TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.1 • Public • Published


A library to validate stuff in pure TS. (It just means we delegate some work to the TS typing system).


Depending on the package manager your project uses, install it with either npm:

npm install --save @delia-solutions/ts-purerules

or yarn:

yarn add @delia-solutions/ts-purerules

Then the way of importing it depends on your project's settings.

// ES6 import style
import * as pureRules from '@delia-solutions/ts-purerules';

// or you can import only the rules you want
import { stringMustBeValidEmail } from '@delia-solutions/ts-purerules';
import { arrayMustNotBeEmpty, stringMustBeValidEmail } from '@delia-solutions/ts-purerules';
// Node require style
const pureRules = require('@delia-solutions/ts-purerules');


We created it for our front-end use, but it is not restricted to this use case. Many frameworks, when using inputs, let us specify some rules which are run against every input given.

<!-- This example uses Vue and Vuetify. Vuetify gives us the v-input element. -->
  <v-input :rules="[rule1, rule2]"/>

It has been well tested with Vuetify.

You can simply use it by importing it, then testing your values against the rules you want. Every rule returns a boolean, so it is easy to use it.

import * as pureRules from '@delia-solutions/ts-purerules';

// value can come from anywhere
const value = ['hello', 'world'];

if (pureRules.arrayMustNotBeEmpty(variable)) {

Rules list

  • mustNotBeNull(value: any)
    False if value is null.
  • mustNotBeUndefined(value: any)
    False if value is undefined.
  • mustNotBeNullOrUndefined(value: any)
    False if value is null or undefined.
  • arrayMustNotBeEmpty(value: Array<any>)
    False if array is empty, true otherwise.
  • isLeapYear(year: string | number)
    True if year is a leap year, false otherwise.
  • numberMustBeMax(value: number, maxValue: number)
    False if number >= max, true otherwise.
  • numberMustBeMin(value: number, minValue: number)
    False if number <= min, true otherwise.
  • numberMustBeStrictlyMax(value: number, maxValue: number)
    False if number > max, true otherwise.
  • numberMustBeStrictlyMin(value: number, minValue: number)
    False if number < min, true otherwise.
  • objectMustNotBeEmpty(value: any)
    False if object is empty, true otherwise.
  • stringMustBeAtLeastNCharacters(value: string, length: number)
    False if string is less than N characters, true otherwise.
  • stringMustBeDifferentTo(value: string, other: string)
    False if string is the same as the other one, true otherwise.
  • stringMustBeSIREN(value: string)
    False if the string doesn't describe a SIREN number, true otherwise.
  • stringMustBeSIRET(value: string)
    False if the string doesn't describe a SIRET number, true otherwise.
  • stringMustBeSimilarTo(value: string, other: string)
    True if string is the same as the other one, false otherwise.
  • stringMustBeValidEmail(value: string)
    False if string doesn't describe a valid email, true otherwise.
  • stringMustBeValidIPv4(value)
    False if string doesn't describe a valid IPv4 address, true otherwise.
  • stringMustContainWords(value: string, words: string | Array<string >)
    False if string doesn't include every words as substrings, true otherwise.
  • stringMustNotBeEmpty(value: string)
    False if string is empty, true otherwise.




This software is distributed under the terms of the ISC License. The complete License is in the LICENSE file.

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  • corentin-allemand
  • yann_delia
  • tiv0w
  • kawacrepe
  • benjamin-gardien