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Jsel Library Documentation


Welcome to the documentation for the Jsel library, a TypeScript library designed to add a new programming language executed on JavaScript. This documentation provides a comprehensive guide on using the Jsel library and covers various features, syntax, and examples.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Getting Started
  3. Basic Syntax
  4. Control Flow
  5. Functions
  6. Standard Library
  7. Advanced Features
  8. Examples
  9. Conclusion
  10. Support and Contribution


To use the Jsel library in your TypeScript project, follow these steps:

npm install @dexodus/jsel

Getting Started

Jsel and JselContext

The core components of the Jsel library are the Jsel class and the JselContext class. The Jsel class represents the interpreter, while the JselContext class provides the initial context for the interpreter. Here's a basic example of how to create and use them:

import { Jsel, JselContext } from 'jsel-library';

const context = new JselContext({
  // ... initial context data ...

const jsel = new Jsel(context);

// Now you can use jsel to execute Jsel code

Basic Syntax


Jsel supports variables, and you can declare and use them as follows:

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  a: 5,
  b: 'Hello',
  c: true,

console.log(jsel.exec('a')); // Output: 5
console.log(jsel.exec('b + " World"')); // Output: Hello World
console.log(jsel.exec('c')); // Output: true

Arithmetic Operations

Jsel supports various arithmetic operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation:

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  x: 5,
  y: 3,

console.log(jsel.exec('x + y')); // Output: 8
console.log(jsel.exec('x - y')); // Output: 2
console.log(jsel.exec('x * y')); // Output: 15
console.log(jsel.exec('x / y')); // Output: 1.666...
console.log(jsel.exec('x ** y')); // Output: 125

Accessing Object Properties

You can access object properties using dot notation:

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  person: {
    name: 'John',
    age: 25,

console.log(jsel.exec('person.name')); // Output: John
console.log(jsel.exec('person.age')); // Output: 25

String Concatenation

Jsel supports string concatenation using the + operator:

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  greeting: 'Hello',
  name: 'John',

console.log(jsel.exec('greeting + " " + name')); // Output: Hello John

Assignment Operations

You can use assignment operations to update variable values:

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  a: 5,

console.log(jsel.exec('a += 3')); // Output: 8
console.log(jsel.exec('a = a * 2')); // Output: 16

Control Flow

If Statements

Jsel supports if statements for conditional execution:

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  condition: true,
  value: 42,

  if (condition) {
    value = value * 2;

console.log(jsel.exec('value')); // Output: 84

While Statements

You can use while statements for repeated execution:

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  counter: 0,

  while (counter < 5) {

console.log(jsel.exec('counter')); // Output: 5

Foreach Statements

Jsel supports foreach statements for iterating over arrays:

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  numbers: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
  result: 0,

  foreach (numbers as value) {
    result += value;

console.log(jsel.exec('result')); // Output: 15


Built-in Functions

Jsel provides a set of built-in functions for common operations:

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  value: 'Hello, World!',

console.log(jsel.exec('length(value)')); // Output: 13
console.log(jsel.exec('toUpperCase(value)')); // Output: HELLO, WORLD!

Custom Functions

You can define custom functions and use them in your Jsel code:

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  sum: (a, b) => a + b,

console.log(jsel.exec('sum(3, 5)')); // Output: 8

Function Declarations

Jsel allows you to declare functions for later use:

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({}));

  add = (a, b) => {
    a + b

console.log(jsel.exec('add(2, 3)')); // Output: 5



Path Operations

Jsel provides standard library functions for working with paths:

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  path: 'entity.users[12].name',

console.log(jsel.exec(`getPathParent("${path}")`)); // Output: entity.users[12]
console.log(jsel.exec(`removeOldParentFromPath("${path}")`)); // Output: users[12].name
console.log(jsel.exec(`getCurrentIndexFromPath("${path}")`)); // Output: 12

Type Checking

Jsel includes functions for checking variable types:

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  value: true,

console.log(jsel.exec('getType(value)')); // Output: boolean
console.log(jsel.exec('isBoolean(value)')); // Output: true
console.log(jsel.exec('isString(value)')); // Output: false

Other Standard Functions

Jsel standard library provides other useful functions:

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({}));

console.log(jsel.exec('jsonParse(\'{"a": "test"}\')')); // Output: { a: 'test' }
console.log(jsel.exec('log("Hello, Jsel!")')); // Output: undefined

Advanced Features


Jsel introduces the reflex feature for dynamic variable access:

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  someVariable: 123,
  path: 'someVariable',

  valueByReflex = $path

console.log(jsel.exec('valueByReflex')); // Output: 123


Example 1: Manipulating Objects

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  person: {
    name: 'Alice',
    age: 30,

  person.name = "Bob";
  person.age += 5;

console.log(jsel.exec('person')); // Output: { name: 'Bob', age: 35 }

Example 2: Using Control Flow

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  number: 42,

  if (number > 50) {
    number = number / 2;
  } else {
    number = number * 2;

console.log(jsel.exec('number')); // Output: 84

Example 3: Working with Arrays

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  numbers: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
  sum: 0,

  foreach (numbers as value) {
    sum += value;

console.log(jsel.exec('sum')); // Output: 15

Example 4: Custom Functions

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  customFunction: (a, b) => a * b,

console.log(jsel.exec('customFunction(3, 4)')); // Output: 12

Example 5: Advanced Features

const jsel = new Jsel(new JselContext({
  entity: {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Organization',
    parts: [
        question: 'When was I born?',
        type: 'radio',
        radio: [
          { answer: '23.09.2002', right: true },
          { answer: '23.09.2022', right: false },
  newParts: [],

  foreach (entity.parts as index => part) {
    newPart = {
      type: part.type,
      question: part.question,
    if (part.type === 'radio') {
      newPart.data = {
        answers: [],
        answerPrices: [],
      foreach (part.radio as answerIndex => answerObject) {
        // Process radio answers
    newParts[index] = newPart;
  entity.parts = newParts;

console.log(jsel.exec('entity')); // Updated entity object


This concludes the documentation for the Jsel library. We hope this guide helps you understand the features and capabilities of Jsel, enabling you to use it effectively in your TypeScript projects.

Support and Contribution

For support, bug reports, or contributions, please visit the Jsel GitHub repository. We welcome any feedback and contributions from the community.

Thank you for choosing Jsel!



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