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Deposits Utils


This repository contains a documented collection of JavaScript utility functions that we frequently use across various frontend projects, centralized in one place.


To install the utilities, simpy run the bash command.

npm install @deposits/utils

List of Utility Functions


This function is used to capitalize the first character of a string.

function capitalize(str: string, lowerOtherCharacters: bool): string {}


  • str - The string being capitalized
  • lowerOtherCharacters - This boolean flag determines whether the function should convert all characters after the first character to lower case or leave them as they are


import { capitalize } from "@deposits/utils";

capitalize("something"); // Something
capitalize("somEthing"); // SomEthing
capitalize("somEthing", true); // Something


This function uses luxon under the hood to display dates in any format in UTC.

It accepts dates either as JavaScript dates, Luxon DateTime, ISO or an array of supported formats ["dd-MM-yyyy", "MM-dd-yyyy", "yyyy-MM-dd", "dd/MM/yyyy", "MM/dd/yyyy", "yyyy/MM/dd", "dd/MM/yyyy"] and displays them in the supplied format.

function displayDate(
  date: string | Date | DateTime,
  toFormat: string = "LLL dd, yyyy",
  fromFormat: string
): string {}


  • date - A string or object representing the date to be displayed
  • toFormat - The format to display the date in. The default is "LLL dd, yyyy"
  • fromFormat - A string specifying the format the date string (the first argument) is in to aid with the parsing


import { displayDate } from "@deposits/utils";

displayDate(new Date()); // Oct 20, 2024
displayDate("2024-11-10"); // Nov 11, 2024
displayDate("2024/11/10"); // Nov 11, 2024
displayDate("10-11-2024"); // Nov 11, 2024
displayDate(new Date(), "MMM dd, y, hh:mma"); // Oct 20, 2024 05:21AM
displayDate("2024-11-10", undefined, "yyyy-dd-MM"); // Oct 11, 2024
displayDate("2024-11-10", "MMM dd, y, hh:mma", "yyyy-dd-MM"); // Oct 11, 2024 12:00AM

Note This function uses the tokens defined for luxon for it's formatting. See more here


This function can be used to mask a string. It also supports masking emails to show the domain part of the email while masking the first part.

function mask(string: string, maskChar: string = "*", unmaskedChars: number = 4): string {}


  • string - The string to be masked
  • maskChar - The character the of the masked strings. Defaults to *
  • unmaskedChars - The number of characters to leave unmasked. Defaults to 4


import { mask } from "@deposits/utils";

mask("somethingforyorumind"); // ****************mind
mask("eric.mcwinner@ingomoney.com"); // e************@ingomoney.com
mask("somethingforyorumind", "#"); // ################mind
mask("somethingforyorumind", undefined, 7); // *************orumind


This function is used to format displayed numbers. It supports thousand separators and decimal places, as well as specifying exponents.

It works in a similar way to the built-in PHP number_format

function numberFormat(
  number: number | string,
  decimals: number,
  dec_point: string = ".",
  thousands_sep: string = ","
): string {}


  • number - The number to be formatted and displayed.
  • decimals - The number of decimal places to be shown.
  • dec_point - The character to be used for the decimal point. Defaults to .
  • thousands_sep - The character to be used to separate thousands. Defaults to ','


import { numberFormat } from "@deposits/utils";

numberFormat(2000); // 2,000
numberFormat(2000, 2); // 2,000.00
numberFormat(2000, 2, ".", "."); // 2.000.00
numberFormat(2000.889, 2); // 2,000.89


This function is used to convert a formatted date string to a JavaScript date in UTC.

It tries to match the string to an array of formats: ["dd-MM-yyyy", "MM-dd-yyyy", "yyyy-MM-dd", "dd/MM/yyyy", "MM/dd/yyyy", "yyyy/MM/dd", "dd/MM/yyyy"] if no format is provided and converts the supplied date to a JavaScript date in UTC.

It can be seen as the opposite of displayDate

function parseDate(dateString: string, format: string, zone: string = "utc"): Date {}


  • dateString - The date string to be parsed.
  • format - The format the date string is in. We use tokens based on luxon. You can learn more here.
  • zone - The timezone the supplied date should be converted to. It defaults to UTC.


import { parseDate } from "@deposits/utils";

parseDate("15-10-2024", "dd-MM-yyyy"); //  2024-10-15T00:00:00.000Z
parseDate("2024-10-15"); //  2024-10-15T00:00:00.000Z
parseDate("10/15/2024"); //  2024-10-15T00:00:00.000Z


This function is similar to capitalize but what it does is run capitalize on every word in a sentence, to convert the string to sentence case.

function sentenceCase(str: string, lowerOtherCharacters: bool): string {}


  • str - The string being capitalized
  • lowerOtherCharacters - This boolean flag determines whether the function should convert all characters after the first character to lower case or leave them as they are


import { sentenceCase } from "@deposits/utils";

sentenceCase("The quick brown fox"); // The Quick Brown Fox
sentenceCase("The quIck brown Fox", true); // The Quick Brown Fox


This function is used to convert a string to a sentence based on delimiter.

e.g "deposits_is_awesome" becomes "deposits is awesome".

function sentencify(string: string, delimiter: string = "_"): string {}


  • string - The string to convert to a sentence.
  • delimiter - The token to convert to spaces.


import { sentencify } from "@deposits/utils";

sentencify("in_progress"); // in progress
sentencify("in-progress", "-"); // in progress

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  • ericmcwinner
  • deposits_dev