
3.5.0 • Public • Published

Surf Me

The in-browser page runner.


  1. Include the script on every page that needs to be tested.
<script href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@dscribers/surf-me@latest/dist/surf-me.min.js"></script>
    'https://example.com', // Allowed origin to communicate with web page. * means all/any origin.
      // Configuration to be sent to the origin
  1. Follow the instructions of the parent/origin app.

How it works

How it works

  1. A main project creates a page with an iframe
  2. A sub-project creates a page or pages with the above script
  3. The main project loads the sub-project in the iframe
  4. The main project sends commands to the iframe
  5. SurfMe receives the commands and executes them on the iframe


The following commands are available for execution on the iframe page:

Method Params Description
checkAttrContains (string) selector, (string) attribute, (string) text Called to check if an element's attributes contains the given text
checkAttrIs (string) selector, (string) attribute, (string) text Called to check if an element's attribute is the same as the given text
checkExists (string) selector Called to check if an element exists on the page
checkIsOn (string) url Called to check if the page is on the given url
checkElementIs (string) selector, (string) display Called to check if an element is either visible or hidden
checkPageContains (string) selector, (string) text Called to check if the page contains the given text and the text is visible
checkTextContains (string) selector, (string) text Called to check if the element's text contains the given text
checkTextIs (string) selector, (string) text Called to check if element's text is matches the given text
checkValueContains (string) selector, (string) text Called to check if the element's value contains the given text
checkValueIs (string) selector, (string) text Called to check if the element's value matches the given text
doClick (string) selector Called to click on an element
doGoto (string) url Called to go to a url
doRefresh - Called to refresh the page
doSelect (string) selector, (string) value Called to select the given value in the given dropdown/select element.
doSet (string) selector, (string) value Called to set the given value into the element.
doSubmitForm (string) selector Called to submit the form with the given selector
doType (string) selector, (string) str, (integer) speed Called to type the given string in the given element at the given speed.


  // page on https://example.com
  const action = 'doType';
  const params = ['#some-element-selector', 300]
  const iframeDomain = 'https://iframe-domain.com'

  iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ action, params }, iframeDomain)

  // page on https://iframe-domain.com
  <script href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@dscribers/surf-me@latest/dist/surf-me.min.js"></script>




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  • ezraobiwale