Use lots of memory in a forked process. This will apply memory pressure to your service, without impacting garbage collection or risking the process being killed.
Basic memory attack.
import BackgroundMemoryAttack from '@dazn/chaos-squirrel-attack-memory-background';
const createBackgroundMemoryAttack = BackgroundMemoryAttack.configure({
size: 2e9 // ~2gb
const backgroundMemoryAttack = createBackgroundMemoryAttack();
// ~2gb of memory will be used in a forked process
backgroundMemoryAttack.stop(); // kills the process
Progressive memory attack.
import BackgroundMemoryAttack from '@dazn/chaos-squirrel-attack-memory-background';
const createBackgroundMemoryAttack = BackgroundMemoryAttack.configure({
size: 2e9 // ~2gb
stepSize: 2e8, // ~200mb
stepTime: 1e3 // 1s
const backgroundMemoryAttack = createBackgroundMemoryAttack();
// ~2gb of memory will be used in forked processes, starting from 0gb & increasing by ~200mb every 1s
backgroundMemoryAttack.stop(); // kills the processes