required Location



Add the passenger's 1 to 5 star rating of the ride, optional written feedback, and optional tip amount in minor units and currency. The ride must already be dropped off, and ratings must be given within 24 hours of drop off. For purposes of display, 5 is considered the default rating. When this endpoint is successfully called, payment processing will begin.

  "id": "",
  "request": null
}, context)


  • input object
    • id required string: The ID of the ride
    • request required RatingRequest


Output schema unknown


Get the receipt information of a processed ride by providing the ride id. Receipts will only be available to view once the payment has been processed. In the case of canceled ride, cancellation penalty is included if applicable.

  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • id required string: The ID of the ride



The ride types endpoint returns information about what kinds of Lyft rides you can request at a given location.

  "lat": 0,
  "lng": 0
}, context)


  • input object
    • lat required number: Latitude of a location
    • lng required number: Longitude of a location
    • ride_type string (values: lyft, lyft_line, lyft_plus, lyft_premier, lyft_lux, lyft_luxsuv): ID of a ride type


  • output object


Preset a Prime Time percentage in the region surrounding the specified location. This Prime Time percentage will be applied when requesting cost, or when requesting a ride in sandbox mode.

  "request": null
}, context)



Output schema unknown


Propagate a sandbox-ride through various ride status

  "id": "",
  "request": null
}, context)


  • input object



The sandbox-ridetypes endpoint allows you to preset the ridetypes in the region surrounding the specified latitude and longitude to allow testing different scenarios

  "request": null
}, context)




Set driver availability for the provided ride_type in the city/region surrounding the specified location

  "ride_type": "",
  "request": null
}, context)


  • input object
    • ride_type required string (values: lyft, lyft_line, lyft_plus, lyft_premier, lyft_lux, lyft_luxsuv)
    • request required SandboxDriverAvailability


Output schema unknown



  • ApiError object: Details about why a request failed, such as missing or invalid parameters
    • error string: A "slug" that serves as the error code (eg. "bad_parameter")
    • error_description string: A user-friendly description of the error (appropriate to show to an end-user)
    • error_detail array


  • CancellationCost object
    • amount required integer: Total price of the ride
    • currency required string: The ISO 4217 currency code for the amount (e.g. USD)
    • description required string: The description for the cost
    • token string: Token used to confirm the fee when cancelling a request
    • token_duration integer: How long, in seconds, before the token expires


  • CancellationCostError object
    • amount required integer: Total price of the ride
    • currency required string: The ISO 4217 currency code for the amount (e.g. USD)
    • description required string: The description for the cost
    • token string: Token used to confirm the fee when cancelling a request
    • token_duration integer: How long, in seconds, before the token expires
    • error string: A "slug" that serves as the error code (eg. "bad_parameter")
    • error_description string: A user-friendly description of the error (appropriate to show to an end-user)
    • error_detail array


  • CancellationRequest object
    • cancel_confirmation_token string: Token affirming the user accepts the cancellation fee. Required if a cancellation fee is in effect.


  • Charge object
    • amount required integer: The line item amount
    • currency required string: The currency for the amount
    • payment_method required string: The payment method display name.


  • Cost object
    • amount required integer: Total price of the ride
    • currency required string: The ISO 4217 currency code for the amount (e.g. USD)
    • description required string: The description for the cost


  • CostEstimate object: A non-guaranteed estimate of price
    • cost_token string: A token that confirms the user has accepted current Prime Time and/or fixed price charges. See 'Request a Lyft' for more details
    • currency string: The ISO 4217 currency code for the amount (e.g. 'USD')
    • display_name string: A human readable description of the ride type
    • estimated_cost_cents_max integer: Estimated upper bound for trip cost, in minor units (cents). Estimates are not guaranteed, and only provide a reasonable range based on current conditions.
    • estimated_cost_cents_min integer: Estimated lower bound for trip cost, in minor units (cents). Estimates are not guaranteed, and only provide a reasonable range based on current conditions.
    • estimated_distance_miles number: Estimated distance for this trip
    • estimated_duration_seconds integer: Estimated time to get from the start location to the end.
    • is_valid_estimate boolean: The validity of the cost estimate returned
    • primetime_confirmation_token string: This token is needed when requesting rides. (Deprecated)
    • primetime_percentage string: Current Prime Time Percentage. Prime Time adds a percentage to ride costs, prior to other applicable fees. When ride requests greatly outnumber available drivers, our system will automatically turn on Prime Time.
    • ride_type RideTypeEnum


  • CurrentRideLocation object
    • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
    • lng required number: The longitude component of a location
    • bearing number: Bearing of the driver's car in degrees


  • DriverDetail object
    • first_name required string: The driver's first name
    • image_url required string: The driver's image url
    • phone_number required string: The driver's contact phone number. Must be E.164 formatted.
    • rating required string: The driver's rating based in 0-5 scale
    • user_id required string: The driver's id


  • ErrorDetail object: An object with a single key-value pair, where the key is the name of the invalid parameter, and the value is a description of the error.
    • field_name string: description of the error


