
0.1.1 • Public • Published


The CLI tool collects dependents information for a given repository as follows:

  • Collects the dependents of a given repository from the GitHub Dependents Page.
  • Collects the import statements from the source code of the dependents repositories.

Finally, it generates a JSON file with the following structure:

  "repository_name": {
    "imports": [
        "filename": "/path/to/file",
        "specifiers": ["imported_module", "imported_module2"]
    "hash": "3d129uasf...",

One more thing to note is that it can collect javascript projects that use the ESM-style imports, which means that it does not collect the CommonJS-style imports or python projects, etc. It also can't collect the default imports.

// OK
import { foo } from 'bar';

const foo = require('bar');
import foo from 'bar';

And it runs in concurrent mode, so it can collect the dependents faster.


  • git installed on your machine.
  • node installed on your machine.
  • npm installed on your machine.


npx @dependents-tracker/extractor <repository_name> [<file_path of `result.json`>]

At now, the CLI tool only supports above command. The repository_name should be in the format of owner/repo. And If you have a previously generated result.json file, you can pass the file path as the second argument. Then the CLI tool will use the existing data and only collect the new dependents.

After running the command, the CLI tool will generate a JSON file in the current directory with the name result.json.

Note: This project is still under development, so there might be some bugs or issues. If you encounter any, please report them.

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npm i @dependents-tracker/extractor

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  • dayongkr