
2.9.2 • Public • Published

Insig UI Library

This Component Library is a collection of Vue UI components for use in the development of Insig applications It was built with the intention of hastening development times, enabling reusability and to provide clarity for compositional decisions


This project requires NodeJS (16.3.0 or later) and NPM (7.15.1 or later)

To make sure you have these versions available on your machine, try running the following command

$ npm -v && node -v

Table of contents

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system


BEFORE YOU INSTALL: please read the prerequisites

Start with cloning this repo on your local machine:

$ git clone https://InsigTechnologies@dev.azure.com/InsigTechnologies/Insig%20UI%20Library/_git/insig-ui-library
$ cd insig-ui-library

To install and set up the library, run:

$ ./workspaces.install.sh

Note If you have issues with workspaces, please ensure you are using the correct versions of NodeJS and NPM


Serving the UI Library 'kitchen sink'

$ npm run complib:dev

Building a package distribution version

$ npm run complib:build

Note If you have issues with TSC module not found, please blow away node_modules and perform a clean install

This task will create a distribution version of the project inside your local packages/complib/dist/ folder

Publishing the distribution version

Note Before publishing please be sure to increment the version number correctly in packages/complib/package.json

$ npm run complib:publish

Note If you have issues with NPM authentication please ensure your project contains a valid .npmrc file with a valid token

Note this requires Building a package distribution version first

Serving Storybook

$ npm run storybook:start

Building Storybook

$ npm run storybook:build

Note You will most likely not need to run a manual build for Storybook as this should be managed by deployment pipelines


Please see documentation within the Storybook instance related to contribution specifics

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Add your changes: git add .
  4. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  5. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  6. Submit a pull request 😎


Remaining Tasks

  • Create component: InsigActionsDataTableCell
  • any magic strings -> define and export (check classes for colors or other string params eg. buttonType, iconType etc.)
  • double check / update props in components for all optionals and defaults
  • double check / update all args in SB components to reflect final props
  • complete documentation for all components
  • complete documentation for all services

Component and Documentation Status

Component Name Integrated Documented Comment
font-awesome-icon N/A Yes
Toast Service N/A Yes
Confirm Dialog Service N/A Yes
InsigApplication Yes Yes
InsigAvatar Yes Yes
InsigBreadcrumb Yes Yes
InsigButton Yes Yes
InsigButtonGroup Yes Yes
InsigDataTable Yes Yes
InsigDisplayField Yes Yes
InsigEmptyDataTableCell Yes Yes
InsigExpandablePanel Yes Yes
InsigFieldset Yes Yes
InsigFileUpload Yes Yes
InsigInput Yes Yes
InsigInputAutoComplete Yes Yes
InsigInputCalendar Yes Yes
InsigInputCheckbox Yes Yes
InsigInputDropdown Yes Yes
InsigInputIncrement Yes Yes
InsigInputMultiSelect Yes Yes
InsigInputNumber Yes Yes
InsigInputPassword Yes Yes
InsigInputRadioButtonGroup Yes Yes
InsigInputSwitch Yes Yes
InsigInputTextArea Yes Yes
InsigInputText Yes Yes
InsigLayout Yes Yes
InsigLegend Yes Yes
InsigLogin Yes No Not used for now
InsigMenuBar Yes Yes
InsigMenu Yes Yes
InsigMenuButton No No To do
InsigModal Yes Yes
InsigModalNotification Yes Yes
InsigModalProgress Yes Yes
InsigNotice Yes Yes
InsigPage Yes Yes
InsigPageNotAuthorized Yes Yes
InsigPageNotFound Yes Yes
InsigPanel Yes Yes
InsigPanelLoadError Yes Yes
InsigPanelLoadProgress Yes Yes
InsigProgressSpinner Yes Yes
InsigRouterLink Yes Yes
InsigSearchHeader Yes Yes
InsigSelectButton Yes Yes
InsigSideMenu Yes Yes
InsigTabPanelHeader Yes Yes
InsigTabView Yes Yes
InsigTag Yes Yes
InsigTimeline Yes Yes
InsigToolbarView Yes Yes
InsigTree Yes Yes
InsigTreeTable Yes Yes
InsigUserMenu Yes Yes

Built With

  • Vue 3
  • Vite
  • NPM Workspaces
  • PrimeVue
  • Sass
  • Typescript


  • Sam Barnett - Initial components work
  • Blake Simpson - Monorepo, packaging, components work and documentation
  • John Capt - Storybook components and documentation
  • Alyssa Booth - Storybook documentation


TODO Add license

Dependencies (22)

Dev Dependencies (2)

Package Sidebar


npm i @digital-terrain/digital-terrain-ui-library

Weekly Downloads






Unpacked Size

4.86 MB

Total Files


Last publish


  • jmortlock-dt
  • damiensutton
  • troy.grey