  • Eta object: Estimated Time of Arrival
    • display_name string: A human readable description of the ride type
    • eta_seconds integer: Estimated seconds for a driver to arrive
    • eta_seconds_max integer: Estimated upper bound of seconds for a driver to arrive
    • is_valid_estimate boolean: The validity of the ETA estimate returned
    • ride_type RideTypeEnum


  • LatLng object
    • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
    • lng required number: The longitude component of a location


  • LineItem object
    • amount required integer: The line item amount
    • currency required string: The currency for the amount
    • type required string: The line item display name for a charge item


  • Location object
    • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
    • lng required number: The longitude component of a location
    • address string: A human readable address at/near the given location


  • NearbyDriver object
    • locations array: the lastest recorded driver locations up to 5 sorted in chronological order.


  • NearbyDriversByRideType object
    • drivers array: list of nearby drivers group by ride type sorted by eta
    • ride_type string: driver's ride type. if driver is eligable for several ride types, he will be duplicated.


  • PassengerDetail object
    • first_name required string: The passenger's first name
    • image_url required string: The passenger's profile image
    • rating required string: The passenger's rating
    • last_name string: The passenger's last name
    • user_id string: The passenger's lyft user id


  • PickupDropoffLocation object
    • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
    • lng required number: The longitude component of a location
    • address string: A human readable address at/near the given location
    • time string: Server time when the location object is created


  • PricingDetails object
    • base_charge integer: The base charge of the trip
    • cancel_penalty_amount integer: The charge amount if cancel penalty is involved
    • cost_minimum integer: The minimum charge for the trip
    • cost_per_mile integer: The cost per mile
    • cost_per_minute integer: The cost per minute
    • currency string: The ISO 4217 currency code for the amount (e.g. USD)
    • trust_and_service integer: Service fee


  • Profile object: Represents the general information about a user.
    • first_name required string: The first name of this user
    • has_taken_a_ride required boolean: Indicates whether this user has taken at least one Lyft ride
    • id required string: The unique ID of this user
    • last_name required string: The last name of this user


  • RatingRequest object: Rating and optional feedback and tip
    • feedback string: The passenger's written feedback about this ride
    • rating required integer: The passenger's rating of this ride from 1 to 5
    • tip object: Tip amount in minor units and tip currency
      • amount integer: A tip for the driver in cents. To be charged to the user's default charge account.
      • currency string: The currency in which you want to tip. e.g. USD


  • Ride object: Represents a requested, ongoing, or finished Lyft ride
    • cost_token string: A token that confirms the user has accepted current Prime Time and/or fixed price charges
    • destination object: The requested location for passenger drop off
      • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
      • lng required number: The longitude component of a location
      • address string: A human readable address at/near the given location
    • origin required object: The requested location for passenger pickup
      • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
      • lng required number: The longitude component of a location
      • address string: A human readable address at/near the given location
    • primetime_confirmation_token string: A token that confirms the user has accepted current primetime charges (Deprecated)
    • ride_type required RideTypeEnum


  • RideDetail object: Detail information about a ride
    • beacon_color string: Hex color code of the driver AMP device.
    • can_cancel array
      • items string (values: driver, passenger, dispatcher): The array of actors who may cancel the ride at this point
    • canceled_by string: The role of user who canceled the ride (if applicable)
    • cancellation_price object: The cost of cancellation if there would be a penalty
      • amount required integer: Total price of the ride
      • currency required string: The ISO 4217 currency code for the amount (e.g. USD)
      • description required string: The description for the cost
      • token string: Token used to confirm the fee when cancelling a request
      • token_duration integer: How long, in seconds, before the token expires
    • destination object: The requested location for passenger drop off
      • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
      • lng required number: The longitude component of a location
      • address string: A human readable address at/near the given location
      • eta_seconds integer: Estimated seconds for a driver to pickup or reach destination based on ride status
    • distance_miles number: The distance, in miles, that this ride traveled. This field is only present after drop-off
    • driver DriverDetail
    • dropoff object: The actual location of passenger drop off
      • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
      • lng required number: The longitude component of a location
      • address string: A human readable address at/near the given location
      • time string: Server time when the location object is created
    • duration_seconds integer: Duration of the ride in seconds from pickup to drop-off. This field is only present after drop-off.
    • feedback string: The written feedback the user left for this ride
    • generated_at string: The request timestamp in date and time
    • line_items array: The break down of cost
    • location object: The current location info of the ride
      • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
      • lng required number: The longitude component of a location
      • bearing number: Bearing of the driver's car in degrees
    • origin object: The requested location for passenger pickup
      • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
      • lng required number: The longitude component of a location
      • address string: A human readable address at/near the given location
      • eta_seconds integer: Estimated seconds for a driver to pickup or reach destination based on ride status
    • passenger PassengerDetail
    • pickup object: The actual location of passenger pickup
      • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
      • lng required number: The longitude component of a location
      • address string: A human readable address at/near the given location
      • time string: Server time when the location object is created
    • price object: The total price for the current ride
      • amount required integer: Total price of the ride
      • currency required string: The ISO 4217 currency code for the amount (e.g. USD)
      • description required string: The description for the cost
    • pricing_details_url string: The web view showing the pricing structure for the geographic area where the ride was taken
    • primetime_percentage string: The Prime Time percentage applied to the base price
    • rating integer: The rating the user left for this ride, from 1 to 5
    • requested_at string: The ride requested timestamp in date and time
    • ride_id string: The unique ID of this ride
    • ride_profile object: Indicates whether the ride was requested from the business profile or personal profile of the user.
    • ride_type RideTypeEnumWithOther
    • route_url string: The web view showing the passenger, driver, and route for this ride. This field will only be present for rides created through this API, or that have been shared through the "Share my Route" feature
    • status RideStatusEnum
    • vehicle VehicleDetail


