DevSnicket Plug-in Discovery consists of a JavaScript repository object and a Babel plug-in that when used together can invert dependencies between modules and turn them into discovered plug-ins.
before | after |
Currently only CommonJS modules are supported (e.g. not ECMAScript ones).
Plug-in and repository files/modules in packages are supported (see "Forwarder lookup" below).
CommonJS Babel plug-in / package
Install using npm
npm install --save-dev @devsnicket/plugin-discovery-commonjs-babel-plugin
Or with yarn
yarn add --dev @devsnicket/plugin-discovery-commonjs-babel-plugin
The CommonJS Babel plug-in package discovers DevSnicket plug-in references and will automatically add module require calls where the package @devsnicket/plugin-discovery-create-repository has been used (see above).
The example above would be rewritten into:
// someSortOfPlugins.js
module.exports =
The Babel plug-in will need to be specified in your Babel configuration, Webpack Babel Loader configuration or equivalent.
Discovery (plug-ins with relative paths)
The Babel plug-in has a parameter ignoreDirectoryNames, when not specified this defaults to node_modules. Scanning of the node_modules directory for Devsnicket plug-ins would be inefficient and likely to take a long time.
Webpack can be configured to run Babel for plug-in repositories even when they are in a package and so in the node_modules directory. So long as the plug-ins for these repositories aren't also in packages/node_modules, they can be discovered and rewritten by Webpack/Babel in the output. Webpack is often also configured to not include or to exclude running Babel for the node_modules directory. So you will need to ensure that your Webpack configuration still includes the paths to repositories in packages/node_modules for this to work.
Forwarder lookup (repositories and plug-ins in packages)
To support packages that contain DevSnicket plug-ins that won't be discovered by default (see above), the Babel plug-in also does a lookup inside the node_module directory. It expects the following structure:
| └─.devsnicket-plugin-discovery
| ├─repository-package
| | ├─repositoryFileName.js (forwarder)
Scoped packages for either/both the plug-in and repository are also supported:
| ├─plugin-package-with-scope
| | └─.devsnicket-plugin-discovery
| | ├─@plugin-package-scope
| | | ├─repository-package
| | | | ├─repositoryFileName.js (forwarder)
- JavaScript files that contain CommonJS require calls to the actual plug-in files within the package
- generated upon build (i.e. when Babel is run)
- included in the package
When Babel is run with the -d / --out-dir parameter the forwarder directories and files described above will be created automatically. Forwarders are written for plug-ins when the repository is both in a package and not transformed by Babel[1]. The following Babel plug-in parameters can override the default behavior:
parameter | description | default |
forwarderParentDirectoryPath | the parent directory of .devsnicket-plugin-discovery | current directory |
forwarderDirectoryClean | will the .devsnicket-plugin-discovery directory be deleted / cleaned | true |
outputDirectoryPath | directory where Babel transformed files are being outputted to | Babel -d / --out-dir parameters if specified |
1 If a plug-in is transformed by Babel first, a forwarder will be written for it, if its repository is transformed afterwards, the forwarder will be deleted (as its redundant).
Package versions
It is advised that repositories are not included in packages with other content that might frequently change and so require new package versions.
If there are multiple versions of a repository's package installed, this is likely to result in that one repository effectively becoming multiple separate repositories with the same name. When this is happens, something plugged into a repository package of one version won't be returned when iterating that same repository package of another version. If this happens it is due to the behavior of the package manager being used. Package managers such as NPM will install the same package multiple times, in multiple directories, to avoid version conflicts.
There are automated tests that run Babel with the plug-in and check the transformed output. The tests are run for the latest versions of Babel 6 and 7. NPM is run by the tests to install Babel and test case packages which are generated. To isolate Babel it is run in a separate process.
For each version of Babel tested (see above), all test cases are repeated but with Babel run by Webpack 4.
Code coverage is not currently being run because of the additional work required to analyse across multiple processes.
An example of Plug-in Discovery in use can be found in Eunice. A plug-in repository is defined for its test harnesses (Harnesses/processorPlugins.js) so processors can be discovered and included automatically.