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1.24.1 • Public • Published


Descope JavaScript web SDK


Install the package

npm install @descope/web-js-sdk

Use it

import descopeSdk from '@descope/web-js-sdk';

const myProjectId = 'xxx';

const sdk = descopeSdk({
  /* Descope Project ID (Required) */
  projectId: myProjectId,
  /* Persist tokens that returned after successful authentication (e.g. sdk.otp.verify.email(...),
  sdk.refresh(...), flow.next(...), etc.) in browser storage. In addition, this will
  make `sdk.getSessionToken()` available, see usage bellow bellow */
  persistTokens: true,
  /* Pass `sessionTokenViaCookie: true` to store the session token in a cookie when using `persistTokens`. By default, the sdk will set the session token in the browser storage.
    - This option is relevant only when `persistTokens` is true.
    - The session token cookie is set as a [`Secure`](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6265#section-5.2.5) cookie. It will be sent only over HTTPS connections.
In addition, some browsers (e.g. Safari) may not store `Secure` cookie if the hosted page is running on an HTTP protocol.
    - The session token cookie is set to [`SameSite=Strict`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie#samesitesamesite-value) by default.
If you need to customize this, you can set `sessionTokenViaCookie={sameSite: 'Lax'}`
    - If the cookie domain set on Descope configuration doesn't match, or is not a parent domain of the current domain, The cookie will be stored on the current domain that runs the code. Examples:
     - Project cookie domain is acme.com, current domain is app.acme.com - the domain will be set to app.acme.com
     - Project cookie domain is acme.com, current domain is my-app.com - the domain will be set to my-app.com
  sessionTokenViaCookie: false,
  /* Automatically schedule a call refresh session call after a successful authentication:
  Note: due to browser limitation, the maximum interval for the refresh has an upper bound of 2^32 - 1 milliseconds (approximately 24.8 days).
  autoRefresh: true,
  /* Disable storing the last authenticated user details on the browser storage (default is true).
  Note: Disabling this flag may cause features related to the last-authenticated user to not function properly.
  storeLastAuthenticatedUser: false, // default is true
  /* Do not clear the last authenticated user details from the browser storage after logout (default is false).
  Note: This flag is relevant only when `storeLastAuthenticatedUser` is true.
  keepLastAuthenticatedUserAfterLogout: true // default is false

sdk.onSessionTokenChange((newSession, oldSession) => {
  // handle session token change...

sdk.onUserChange((newUser, oldUser) => {
  // handle user change...

/* For a case that the browser has a valid refresh token on storage/cookie,
the user should get a valid session token (e.i. user should be logged-in).
For that purpose, it is common to call the refresh function after sdk initialization.
Note: Refresh return a session token, so if the autoRefresh was provided, the sdk will
automatically continue to refresh the token */

// Alternatively -  use the sdk's available authentication methods to authenticate the user
const userIdentifier = 'identifier';
let res = await sdk.otp.signIn.email(userIdentifier);
if (!res.ok) {
  throw Error('Failed to sign in');

// Get the one time code from email and verify it
const codeFromEmail = '1234';
res = await sdk.otp.verify.email(userIdentifier, codeFromEmail);
if (!res.ok) {
  throw Error('Failed to sign in');

// Get session token
// Can be used to pass token to server on header
const sessionToken = sdk.getSessionToken();

Run Example

To run the example:

  1. Install dependencies pnpm i
  2. Run the sample pnpm run start

The browser open a tab with directory tree of available examples. Click on the desire directory and follow the instruction.

NOTE: This package is a part of a monorepo. so if you make changes in a dependency, you will have to rerun npm run start (this is a temporary solution until we improve the process to fit to monorepo).



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  • omercnet
  • barsdescope
  • nirgur
  • tom-descope