
1.5.0 • Public • Published

Note: Some of the links in this README file work better on the documentation site

@discordia/framework @discordia/framework


# install the module using npm
npm install @discordia/framework

# install the module using yarn
yarn add @discordia/framework

Kitchen Sink Example

const DiscordiaFramework = require('@discordia/framework');
// actions is an array of DiscordiaAction objects
const actions = require('./actions');
const options = {
  name: 'myBot',
  caseSensitiveName: false,
  missingCommandMessage: 'The command you tried to send was not available',
  help: 'You should probably configure a useful help message or leave the default',

const myBot = new DiscordiaFramework('DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN', actions, options);

// Set up the event listeners and log the bot in using the provided token


Every Discordia framework is made of three pieces: a token, an array of actions, and a set of optional options.



Your private Discord bot token. The token for your bot should be located at https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/{client-id}/bot (replace {client-id} with the Client ID of your Discord application) in a hidden field that you can reveal by clicking "Click to Reveal Token". This guide will help you make a new Discord bot if you have not done so before.

⚠️This token is a sensitive piece of information. DO NOT commit it with your source code. Regenerate it if it ever becomes compromised.⚠️



An array of DiscordiaAction objects. See our guide on how to use the @discordia/action module to create your own actions. You can also install them from third party modules.



The options object is prepopulated with overrideable defaults. More in-depth explanations of the available options are below.

Option Default
name undefined
caseSensitiveName false
missingCommandMessage "The command you typed is not available 🙁"
help @discordia/default-help


String - Default = undefined

Your discord bot will see all messages sent in a server you invite it to. By default, it will only respond when you @ the bot. If name is set then the bot will instead respond to any message that begins with a string matching name. By default this is not case sensitive but you can set caseSensitiveName to true if you want the name to be case sensitive.


Boolean - Default = false

Controls whether or not the bot name should be treated as if it is case sensitive. This field is ignored if name is not set.


String|Function - Default = "The command you typed is not available 🙁"

The message to send if a server member tries to ask the bot to do an action it does not know how to handle. You can either customize the string or provide a function to give a more involved response.


String|Function - Default = @discordia/default-help

The message to send if a server member tries to ask the bot for help. By default it will use @discordia/default-help to read your actions and send a response based on their accessors and descriptions. You can provide null to disable the help message or provide a custom DiscordiaAction to control what the message responds to and what it says.


🚧 Coming Soon! 🚧

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  • mfasman95