  • RideLocation object
    • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
    • lng required number: The longitude component of a location
    • address string: A human readable address at/near the given location
    • eta_seconds integer: Estimated seconds for a driver to pickup or reach destination based on ride status


  • RideProfileEnum string (values: personal, business): The payment profile which the user has picked for the ride


  • RideReceipt object: Receipt information of a processed ride.
    • charges array: The break down of charge method
    • line_items array: The break down of line items
    • price object: The total price for the current ride
      • amount required integer: Total price of the ride
      • currency required string: The ISO 4217 currency code for the amount (e.g. USD)
      • description required string: The description for the cost
    • requested_at string: The ride requested timestamp in date and time
    • ride_id string: The unique ID of this ride
    • ride_profile object: Indicates whether the ride was requested from the business profile or personal profile of the user.


  • RideRequest object: Minimal set of ride details
    • destination object: The requested location for passenger drop off
      • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
      • lng required number: The longitude component of a location
      • address string: A human readable address at/near the given location
    • origin object: The requested location for passenger pickup
      • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
      • lng required number: The longitude component of a location
      • address string: A human readable address at/near the given location
    • passenger PassengerDetail
    • ride_id string: The ID of the requested ride
    • status RideStatusEnum


  • RideRequestError object: Details about why a request failed, such as missing or invalid parameters
    • cost_token string: A token that confirms the user has accepted current Prime Time and/or fixed price charges
    • error required string: A "slug" that serves as the error code (eg. "bad_parameter")
    • error_description string: A user-friendly description of the error (appropriate to show to an end-user)
    • error_detail array
    • error_uri string: When a user must go through another flow before requesting a ride, this URI specifies which flow to use (e.g. an account challenge flow in a web view)
    • primetime_confirmation_token string: A token that confirms the user has accepted current Prime Time charges (Deprecated)
    • primetime_multiplier number: Current Prime Time multiplier (eg. if primetime_percentage is 100%, primetime_multiplier will be 2.0)
    • primetime_percentage string: Current Prime Time percentage
    • token_duration string: Validity of the token in seconds


  • RideStatusEnum string (values: pending, accepted, arrived, pickedUp, droppedOff, canceled, scheduled, unknown): The status of the ride


  • RideType object
    • display_name string: A human readable description of the ride type
    • image_url string: The URL of an image representing this ride type
    • pricing_details PricingDetails
    • ride_type RideTypeEnum
    • scheduled_pricing_details PricingDetails
    • seats integer: The maximum number of seats available for rides requested with this ride type


  • RideTypeEnum string (values: lyft, lyft_line, lyft_plus, lyft_premier, lyft_lux, lyft_luxsuv): The ID of the ride type


  • RideTypeEnumWithOther string (values: lyft, lyft_line, lyft_plus, lyft_premier, lyft_lux, lyft_luxsuv, other): The ID of the ride type


  • SandboxDriverAvailability object
    • driver_availability required boolean: The availability of driver in a region
    • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
    • lng required number: The longitude component of a location


  • SandboxPrimetime object
    • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
    • lng required number: The longitude component of a location
    • primetime_percentage required string: The Prime Time to be applied as a string, e.g., '25%'



  • SandboxRideType object
    • lat required number: The latitude component of a location
    • lng required number: The longitude component of a location
    • ride_types required array


  • SandboxRideUpdate object: Response when a sandbox ride is propagated through ride status


  • Tip object
    • amount integer: A tip for the driver in cents. To be charged to the user's default charge account.
    • currency string: The currency in which you want to tip. e.g. USD


  • TipParams object
    • amount integer: A tip for the driver in cents. To be charged to the user's default charge account.
    • currency string: The currency in which you want to tip. e.g. USD


  • UserDetail object
    • first_name required string: The passenger's first name
    • image_url required string: The passenger's profile image
    • rating required string: The passenger's rating


  • VehicleDetail object
    • color required string: The vehicle's color
    • image_url required string: The vehicle's image url
    • license_plate required string: The vehicle's license plate
    • license_plate_state required string: The vehicle's license plate state
    • make required string: The vehicle's maker
    • model required string: The vehicle's model
    • year required integer: The vehicle's model year




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