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2.6.11 • Public • Published


A library for interfacing with the ICP ledger on the Internet Computer.

npm version GitHub license

ℹ️ This library is meant to interface with the ICP ledger only. If you are looking to interact with Snses, ckBTC, or other ICRC tokens, use the ledger-icrc-js library.

Table of contents


You can use ledger-icp-js by installing it in your project.

npm i @dfinity/ledger-icp

The bundle needs peer dependencies, be sure that following resources are available in your project as well.

npm i @dfinity/agent @dfinity/candid @dfinity/principal @dfinity/utils


The features are available through the class LedgerCanister. It has to be instantiated with a canister ID.

e.g. fetching a token metadata.

import { createAgent } from "@dfinity/utils";
import { LedgerCanister } from "@dfinity/ledger-icp";

const agent = await createAgent({
  host: HOST,

const { metadata } = LedgerCanister.create({

const data = await metadata();


ledger-icp-js implements following features:

🏭 AccountIdentifier

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⚙️ fromHex
Method Type
fromHex (hex: string) => AccountIdentifier

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⚙️ fromPrincipal
Method Type
fromPrincipal ({ principal, subAccount, }: { principal: Principal; subAccount?: SubAccount or undefined; }) => AccountIdentifier

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⚙️ toHex
Method Type
toHex () => string

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⚙️ toUint8Array
Method Type
toUint8Array () => Uint8Array

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⚙️ toNumbers
Method Type
toNumbers () => number[]

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⚙️ toAccountIdentifierHash
Method Type
toAccountIdentifierHash () => { hash: Uint8Array; }

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🏭 SubAccount

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⚙️ fromBytes
Method Type
fromBytes (bytes: Uint8Array) => SubAccount or Error

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⚙️ fromPrincipal
Method Type
fromPrincipal (principal: Principal) => SubAccount

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⚙️ fromID
Method Type
fromID (id: number) => SubAccount

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⚙️ toUint8Array
Method Type
toUint8Array () => Uint8Array

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🏭 LedgerCanister

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⚙️ create
Method Type
create (options?: LedgerCanisterOptions) => LedgerCanister

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⚙️ accountBalance

Returns the balance of the specified account identifier.

If certified is true, the request is fetched as an update call, otherwise it is fetched using a query call.

Method Type
accountBalance ({ accountIdentifier: accountIdentifierParam, certified, }: AccountBalanceParams) => Promise<bigint>


  • params: The parameters to get the balance of an account.
  • params.accountIdentifier: The account identifier provided either as hex string or as an AccountIdentifier.
  • params.certified: query or update call.

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⚙️ metadata

Fetches the ledger metadata.

Method Type
metadata (params: QueryParams) => Promise<[string, Value][]>


  • params: - The parameters used to fetch the metadata, notably query or certified call.

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⚙️ transactionFee

Returns the transaction fee of the ICP ledger canister.

Method Type
transactionFee (params?: QueryParams) => Promise<bigint>


  • params: - Optional query parameters for the request, defaulting to { certified: false } for backwards compatibility reason.

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⚙️ transfer

Transfer ICP from the caller to the destination accountIdentifier. Returns the index of the block containing the tx if it was successful.

Method Type
transfer (request: TransferRequest) => Promise<bigint>

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⚙️ icrc1Transfer

Transfer ICP from the caller to the destination Account. Returns the index of the block containing the tx if it was successful.

Method Type
icrc1Transfer (request: Icrc1TransferRequest) => Promise<bigint>

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⚙️ icrc2Approve

This method entitles the spender to transfer token amount on behalf of the caller from account { owner = caller; subaccount = from_subaccount }.

Reference: https://github.com/dfinity/ICRC-1/blob/main/standards/ICRC-2/README.md#icrc2_approve

Method Type
icrc2Approve (params: Icrc2ApproveRequest) => Promise<bigint>


  • params: - The parameters to approve.

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⚙️ icrc21ConsentMessage

Fetches the consent message for a specified canister call, intended to provide a human-readable message that helps users make informed decisions.

Method Type
icrc21ConsentMessage (params: Icrc21ConsentMessageRequest) => Promise<icrc21_consent_info>


  • params: - The request parameters containing the method name, arguments, and consent preferences (e.g., language).

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🏭 IndexCanister

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⚙️ create
Method Type
create ({ canisterId: optionsCanisterId, ...options }: CanisterOptions<_SERVICE>) => IndexCanister

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⚙️ accountBalance

Returns the balance of the specified account identifier.

Method Type
accountBalance ({ certified, accountIdentifier, }: AccountBalanceParams) => Promise<bigint>


  • params: The parameters to get the balance of an account.
  • params.accountIdentifier: The account identifier provided either as hex string or as an AccountIdentifier.
  • params.certified: query or update call.

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⚙️ getTransactions

Returns the transactions and balance of an ICP account.

Method Type
getTransactions ({ certified, accountIdentifier, start, maxResults: max_results, }: GetTransactionsParams) => Promise<GetAccountIdentifierTransactionsResponse>


  • params: The parameters to get the transactions.
  • params.certified: query or update call.
  • params.accountIdentifier: The account identifier provided either as hex string or as an AccountIdentifier.
  • params.start: If set then the results will start from the next most recent transaction id after start (start won't be included). If not provided, then the results will start from the most recent transaction id.
  • params.maxResults: Maximum number of transactions to fetch.

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