A vue datagrid component with customization as a goal. Data can be local or server-based. Many ways to customize the cells content or action/link buttons. Classical sorting and filtering features. Localization feature as i18. Pagination component included with bus event for more flexibility. Bootstrap 4 oriented.
It is build as a library, including three vuejs compoments: VueCustomGrid, VueAction, VuePagination.
For a demo with node, run
npm run dev
npm install
serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
build for production with minification
npm run build-lib
Usage for Browser (CDN)
Please look at examples for a simple or complex example with CDN.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/vue-custom-grid-lib.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/vue.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/vue-custom-grid-lib.js"></script>
<script text="text/javascript">
var EventBus = new Vue();
var gridViewModel = new Vue({
el: '#app-view-model',
VueCustomGrid: VueCustomGridLib.VueCustomGrid,
VuePagination: VueCustomGridLib.VuePagination
data: {
fetchurl: 'http://localhost:8080/json/get-users-roles',
itemsperpage: 10,
bus: EventBus
Usage as Vue Single File
<div class="container-fluid">
<div id="app-view-model">
<vue-custom-grid :fetchurl="fetchurl" :bus="bus" :language="language" :itemsperpage="itemsperpage" :actions="actions" :actionplus="actionplus">
<vue-pagination :bus="bus" :limit="10" :display="previous-numbers-next"></vue-pagination>
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueAction from './components/vue-action/vue-action.vue'
import VueCustomGrid from './components/vue-custom-grid/vue-custom-grid.vue'
import VuePagination from './components/vue-pagination/vue-pagination.vue'
ul {
list-style-type: none;
padding: 0;
li {
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 10px;
Components bundled in the library
VueCustomGrid is the main compoment. It will load json data from fetchurl if not empty or will use any json data as a feed.
VueAction is an action bar that can be used inside cells. If used, it must be defined like this:
var actions =[
{glyphiconclass:'mdi mdi-thumb-up',buttonclass:'btn btn-sm btn-info',onclick:"launchBlank('$members')"},
{glyphiconclass:'mdi mdi-pencil',buttonclass:'btn btn-sm btn-info',onclick:"goTo('$id')"}]
VuePagination is receiving on the bus a single event from VueCustomGrid "vue-custom-grid:maxPage". Vue-Pagination is emitting an event "vue-pagination:pageUpdated" wich allows VueCustomGrid for selecting a slice of data.
Description | Type | Required | Default | |
fetchurl | url for api returning json data | String | No | |
feed | data for the grid | Array | yes if no fetchurl | |
dateformat | date format to use when cells content is a date | String | No | YYYY MM DD |
restitle | title above the grid | String | No | |
language | language used for the component and grid headers translation | String | No | en |
translator | dico object with translation for grid headers | Object | No | |
translator service | url for the api returning a dico | String | No | |
action | definition for action buttons in last column | Array | No | |
actionscolumns | definition for action buttons in specific columns | Object | No | |
actionplus | definition for action to add an item | String | No | |
actionsave | definition for action to save grid parameters | String | No | |
customrender | optionnaly customize the render of specific column content | Object | No | |
itemsperpage | items per page for grid and paginator | Number | No | |
searchquery | search parameters to use with fetchurl | String | No | |
sortedby | name of the column to use for sort | String | No | |
sortedasc | asc or desc order to use with sortedby prop | Boolean | No | true |
options | minor options for display | Object | No | |
bus | event bus | Object | yes if VuePaginator is used |
Copyright (c) 2020 David Lebret