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0.1.0-pre.3 • Public • Published

@double-spent/sbtc-core 🧱

Integrate sBTC deposits and withdrawals with minimal configuration and an intuitive API.

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What's inside?

This package allows to easily implement sBTC deposits and withdrawals into Node.js apps and services. The provided functions and helpers provide an interface to the on-chain contracts deployed on mainnet, testnet, and devnet.


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Deposit BTC for sBTC

Depositing sBTC involves sending BTC over the Bitcoin network to the sBTC bridge and receive sBTC on the Stacks network. This can be achieved with the submitSbtcDeposit function, which creates a Bitcoin PSBT (partially-signed Bitcoin transaction) to send the specified amount and broadcasts it to the network.

submitSbtcDeposit is not tied to a particular wallet, so it requires the callback used to sign the PSBT to be passed in the arguments. The example below uses the Leather Wallet.

import { submitSbtcDeposit, SbtcNetwork } from '@double-spent/sbtc-core';

// Load user data from a connected wallet

const user = userSession.loadUserData();

const stacksAddress = user.profile.stxAddress.testnet;
const bitcoinAddress = user.profile.btcAddress.p2wpkh.testnet;
const bitcoinPublicKey = user.profile.btcPublicKey.p2wpkh;

// Define a callback to sign PSBTs with Leather

const signPsbt = async (request) => {
  return await (window as any).btc.request('signPsbt', request).result.hex;

const satsAmount = 5_000;
const network = SbtcNetwork.TESTNET;

// Submit the sBTC deposit

const btcTransactionHash = await submitSbtcDeposit({

// Print the transaction hash

console.log({ btcTransactionHash });

The submitSbtcDeposit function takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
satsAmount number The amount in satoshis to deposit.
stacksAddress string The sender's Stacks address where the sBTC will be sent.
bitcoinAddress string The sender's Bitcoin address where the BTC is deposited from.
bitcoinPublicKey string The sender's Bitcoin public key used to sign the deposit PSBT.
network SbtcNetwork The network to use.
feeRateTarget SbtcDepositFeeRate The target fee rate to use (low, medium, high).
signPsbt SbtcSignPsbtCallback The callback used to sign PSBTs before broadcasting the deposit.

Withdraw sBTC for BTC

Withdrawing BTC for sBTC involves sending sBTC over the Stacks network to the bridge and receiving BTC on the Bitcoin network. This requires two steps: to sign the withdrawal with a Stacks wallet and submit the withdrawal via a PSBT. The signSbtcWithdrawal and submitSbtcWithdrawal function are used to achieve both steps. submitSbtcWithdrawal works similar to submitSbtcDeposit but it takes the signature resulting from calling signSbtcWithdrawal.

signSbtcWithdrawal and submitSbtcWithdrawal are not tied to a particular wallet, so they require callbacks used to sign messages and sign the PSBT to be passed in the arguments. The example below uses the Leather Wallet.

Sign the withdrawal

import { openSignatureRequestPopup } from '@stacks/connect';
import { signSbtcWithdrawal, SbtcNetwork } from '@double-spent/sbtc-core';

// Load user data from a connected wallet

const user = userSession.loadUserData();
const bitcoinAddress = user.profile.btcAddress.p2wpkh.testnet;

// Define a callback to sign messages using Leather

const signMessage = async ({ message, stacksNetwork }) => {
  return await new Promise((resolve) => {
      network: stacksNetwork,
      onFinish: (data) => {

const satsAmount = 5_000;
const network = SbtcNetwork.TESTNET;

// Sign the sBTC withdrawal

const signature = await signSbtcWithdrawal({

// Print the transaction hash

console.log({ signature });

The signSbtcWithdrawal function takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
satsAmount number The amount in satoshis to withdraw.
bitcoinAddress string The sender's Bitcoin address where the BTC will be withdrawn.
signature string The signature authorizing the withdrawal.
network SbtcNetwork The network to use.
feeRateTarget SbtcDepositFeeRate The target fee rate to use (low, medium, high).
signMessage SbtcSignMessageCallback The callback used to sign the message.

Submit the withdrawal

import { submitSbtcWithdrawal, SbtcNetwork } from '@double-spent/sbtc-core';

// Load user data from a connected wallet

const user = userSession.loadUserData();

const bitcoinAddress = user.profile.btcAddress.p2wpkh.testnet;
const bitcoinPublicKey = user.profile.btcPublicKey.p2wpkh;

// Define a callback to sign PSBTs using Leather

const signPsbt = async (request) => {
  return await (window as any).btc.request('signPsbt', request).result.hex;

const satsAmount = 5_000;
const network = SbtcNetwork.TESTNET;

const signature = await signSbtcWithdrawal({
  // .. sign withdrawal args

// Submit the sBTC deposit

const btcTransactionHash = await submitSbtcWithdrawal({

// Print the transaction hash

console.log({ btcTransactionHash });

The submitSbtcWithdrawal function takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
satsAmount number The amount in satoshis to withdraw.
bitcoinAddress string The sender's Bitcoin address where the BTC will be withdrawn to.
bitcoinPublicKey string The sender's Bitcoin public key used to sign the withdrawal PSBT.
network SbtcNetwork The network to use.
signPsbt SbtcSignPsbtCallback The callback used to sign PSBTs before broadcasting the withdrawal.

Supported features

Feature Mode Status
sBTC Devnet ✅ Supported
sBTC Testnet ✅ Supported
sBTC Mainnet 🟡 Pending
Deposit sBTC OP_RETURN ✅ Supported
Withdraw sBTC OP_RETURN ✅ Supported
Deposit sBTC OP_DROP 🟡 Pending
Withdraw sBTC OP_DROP 🟡 Pending





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