
1.2.4 • Public • Published



  • fix only hidden articles on validation


  • add custom translations for 'datepicker'
  • 'datepicker' validations
  • hide summaries in 'all steps'


  • add submit validation for 'all steps' modus
  • fix to change an address


  • Fix hidden articles


  • new flow to show all steps at once.
  • new option to apply selected quantity to all active articles (shared articles)
  • new option to show calendar (datepicker)
  • new way to visualize customer step (grid)
  • improved styling

Activity logging

Inline custom events like 'activity' are not supported in HTML. JavaScript event listeners are needed to handle the 'activity' event.

<decoloop-planner id="widget"/>

        .addEventListener("activity", e => { console.log(e.detail) });
button name="dlpButtonLoader" id="widget-button">[text]</button>

        .addEventListener("activity", e => { console.log(e.detail) });

Example logging object

    "details": {
        "skillCode": "OTHER.MEASURE.PIECES",
        "active": true
    "hasErrors": false,
    "errors": [],
    "kind": 0,
    "action": "toggle"
Parameter Type Description
kind int Widget step
action string Action within the step
details object or null based on action
hasErrors boolean true when the errors list has values
errors string[] list of errors

Widget step: Articles

Kind = 0

Action: toggle

    "details": {
        "skillCode": "OTHER.MEASURE.PIECES",
        "active": true
    "hasErrors": false,
    "errors": [],
    "kind": 0,
    "action": "toggle"
Parameter Type Description
skillCode string selected article
active boolean selected or deselected

Action: change

    "details": {
        "skillCode": "OTHER.MEASURE.PIECES",
        "quantity": "5"
    "kind": 0,
    "hasErrors": false,
    "errors": [],
    "action": "change"
Parameter Type Description
skillCode string selected article
quantity int selected quantity

Action: submit

    "details": {
        "articles": [
                "code": "OTHER.MEASURE.PIECES",
                "quantity": 5
    "kind": 0,
    "hasErrors": false,
    "errors": [],
    "action": "submit"
Parameter Type Description
articles object[] list of selected articles
articles[].code string code
articles[].quantity int quantity

Possible errors that can occur:

  • error.session.session_expired
  • error.articles.articles_requires_at_least_1_item
  • error.articles.article_invalid
  • error.employees.no_valid_skills"

Widget step: Address

Kind = 1

Action: autocomplete

  • Works only on dutch addresses.
  • Non-blocking action, full address fields are visible in case of invalid address
    "details": {
        "request": {
            "streetNumber": "51",
            "zip": "8011CA"
        "response": {
            "address": {
                "streetName": "Westerlaan",
                "streetNumber": "51",
                "addition": null,
                "zipCode": "8011CA",
                "cityName": "Zwolle",
                "country_ISO3166_1_2": "NL",
            "isValid": true
    "kind": 1,
    "hasErrors": false,
    "errors": [],
    "action": "autocomplete"
Parameter Type Description
request object inserted address info
request.streetNumber string streetNumber
request.zip string zip
response object or null received info
response.address.isValid boolean if address can be found
response.address object or null address info, null when isValid is false
response.address.streetName string street name
response.address.streetNumber string street number
response.address.addition string addition
response.address.zipCode string zip
response.address.cityName string city
response.address.country_ISO3166_1_2 string country code

Possible errors that can occur:

  • error.session.session_expired
  • error.address.address_invalid

Action: branch

    "details": {
        "licenseeId": 999
    "kind": 1,
    "hasErrors": false,
    "errors": [],
    "action": "branch"
Parameter Type Description
licenseeId int branch id

Action: submit

    "details": {
        "request": {
            "streetNumber": "51",
            "zip": "8011",
            "streetName": "Westerlaan",
            "city": "Zwolle",
            "licenseeId": null
        "response": {
            "streetName": "Westerlaan",
            "streetNumber": "51",
            "addition": null,
            "zipCode": "8011 CA",
            "cityName": "Zwolle",
            "country_ISO3166_1_2": "nl"
    "kind": 1,
    "hasErrors": false,
    "errors": [],
    "action": "submit"
Parameter Type Description
request object inserted address info
request.streetNumber string street number
request.streetName string street name
request.zip string zip
request.city string city
request.licenseeId int or null branch id
response object or null received info
response.streetName string street name
response.streetNumber string street number
response.addition string addition
response.zipCode string zip
response.cityName string city
response.country_ISO3166_1_2 string country code

Possible errors that can occur:

  • error.session.session_expired
  • error.address.address_invalid
  • error.address.address_difference_detection
  • error.address.address_difference_detection.zip
  • error.address.address_difference_detection.street_name
  • error.address.address_difference_detection.street_number
  • error.address.address_difference_detection.city
  • error.worklocation.none_in_area
  • error.worklocation.none_in_max_distance

Widget step: Schedule

Kind = 3

Action: set_time

    "details": {
        "time": "2022-12-28T12:00:00Z"
    "kind": 2,
    "hasErrors": false,
    "errors": [],
    "action": "set_time"
Parameter Type Description
time DateTime selected date and time

Action: next_range

    "details": null,
    "kind": 2,
    "hasErrors": false,
    "errors": [],
    "action": "next_range"

Action: previous_range

    "details": null,
    "kind": 2,
    "hasErrors": false,
    "errors": [],
    "action": "previous_range"

Action: submit

    "details": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "middleName": "",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "emailAddress": "johndoe@decoloop.com",
        "phoneNumber": "0612345678",
        "mobilePhoneNumber": "",
        "languageAbbreviation": "nl",
        "remark": "Extra info"
    "kind": 3,
    "hasErrors": false,
    "errors": [],
    "action": "submit"
Parameter Type Description
firstName string
middleName string
lastName string
emailAddress string
phoneNumber string
mobilePhoneNumber string
languageAbbreviation string
remark string

Widget step: Confirm

Kind = 4

Action: submit

    "details": {
        "reference": "1010.00125"
    "kind": 4,
    "hasErrors": false,
    "errors": [],
    "action": "submit"
Parameter Type Description
reference string received reference number

Possible errors that can occur:

  • error.session_expired
  • error.dateslot.invalid_timeslot
  • error.unknown.unknown

Generic action: previous

Available in each step

    "details": null,
    "kind": 1,
    "hasErrors": false,
    "errors": [],
    "action": "previous"

Package Sidebar


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  • sieval-pdejong