Library to generate QR codes for dHealth Network.
NOTE: The author of this package cannot be held responsible for any loss of money or any malintentioned usage forms of this package. Please use this package with caution.
The software allows you to create the following QR types:
- TransactionRequest: QR to prepare transactions ready to be signed.
- Address: QR to share the account address with others.
- Contact: QR to share the account address and public key with others.
- Mnemonic: QR to generate account mnemonic backups (encrypted | plain).
- Account: QR to generate account private key backups (encrypted | plain).
- Object: QR to export a custom object.
- Node.js 12 LTS
npm install @dhealth/qr-library
Generate QRCode for a Transaction Request
import { QRCodeGenerator, TransactionQR } from '@dhealth/qr-library';
import { Address, Deadline, Mosaic, NamespaceId, NetworkType, PlainMessage, TransferTransaction, UInt64 } from "@dhealth/sdk";
// (Optional) create transfer transaction (or read from network)
const transfer = TransferTransaction.create(
[new Mosaic(new NamespaceId('dhealth.dhp'), UInt64.fromUint(10000000))],
PlainMessage.create('Welcome to dHealth!'),
// generation hash of the connected network
const generationHash = 'ED5761EA890A096C50D3F50B7C2F0CCB4B84AFC9EA870F381E84DDE36D04EF16'
// create QR Code base64
const qrCode: TransactionQR = QRCodeGenerator.createTransactionRequest(transfer, NetworkType.MAIN_NET, generationHash);
// get base64 notation for <img> HTML attribute
const base64 = qrCode.toBase64();
Generate AddressQR code
import { QRCodeGenerator, AddressQR } from '@dhealth/qr-library';
import { NetworkType } from '@dhealth/sdk';
const name = 'test-address-1';
const contactAddress = 'TA6QZTYPOIYQYR5NRY4WQ2WRQUX2FN5UK2DO6DI'
// generation hash of the connected network
const generationHash = 'ED5761EA890A096C50D3F50B7C2F0CCB4B84AFC9EA870F381E84DDE36D04EF16'
// create QR Code base64
const qrCode: AddressQR = QRCodeGenerator.createExportAddress(name, contactAddress, NetworkType.MAIN_NET, generationHash);
// get base64 notation for <img> HTML attribute
const base64 = qrCode.toBase64();
Generate ContactQR code
import { QRCodeGenerator, ContactQR } from '@dhealth/qr-library';
import { NetworkType } from '@dhealth/sdk';
const name = 'test-contact-1';
const accountPublicKey = 'C5C55181284607954E56CD46DE85F4F3EF4CC713CC2B95000FA741998558D268'
// generation hash of the connected network
const generationHash = 'ED5761EA890A096C50D3F50B7C2F0CCB4B84AFC9EA870F381E84DDE36D04EF16'
// create QR Code base64
const qrCode: ContactQR = QRCodeGenerator.createAddContact(name, accountPublicKey, NetworkType.MAIN_NET, generationHash);
// get base64 notation for <img> HTML attribute
const base64 = qrCode.toBase64();
Generate QRCode for a Mnemonic data
import { QRCodeGenerator, MnemonicQR } from '@dhealth/qr-library';
import { NetworkType } from '@dhealth/sdk';
import { MnemonicPassPhrase } from '@dhealth/hd-wallets';
// create a mnemonic and password.
const mnemonic = MnemonicPassPhrase.createRandom();
// generation hash of the connected network
const generationHash = 'ED5761EA890A096C50D3F50B7C2F0CCB4B84AFC9EA870F381E84DDE36D04EF16'
// create QR Code base64
const encryptedMnemonicQR: MnemonicQR = new MnemonicQR(mnemonic.plain, NetworkType.MAIN_NET, generationHash, 'password');
// or
const plainMnemonicQR: MnemonicQR = new MnemonicQR(mnemonic.plain, NetworkType.MAIN_NET, generationHash); // no password
// get base64 notation for <img> HTML attribute
const base64 = encryptedMnemonicQR.toBase64();
The produced Base64 encoded payload can be used to display the QR Code. An example of display can be done easily with HTML, as follows:
<img src="" alt="Transfer Transaction QR code" />
Generate QRCode for an Account Private Key
import { QRCodeGenerator, AccountQR } from '@dhealth/qr-library';
import { NetworkType } from '@dhealth/sdk';
const accountPrivateKey = 'F97AE23C2A28ECEDE6F8D6C447C0A10B55C92DDE9316CCD36C3177B073906978'
// generation hash of the connected network
const generationHash = 'ED5761EA890A096C50D3F50B7C2F0CCB4B84AFC9EA870F381E84DDE36D04EF16'
// create QR Code base64
const encryptedAccountQR: AccountQR = QRCodeGenerator.createExportAccount(accountPrivateKey, NetworkType.MAIN_NET, generationHash, 'password')
const plainAccountQR: AccountQR = QRCodeGenerator.createExportAccount(accountPrivateKey, NetworkType.MAIN_NET, generationHash) // no password
// get base64 notation for <img> HTML attribute
const base64 = encryptedAccountQR.toBase64();
Generate QRCode for a custom object
import { QRCodeGenerator, ObjectQR } from '@dhealth/qr-library';
import { NetworkType } from '@dhealth/sdk';
// define custom object to suit your application use case.
const object = {"obj": "test"};
// generation hash of the connected network
const generationHash = 'ED5761EA890A096C50D3F50B7C2F0CCB4B84AFC9EA870F381E84DDE36D04EF16'
// create QR Code base64
const qrCode: ObjectQR = QRCodeGenerator.createExportObject(object, NetworkType.MAIN_NET, generationHash);
// get base64 notation for <img> HTML attribute
const base64 = qrCode.toBase64();
Getting help
Use the following available resources to get help:
- dHealth Documentation
- Package Documentation
- Join the community on Discord
- If you found a bug, open a new issue
Contributions are welcome and appreciated. Check CONTRIBUTING for information on how to contribute.
Copyright (c) 2022-present, Grégory Saive for dHealth Network, All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0