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1.1.4 • Public • Published

Client for getNncIdentityExt service of KED

Client to connect EMEP service, useful for nextjs/nodejs projects.


import getIdentityExt from '@digigov-oss/get-nnc-identity-ext-client';

const test = async () => {
   const overrides = {
        auditInit: {
            auditUnit: 'grnet.gr',
        auditStoragePath: '/auditStorage',

    try {
        const Identity = await getIdentityExt("052704062", "username", "password",overrides);
         return Identity;
        } catch (error) {

test().then((identity) => { console.log('getNncIdentityExtOutputRecord',identity); });
  • you can use overrides to override the default values
  • for your tests, you don't need to use the overrides mecahnism,in that case, the default storage path will be used ie /tmp
  • look at KED standard guides for records you can use on auditInit" Also, you can use overrides to override the default storage engine.
import getIdentityExt from '@digigov-oss/get-nnc-identity-Ext-client';
import {PostgreSqlEngine} from '@digigov-oss/gsis-audit-record-db'; 
const test = async () => {
    try {
        const overrides = {
        auditEngine: new PostgreSqlEngine('postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres'),
        auditInit: {
            auditUnit: 'grnet.gr',
        const Identity = await getIdentityExt("052704062", config.user, config.pass, overrides);
        return Identity;
    } catch (error) {

test().then((identity) => { console.log('getNncIdentityExtOutputRecord',identity); });

Look at module AuditRecordDB for more details on how to use the AuditEngine.

If you plan to use only the FileEngine, you can skip the installation of other engines by ignoring optional dependencies. i.e. yarn install --ignore-optional


an object like the following:

  countryCode: 'GRC',
  countryDescr: 'Ελλάδα',
  addressStreet: 'Βενιζέλου Ελευθερίου',
  addressNumber: '86',
  addressCity: 'Αθήνα',
  telephone: '2101234567',
  countryCode2: 'GRC',
  countryDescr2: 'Ελλάδα',
  addressStreet2: 'Ιάσονος',
  addressNumber2: '14',
  addressCity2: 'Αθήνα',
  mobile: '6979114217',
  email: 'andreas-hal@hotmail.com',
  epikForeisFlag: '1',
  epidForeisFlag: '1',
  auditUnit: 'gov.gr',
  auditTransactionId: '52',
  auditProtocol: '1/2022-02-11',
  auditTransactionDate: '2022-02-11T08:39:50Z',
  auditUserIp: '',
  auditUserId: 'system'  

or an error message like:

{ message: 'Ο Α.Φ.Μ. δεν είναι καταχωρημένος' }

Available AFM for testing:

019285930, 052704062, 076509078

* Notes

you have to ask KED for notificationCenter_v_0.95 documentation to get more info about the output and error fields.

* known issues

KED advertises a wrong endpoint(!) for the getNncIdentityExt service on production WSDL. So, you have to use (override) the endpoint: https://ked.gsis.gr/esb/notificationCenterElementsService You can do that by setting the endpoint property on the overrides object.

const overrides = {
    endpoint: 'https://ked.gsis.gr/esb/notificationCenterElementsService',

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